Chapter 30: STOP

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Y/n's pov

I wake up with Noahs arms wrapped around me. I pull my arm out and tap on his head gently. I see his eyes flutter open. "Good morning sleepyhead" I say. He smiles "hey" he says in his raspy morning voice "What time is it?" "Ehhh, around 10 you hungry?" I ask him. "Starving" Noah replies. "Let's go get food then" I say as I untangle his arms from around me and hop out of bed. I walk downstairs and Noah follows. "What you wanna eat?" I say. "Pancakes!" Noah says happily. I laugh "kk". "STOP SAYING KK" Noah shouts. We both start laughing and I go over to the pantry. I walk in and grab the ingredients. I set them down on the counter. I bend down to the cupboard to get a mixing bowl. I get back up and see Noah sitting on a stool. "Thanks for you help" I say sarcastically.

He jumps up. "Sorryyy mom, will this be help?" Noah says. He jumps of the stool and takes out some flour. He throws it at me. "OH MY GOD YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THAT" I say. He starts laughing while I go over to the bow of eggs. I take one out and see Noah looking at me. "Uhhh y/n what are you doing with that? y/n? Y/N NO" he screams as I run over to him. He turns to run but I jump on his back and crack the egg on his head. "OH SHIT ITS RUNNING DOWN MY FACE Y/N IM GONNA KILL YOU!!" Noah screams. I jump off his back and run into the pantry and shut the door. Noah starts banging on the door. "IM GONNA GET YOU!" He shouts. "NO YOU CANT IM STRONGER THAN YOU!" I shout at him. "NO YOUR NOT" Noah shouts at me. He starts pushing the door in while I lean against it to stop it. "NOAH STOPPP" I scream. He pushes it open more while I struggle to keep it closed. He barges in. "NOOOO" I shout. I scream as I get a handful of flour in my face . I can taste A LOT of flour in my mouth so I spit it out. I forget Noah's in front of me so it lands on him. "Oops" I say sweetly. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWNNN" I say. He walks over to the couch and throws me on it. "HEY" I scream. He starts tickling me. I scream trying to get up. "STOP NO PLEASE" I shout. I kick my legs at him. He tickles me more. "NOOOO STOP NOAH OWWWW" I say. "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR SPITTING ON ME!" He says. Finallyyyy, after what feels like hours he stops tickling me.

"Ow now my everything hurts" I say. "Oops" He says trying to mock me. "Oh my god nowahhh" I say. "Oh my god y/nnnn" he mocks. "Stop itt" I whine. "Stop it" he whines in a girly voice. "Ugh" I say as I get up off the couch and stomp back into the kitchen area. He follows me in. I start cleaning the counter from the egg and flour. I feel Noah hug me from behind. "Hey don't be mad at me babe" he says. I wip around and kiss him. "I'm not" I say after we pull apart.

We make the pancakes and eat them outside. "Hey you know you still got egg shells in your hair" I tell him. "Yeah I know and you still have flour alll over your face" He replies "Ugh I gotta have a shower" I complain. "Me too" he says. "Ima have one first" I say. "Not If I get there first" Noah says as he jumps up and runs inside. "HEY NO FAIR ITS MY HOUSE" I shout at him as I run inside. "Oh well you snooze ya loose" he says as he runs up the stairs. I follow him up but as I get to the top Noah shuts the door of the bathroom. "Shit" I mutter to my self as i sit next to the door.

Noah finally comes out with a towel wrapped around him. I look up "took you long enough" I sigh as I walk past him and shut the door. I take my shower and wrap a towel around me. I walk into my room and see Noah sitting on the bed dressed. "Yo this is my room get out I head to change" I say to him. "I can watch you" he says. "NOAH GET OUTTT" I say as I push him out the door. I change into this:

I walk downstairs to see Noah cleaning the kitchen

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I walk downstairs to see Noah cleaning the kitchen. "Awww Thanks" I say. I help him finish up cleaning and putting the stuff away. "Okay I think it's time to go to your house now" I say reluctantly. "This is the part I've been dreading" he says sadly. I put my arm on his "Hey it's okay, we're together again so your mom won't be too mad about that and she'll probably be more worried then mad about the fight" I assure him. "But she's gonna know I lied to her about staying at bens" he says. "Who cares? Cmon, I promise it'll be fine" I say. I grab his hand and we walk out the door. I lock it and we start walking down to Noah's house. I can tell he's nervous. I squeeze his hand and look at him. "Don't be worried okay? I'll be there and Chloe probably will" I tell him. "Yeah your right" He says.

We finally reach the door. I knock on it and Chloe answers in her pajamas. She looks down and sees me and Noah holding hands. "Oh no... you guys fucked didnt you?" Chloe says. "WHAT NO" we both say. "Good" She says as she winks at me. I give her a dirty look "well come in" she says as she turns around. We walk in to see karine sitting on the couch. She looks over. "Oh y/n! How are you doing? Oh! Your with... Noah" She says. "Yeah, we um talked through things but there's more important things to talk about" I say. "Like what?" She says looking concerned. Karine walks over to us. "Oh noah what happened to your face?!" She says. "Noah was in a fight and we didn't want to tell you last night because we thought you would get mad at him and he actually stayed at y/n's house but please don't get mad because he needed somewhere to stay Sorry mom" Chloe says quickly. "Woah woah woah slow down, Noah you were in a fight?!" She asks. "Yeah..." Noah says as he looks down. "With who!? And why?!" She questions Noah. "With Aaron, he got really mad that I cheated on y/n and wouldn't let me go" he says. "Oh noah....." she was looking disappointed. "I'm sorry mom" he says. I look over and see tears in his eyes. He breaks and starts crying. Karine comes over and hugs him. "No no shhhh don't cry honey it'll be okay" Karine says. Noah looks up at his mom. "You hate me don't you?" He asks her. "Of course not! Noah Cameron Schnapp I will never hate you, but we gotta call the cops" she reassured him. "Okay..." He says. He gets up and I put my arm around him. "It's gonna be okay noah" I say. Chloe hugs him. "I'm sorry this happened to you nono" she says. I join in on the hug. "Me too" I say.

Hello peeps happy holloweennnn (well it's Halloween where I live rn it's 1:05am lmaooo anyway ima update tomorrow so yeah byeeee 🙈🙈

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