Chapter 22: and the winner is....

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(A/n: UM EXCUSE ME- THIS STORY IS NO.1 ON NOAH SCHNAPP OMGGGGGGG and we got 1.5k reads thank you sm xoxo)

Y/n's pov
After the long ride to the venue, we finally reach it. I look out the window and see hundreds of paparazzi. Oh god.... there's also a lot of limos and people behind fences to keep them away. I look at Noah "um there's a lot of people out there" i tell him. "Y/n don't worry I promise it's gonna be fine" he tells me. "What exactly do I have to do again?" I ask him. "Well you walk out of the limo looking gorgeous as usual and then take a couple of pictures. You go through the door over there and we do a couple of interviews and meet people and then we go to the common rooms to get fully ready and finally we go to the awards ceremony and after more paparazzi" he blurts out. "Oh yeah that's totally easy" I say sarcastically. "Y/n, Noah its time to go" Sadie says. "Okay" Noah replies. He takes me hand and squeezes it. Then a guy opens the limo door and one by one the cast gets out. I hear a lot of screams and shouts outside. Finally it's me and Noah's turn to get out. He gets out first and then takes my hand again and pulls me out.

I look up to see cameras flashing in my face and many people screaming. I wave awkwardly at the fans and follow millie and Sadie to the door. Noah and I walk hand in hand while taking a couple of pictures here and there. When we reach the door I turn around and quickly blow a kiss at the crowd. They go crazy again and Noah and I walk through the door. The security guards stand close to us while we walk over to the main entrance.

I look over to the large hallway with the red carpet and see many people in dresses and suits talking to reporters and fans. "We're going there next" Noah whispers into my ear. "Okay" I say as I clutch onto him for dear life. We walk through he hallways entrance and wave. I follow noah to each reporter mostly because I'm too scared to go on my own. We do a couple of interviews by ourselves and also with some of the cast and talk more to fans. Thankfully we finally go into the common room to let our parents and to touch up on our make up and stuff. I immediately go over to the couch and sit down as I feel dizzy. Gaten sits down next to me "nervous?" He asks me. "Y-yeah" I stutter out. "I promise it's fine right now we are gonna see loads of your favorite celebrities that's fun right!" Gaten tells me. I smile at him "Yes". "Okay cmon ma lady" Gaten says as he puts out his arm. I link it and say "why thank you my kind sir". We both laugh and walk over to everyone else. We talk for a while- well everyone else does I'm to anxious to talk.

Suddenly a couple of security guards come in and tell us it's time to go. I go over to Noah and we walk into the extravagant ballroom. Up at the top is a stage while all around us is many, many tables. I look around and see sooooo many celebrities but I still look out for zendaya. I couldn't see her. One of the security guards show us to our tables. Noah,Millie,Sadie,caleb,Gaten,finn,priah, Winona, David, the duffers and I were sitting at one table while the others were sitting at another. I flop down in between Noah and Sadie.

I stare up at the massive gold chandelier hanging above us when I hear someone says. "Hey noah! How are you?" I look down and see zendaya staring right at Noah. My jaw drops. "Hey zendaya I'm good how are you? Congrats on the nomination!" Noah replies. "Awww Thanks so much noah that's so sweet ; oh you must be Noah's girlfriend y/n! You were amazing in stranger things". Zendaya says as she stares at me. "I- I Omg I can't believe you- you're talking to me" I blurt our. Zendaya laughs. "Oh um hi um thank you" I try and spit out but I'm so star stuck I can't talk. "She's shy" Noah tells zendaya. "Aww well I hope you win tonight y/n" she says. "Thank you so much zendaya I hope you win too" I finally spit out. "Well guys I better get going it was nice talking to you noah and nice meeting you y/n!!" Zendaya says as she hugs both of us. "Bye!" Noah says. "Uh- Bye" I try to say. She walks away smiling at us.

"Did that just happen?!" I whisper scream to Noah. "Yes y/n, Yes it did" Noah says excitedly. I jump up and down on my seat until Noah grabs my shoulders. "Woah! Calm down cmon I wanna go meet more people" Noah says. He pulls me up and we walk around the room. After about thirty minutes we sit back down. I sit down shaking because I just talked to like, 50 famous people who are all amazing actors. Noah looks at me. "Aww you're shaking".

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