Chapter 21: carrie

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Y/n's pov
I wake up to the sound of my stupid alarm. Then I remember. The emmys are today. I immediately get up and throw my hair into are messy bun. I still have Noah's hoodie on and some sweatpants eh I say to myself. I go over to my bed and grab my phone and text Noah.
Are you up??
Ye were all down in the food hall about to eat breakfast just waiting on you and finn ahahah come down xx
Kk I'll be down in a sec xo

I put in my sliders and go down to the food hall. I see most of the cast and parents on one massive table. Noah looks at me and gestures to come over. I walk over to him and sit next to him. He kisses me on the cheek and hugs me. "Morning gorgeous" He says. "Morning Schnapp" I say. mom comes over at says "y/n when did you get that hoodie?". "Oh.. um... this one? Oh yeah I got that from ehh dinner" I tell her. "I'm watching you y/n" she says and she walks away. "What was all that?" millie says (Enola Holmes came out today btw and it was so good omfg) I whisper to her " I went to Noah's room last night and I think my mom knows" "ahaha omg y/n" Millie replies. Then finn finally comes down from his room. "Finn where were you?" Gaten asks him. "I was trying to sleep because SOMEONE was in my room making loads of noise last night" finn replies. "Ughhh shut up finn I was only there for like 30 minutes" I say. "Still" He says as he sits down next to Sadie. We finally order our breakfast and we eat it.

After breakfast I shower quickly and wrap myself in a robe. I head over to the rooms where we are getting ready. All the girls are in one while the boys are in another. I arrive to see Sadie Chloe and Natalia huddle over one of their phones laughing at a tiktok. I go over to them "y/n!" Natalia says. "Hey boos ahah" I reply. Suddenly a couple of stylists come in the room as well as Winona, maya, priah and cara. We all stand there in our pajamas and laugh at each other. "I guess we're ready let's go!" Maya says. The stylists each take one of us over to a chair. "Hi nice to meet you y/n I'm Carrie!" The stylist that brought me over says. "So nice to meet you too!" I say. "Okay I'm gonna show you the dress I was thinking about what you should wear as it will really suit you" Carrie says as she walks over to a massive wardrobe. She flicks through all of the dress bags until she finds the one she was looking for. "Okay close your eyes" she tells. "Kk" I say excitedly. I hear her zip open the bag and Millie gasp "oh my god it's so nice!" Millie gushes. I get even more excited. "Alright y/n open your eyes!" I hear Carrie say. I open my eyes and look around. I see a dress on a manikin in front of the big ass mirror. I gasp

"It's- wow it's gorgeous" I say at a loss for words

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"It's- wow it's gorgeous" I say at a loss for words. "You like it?" Carrie asks me. "YES YES 100 TIMES YES" I scream. "Well I'll take that for a yes so" Carrie laughs "alrighty I better start on your hair and make up. She curls my hair and puts in two fishtail braids like this:

 She curls my hair and puts in two fishtail braids like this:

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"I love it thank you!" I tell Carrie. "No problem hon!" Carrie says. "Okay final step. Make up" Carrie says. She puts some lilac eyeshadow on my lids and does the rest natural. I then wait for everyone else to be ready but it doesn't take that long. We all get up for a group photo. Millie, Sadie and I wrap our arms around each other. Then finally I ask maya to take a photo of Carrie and I. "Thank you so much I love it" I tell her. "Awww no problem call me if you ever need me again!" Carrie says as she winks at me.

We head down to the lobby to meet everyone else. We all squeeze into the elevator trying not to ruin our dresses and burst out the doors when they open. We all walk into the lobby like the baddest bitches in the world. We all walk over to the boys. Noah comes over to me gauping. "Oh my god y/n... you look.... majestic" Noah stutters out. I laugh at him "well you do too noah" I say as I kiss him on the cheek. We link arms and walk over to our parents. "We'll meet you there in the common room Okay? Then after the interviews we'll meet you at the table." Mom says to me. "Yeah sure Okay" I say. "You nervous y/n?" Karine asks me. "Well.... Yeah but I'll be fine" I say to karine but mostly myself. "Noah you out for her out there Okay?" Mom says to Noah. "I promise" Noah says. We walk back over and talk with everyone until the limo arrives. "Y/n don't forget about the paparazzi outside, just be nice and ignore any personal questions Okay?" Winona tells me. " okay thanks Winona." I say nervously. She gives me a hug. "You'll be fine I promise" she says as she squeezes me tight. Noah takes my hand and squeezes it. "Ready to go?" He asks me. "Yes" I say with a deep breath. We walk towards the door and I can already see the cameras flashing. Someone open the door first and suddenly I hear fans screaming and cameras clicking how did they know we were at this hotel. No one said anything right? People scream our names as we walk past. I see one girl screaming my name at the front. I go over to her "hey" I say to her. "OH MY GODH HIIIII Y/N I LOVE YOU SO MYCH CAN I PLEASE GET A PICTURE" she screams. "Ummm sure" I say. She takes out her phone and takes a photo of us. "I got to go now thank you bye" I say her quickly as I rush over to Noah. "Can we go to the limo now?" I whisper into his ear. "Oh yeah sure cmon" he says as we walk over to the door of the limo. We wave at everyone before we get in. We go in and sit down. "Are you sure your ok y/n?" Noah asks me. "Yeah I'm just a little shooken up I've never down something like that before. "It's okay hey, look at me and control your breathing" Noah says. I try to slow down my breathing. Noah hugs me and holds me close. "Your Okay" Noah tells me.
A/n the next chapter will be the emmys Okay byersssss

The boy I fell in love with/ Noah schnapp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now