Chapter 27: chlo

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Y/n's pov

I stare out of the window of moms car. I watch all of the cars drive by, speeding down the road. My eyes are red and puffy. "Sooo..... are you gonna tell me what happened?" Mom asks me. "Not yet" I mumble. "That's fine sweetie, it's the last week so you can take the week off if you want to, that sound good?" She tells me. "Yes" I say quietly as we drive home.

Once mom opens the door I go up to my room and shut it. I flop down onto my bed and let out a big sigh. I look over to my pillow and see my teddy from when I was little. I've had it my whole life and everytime I was confused or stressed... or something I'd talk to it. I know, sounds stupid but it comforts me. "What am I gonna do?" I ask it. It lays still. "Well you aren't gonna tell me anyway" I say as I sit up and get my phone. I check through my phone. More missed calls and texts from noah.... then I see a voicemail from a different number. I check the voicemail:

"Hey y/n, it's Chlo. Look I know you don't want to talk to me right now and I get that. Noah is a jerk for doing that but I wanted to tell you I had no idea he was going there. He didn't even tell me about the project. If he told I wouldn't of let him go. I promise. I miss you and I want to know if your Okay. Please call me or text me or anything. Bye"

I do miss Chloe I think to myself. She has always been there for me. Even before Noah got stranger things when we weren't friends as much she still checked on me if I scraped my knees or something like that. We have always had a connection. I check the time. 10:47. Great. I just decide to take a nap until Chloe gets back from school.

I wake up. I look at the click on the dresser. 3:19 Chloe should be at home now. I jump of my bed. I honestly feel a lot better knowing that my best friend still cares about me. i put on my converse and go downstairs. "What you up to?" Mom asks. "I'm gonna go see Chloe" I tell her. "Where are you meeting her" she asks. "Umm I'm gonna go to her house" I say. "Are you sure, what if-" Mom says but I cut her off. "Mom, it'll be fine, I promise" I assure her "I might be back late though i don't know yet". "Alright well, have fun" she says. "Bye mom" I say as I walk out the door.

I reach their house. This is gonna be hard.. I think to myself. I walk up the driveway and knock on the door. I step back and hope it's not noah. I hear the door opening. "Hey y/n ! How are you?" Karine says cheerfully. He obviously hasn't told her yet. What a dickhead "I'm- im good, could be better" I struggle to say while trying to look happy. "Awww is everything alright?" She questions. "Oh yeah! Just- um- a lot of homework you know" I reply quickly. "On the last week of school. God those teachers... anyway who you hear to see?" She asks me. "Uh- um Chloe" I stutter out. "Well she's in the living room why don't you go into her" Karine tells me as she gestures me in. "Okay thank you" I say as I walk past her into the living room.

I quietly enter the room and see Chloe scrolling on her phone. She looks up and sees me. She immediately frowns. "Oh y/n......." she says as she gets up and immediately hugs me. I squeeze her tight. "Hey chlo" I whisper. "Let's go" She says as she grabs my hand and pulls me to the stairs. We go up them and walk past the bathroom. Just then the bathroom door opens and the door opens. Noah walks out and bumps into me. I jump back and jump into Chloe. "Noah go away" Chloe says to Noah. He looks at me for a couple of seconds in shock and then quickly walks into his room and shuts the door.

Chloe drags me into her room. We both sit in the bed. "Y/n I'm so so sorry" she says. I look down "it's fine" I mumble. "No it's not fine y/n he was your best friend for 16 years and your boyfriend for 1 you shouldn't just brush it off." Chloe tells me. "It's fine, really Chloe, I'm fine" I tell her. "Really?" She says as she looks at me. I look up and stare into her eyes. She gives me a worried look and I can't hold it in anymore. "No....." I say as the tears fall. She holds me tight as a cry. "Shhhh it's be okay y/n. I promise." She whispers to me as she rocks me.

Finally after I calm down a bit Chloe lets go of me. "D-did you t-tell your m-mom yet?" I ask her. "No, I'm sorry I thought Noah was gonna but he's too much of a pussy to own up." She tells me. I laugh. "What? You think it's funny I called Noah a pussy-well he is" she says as we both laugh. "You know what if he won't tell her then we will." Chloe says. "Wait what- no" I say. "Yes y/n he needs to own up to his own mother so we'll do it for him." Chloe says to me "cmon we're going now". "Chlo... i don't know" I say. "No y/n you do know it's the right thing to do cmon. She says. "But- your ratting out your own brother." I tell her. "So? He broke my best friend. Noah deserves it. Now we're going." She says as she grabs my hand and pulls me off the bed.

She walks down stairs while I go down slowly. Karine is in the kitchen making dinner. "Mom" Chloe calls out. "Yes hon" Karine says. "Umm y/n has something she wants to tell you" Chloe says. I give her a dirty look and look back at Karine. "Y/n what's wrong, Wait- have you been crying?" Karine says to me. A tear falls as I nod. "What happened y/n tell me. Is there something wrong at home?" She asks me. "No- it's just that- um well.... I saw Umm Noah" I stutter. "What did you see noah do?" Karine asks looking worried. "I- I saw Noah.... cheating on me" I spit out. Karine looks shocked. "What?! When was this y/n?" She asks. "2 days ago..." I say. "Are you sure?" Karine asks me. "Yes mom she's sure. She saw Noah making out with Becca." Chloe interrupts. "Becca Daly?" Karine says. I nod. "Oh my god. Y/n... I'm so sorry" she says as she pulls me into a hug. I hug her for a while. shes kinda been like a second mom to me.Just then we hear someone at the top of the stairs. I let go and we all look up. "Noah Cameron Schnapp" Karine says angrily. Noah slowly starts walking down. "Well we're gonna go now mom. Bye" Chloe says as she pulls me away. She pulls me out the door.

Hey guys so I already know what I'm doing for the next chapter so ima do another chapter tonight so yeah byeeee

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