Chapter 24: why

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Y/n's pov
It's been a couple of weeks since the emmys. The whole "passing out" thing has blown over, finally, and it's now summer (btw let's say the emmys are like late spring/ early summer hehehe) I was staring out the window when I heard my name being called. "Y/n? Can you tell me the answer to question 5?" Ms. Holland said (a/n sorry I was watching spider-man today emdkfkelsoskis)
I look up "oh ummm I wasn't..... listening ". "I know you weren't, now class, take out your note books and take this down....." ms. Holland goes on. Finally the bell rings. It's the last Monday before summer starts so everyone rushes out the door. "Have a good night!" Ms.Holland shouts. I run outside and run up to Noah, Chloe and Sam. Hey guys!" I say. Noah kisses me. "Hi!" He says. "You guys ready to go?" Chloe says. "Wait, we need to wait for Julia, Jenna, Ben, Ava, Aaron and Alex." Sam says. "Oh yeah ahahah I forgot." Chloe reply's. After a while everyone comes out and we head over to the parking lot. Noah, Chloe, Julia, Sam and I head over to sams car while everyone else goes in Jenna's. Chloe and Sam get into the front. I climb over Noah to get into the middle of Julia and him. We drive off following Jenna.

A couple of minutes later we come close to the beach. "Ooohhh! We're here!" I squeal. "I can't wait!" Julia says. When the car stops we all hop out of the car and walk over to the rest. "Cmon lets gooo I wanna go swimming." Ben groans. "Okay be patient child Jesus" Ava says and we all laugh. We head down the path to the beach and put our stuff down. We lay our towels on the sand and sit down. We talk for a while until Ben runs down to the water. "What are you doing?" Ava shouts. "Swimming!" He replies as he takes of his top and runs into the water. The rest of us all look at each other and scramble up. We take off our clothes (you're wearing bathing suits under btw) and all run into the ocean.

We splash around in the water for a while until we see who can dive the furthest. Suddenly I see Noah and Sam swimming over to the rocks. "Where are you going?" I call out to them. "We're jumping off the rocks." Sam replies. We all swim over to them and climb up onto the rocks. I stand over near Noah and see him staring at me. "What?" I say. "Let's jump together" Noah replies. "Okay" I say as I grab his him "3..........2.......-" "ONE" Noah shouts as he pulls me off the rocks with him. I scream as we drop down into the water. I bob my head back up and see Noah coming over to me. He puts his hand round my waist and pulls me closer and kisses me. I kiss back. Then I feel a massive splash over my face. I turn around and everyone has jumped. Their heads bob back up one by one and we climb up and jump off a couple of more times.

After a while we get tired of swimming and decide to get something to eat. We get out of the water and dry ourselves. I put one of Noah's hoodies over me and we all go to the restaurant near the beach. We sit outside on the bench and all get our food. We eat it and talk for ages. "Let's go get ice cream!" Chloe suggests. "Okay!" Julia says and we all pay and head over to the ice cream parlor. We get our ice cream and walk back to the beach and sit down on the sand. The sun has started to set so we watch it go down.

I lean my head on Noah's shoulder and stare at the sunset. I realize that my life is perfect...... I have the perfect family..... friends..... boyfriend.... career..... life i take so much for granted while some people in the world don't even have food....

We sit there for a while just vibin ya know until Noah says "guys I gotta go... mom said I have to clean to shed. I'll see you tomorrow" "oh ok bye Noah" I say. He kisses me on the cheek and stands up. "Wait Noah who's collecting you?" Chloe says. "Mom" Noah replies he then grabs his bag and sets off. I turn around and see him getting in a white Jeep. Oh they must have gotten a new car
After a while we all decide to head home. Sam drops me home and I go into the door. "Hey mom I'm home!" I shout. "Hey y/n you want dinner?" Mom calls from the kitchen. I walk in and say "nah I'm good we went to a restaurant I think I'm just gonna take a shower." "Okay, but after that can you go to the grocery store and pick up some bread and carrots since I need some for tomorrow." Mom says. "yeah that's fine I'll be like half an hour." I reply and walk upstairs and take a shower. I put on one of Noah's hoodies and some leggings. I tie my hair up and put on some shoes. I walk downstairs and shout "mom I'm going to the store now" "ok see you later" she says.

I walk out the door and continue down the sidewalk. The stores only like a couple of blocks away so it's easier to walk. I walk past Noah and Chloe's house and out of the neighborhood until I reach the park. I go through the park because it's quicker and get to the store i walk up through the car pack and my heart stops. I see Becca and Noah....... kissing. His arms are around Becca's waist while Becca is all up in his hair. I step back and bump into a car. The car honks and I jump back which also causes Becca and Noah to stop.... and look at me. Tears flood down my cheeks. Noah locks eyes with me. His eyes open wide. "Why?" I whisper as I sprint away.


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