Chapter 12: happy screams ;)

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(Dw it's not why u think lmao so yeah enjoy 💖🤭😹)

Y/n's pov
It's been about 3 weeks since I went to la to audition for season 4. Me and Noah have been frantically waiting for the call. We have been trying to do as many things to get our minds of it like swimming, going to the beach, skating and stuff like that but every time someone mentions stranger things the fears keep rushing back.

Noah, Chloe and I were in the middle of watching spider man far from home when my mom screamed. Noah and I looked at each other and ran downstairs. We ran into the sitting room and see my mom jumping up and down. "Y/N YOU GOT IT YOU GOT THE PART!!!!!" She screams. Tears stream down my eyes as we both start screaming. Chloe runs into the room and starts to scream aswell, even though she has no idea what is going on. I can see tears in Noah's eyes and I go over to him and hug him. Tears drip onto my shoulders as he whispers into my ears "I knew you could do it". Chloe still looks confused so she stares at me with a confused face. "I got the part Chlo" I tell her. She starts screaming again and gives me the biggest hug I think one of my lungs popped out.

Mom let Noah and Chloe stay over so we order pizza and watch stranger things since we are so excited. At around 4am I look over at Chloe. She's 100% asleep but she's drooling. I tap Noah on the shoulder. "Noah look at Chloe" I say while I whisper. We both turn to look at her and start laughing. She moves and we both go silent for a while until we realized she was still asleep so we started laughing again but whispering. We talk fo me a while until I feel myself drifting in and out from the conversations. I lay my head on Noah's shoulder and he puts his arms around me and we drift off to sleep.

I wake up and move Noah's arm of my hand. I reach over and grab my phone to check the time. 9:37 I try to pry myself free from Noah's arms and head downstairs. I see my dad reading the paper."hey dad" I say to him "hi sweetie have a good sleep?" "Yeah I guess" I tell him as I grab a bowl and pour some lucky charms into it. "I can't wait to see you star in season 4" he says "awww thanks dad" I grab the milk from fridge and pour it into the bowl. I go over and give my dad a hug. "See you later dad" "bye love" he says while I walk upstairs. I go into my room and see Noah and Chloe watching tik toks. I sit on the chair by my desk and ask them "do you guys wanna get breakfast?". "Ok sure" Noah says. "Ughh I can't i need to go to tennis practice right now but I'll see you later bye guys" Chloe says as she jumps of the bed and walks out the door. Noah comes of the bed too and grabs me spoon out of my hand. "Hey!" I say. He takes a spoonful of lucky charms and eats them. "Thanks for the breakfast y/n" he says smiling. "Ugh omg how can you be so annoying and cute at the same time" i tell him. I jump off my chair and head to the bathroom to change.

I get changed and Noah and I head to Starbucks. We order our drinks and sit outside. "Y/n I have to tell you something" Noah says with a serious look in his face. "Uh oh" I say. "No it's nothing bad it's just..... i think we should go public, like tell the fans that we're dating. I mean since you are gonna be in stranger things people are gonna know who you are and I don't want this to blow up on our faces but I wanted to tell you first so? What do you think?" Noah asks me. "Of course we can go public Noah I don't mind." I tell him. Noah smiles at me "great so do you wanna do it now or....". "Yes let's do it now" I tell him. "Ok but wait, how do we do this?" Noah asks. "I don't know , a tiktok maybe?" I tell him. "Yeah that sounds good and i know exactly what to do." Noah tells me as he gets up and places his phone on a ledge. He chooses the sound and puts on the timer. "Y/n get in the tiktok quick!" He shouts at me. I run over and hear "electric love" playing. Ohhhhhh I see how this is going when it says electric love he smashes his lips into mine and I kiss back. We kiss for a bit more longer after the tiktok is done but once we break apart we run over to see how it looks. It looks fine so Noah posts it. He adds a caption "meet my gf : @y/u/n sorry I kept this in for a while but it was for privacy reasons hope you can understand ❤️" he presses post and we see his notifications going crazy. He turns off his phone and we sit down and start talking about season 4 again.

Once we are finished our drinks we go back to our houses. I take a shower and put my hair into Dutch braids. I then go bring my dog for a walk in the park. Julia asked me to come over to her house at 12 so I go home and get my bike. I rode over to her house and we hang out for a while. We then go get slurpees from 7/11 and drink them until we get brain freeze. When I get home I fall asleep instantly and think about what an amazing day it was.

A/n hey guys sorry I wasn't that active but I will be a bit more btw I want this book to be kinda a happy book so that's why there aren't many plot twists but I have some good chapters coming soon but I'm just tryna grow the story line lr whatever so see you later byerrssssssssss 🔥✨💖💵💅

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