Chapter 4 : the auditions

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Y/n's pov
I can't sleep. What happened today was just.... amazing. Noah actually called me pretty AND ALMOST KISSED ME OMGGG. Wait, what time is it? I check my phone, it's 1:29, ughhhhh I go back to the home screen and check my emails. Well I have nothing to do so... I then see an email for my school.
To: y/
Hello, y/n
As you know I'm ms.bells head of the drama production,as you are probably aware you have signed up to audition for this years school production Cinderella! I have sent you a link for pieces of the script. Depends on what part you are auditioning for you choose the script that is for the part and then learn it. As you can see from the scripts Cinderella and Prince Charming will have their audition together so if you are going to try out for one of those parts please find a partner. The auditions will be held tomorrow at 7pm in the auditorium. You are allowed read from the scripts but please try your hardest! Good luck!

Immediately i get a text from Noah
Today 1:34am
Hey are u up?
Ya I couldn't sleep 😂
Are U auditioning tomorrow??
Ya I acc am. Hbu?
Ye I'm going for Prince Charming, who u goin for?
Oof idk
U should go for Cinderella u would be amazing
Ummmm idk. U know what fuck it I'll do it
Wanna do it together?
Ok, we could meet at lunch and practice?
Sounds good, night 💚
Night night Noah 😂💜

*The next day at lunch*
I wait for Noah by his locker after my class he shows up a couple of minutes later and we start walking to the garden because it's more quieter
"You're totally gonna get the part" I tell Noah. He smiles "thanks so will you". I give him a confused face "Noah we both know that's not true". "Yes it is I saw you in our fifth grade show, you were the best Dorothy in the wizard of oz I've ever seen" I start laughing "that was fifth grade Noah, not broadway". Noah replies "still... I was mesmerized by your acting ahhahah"

We walk towards a bench and sit down. For about half an hour we go over and over the lines until finally we start eating out lunch. Noah takes out a pack of skittles. " you want some?"He asks. "Sure". He hands me couple and I chew them. He looks over my shoulder and says "oh god..." "What is it? I ask. I turn around and see becca walking over with lily "heyyyyy guys" Becca says. Her voice sounds like really familiar. Waitttt she was the one who called me a slut the other day ughhh I can't be dealing with the shit right now. I role my eyes. "Oh um hey Becca, hey lily" Noah says "we're actually a bit busy right now so if yo-" Becca cuts Noah off and completely ignores me "sooooo I saw you too hanging out the other day are you officiall or...". "We're not dating" I say " what was that? Oh your not if I'm sooo sorry I didn't mean to make things awkward. Anyway Noah do u wanna be my auditioning partner, I'm going for Cinderella and would really need help from a well you know.. a professional"
"Sorry Becca I cant I'm auditioning with y/n" Noah says. "Awwww that's too bad well do you wanna come get pizza tomorrow with me lily and jake?" Becca asks. "I can't sorry, I'm busy" Noah replies.
"Oh that's a shame well see you tomorrow byeeee" Becca says as she rolls her eyes. As soon as she walks away me and Noah burst out laughing. "Oh my god who does she think she is ahahah" I say. "I just can't shake her off me jeez, get the message ahahahah" Noah replies.

A couple of hours later I meet Noah near the auditorium. My hands are shaking I'm so nervous. "Hey" Noah says from behind me, I jump "omg Noah you scared me!". "Oops sorry I didn't know you were that jumpy". "I'm not I'm just... nervous, this is my first proper audition for something unlike you" I tell him. "Your right c'mon let's go". We both run into the auditorium and sign in. One of the seniors tell us to go into the dressing room and wait until we are called. Noah and I grab some seats next to one of Noah's friends Julia, and Chloe. We start running over the lines again and again until we are called.

"Y/n and Noah?" One of the seniors call out." That's us" Noah says as we both jump up. He's not even nervous, probably because he's used to it, but me on the other hand I'm a NERVOUS WRECK. I'm gonna not get the part omg Noah will 100% get it but I won't I'm just gonna fall or mess up the lines or- "Hey y/n cmon we gotta go on" Noah says. I snap back to reality "ya sure, coming". "You ready?" Noah asks. "Umm I'll probably mess up but other than that ya" I reply.

We walk out onto the stage. The spotlights are blinding me. "Ahhh y/n and Noah! How are you? I'm guessing you both are auditioning for Cinderella and Prince Charming" ms.bells asks us. "Yes we are" Noah tells her. "All right well whenever you are ready you may begin" ms.bells tells us.
(Cinderella/you is normal font and Prince Charming/Noah is bold btw I'm just making this up so pretend this is what they say 😂)

Why hello my, I must say you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen

Why thank you Prince Charming and you also look ravishing this fine evening

Say, would you care for a dance?

Why,I would be honored

*you and Noah do a couple of steps that are in the script while the music plays until the sound effects guy plays the clock sound*

Oh, my would you look at the time I must go

Wait, ms don't go the ball isn't finished

Goodbye prince but I'm afraid I have to leave

But I don't even know your name-
*you run off the stage with one of your shoes falling of on the way of the stage*
(Back to your pov)

I come back onto the stage and stand near Noah. "Well that was fantastic the both of you, well done!" Ms.bells tells us "we will have the cast list tomorrow so please check the list outside the cafeteria after lunch and thank you guys for coming". We both say thank you and walk of the stage. We get out of the auditorium when Noah says "you were amazing omg y/n I knew you were amazing but it I didn't know you were that amazing!" I start blushing "thanks Noah you were super great too". "Hey I'm really bored wanna go get ice cream?" Noah asks "sure let's go". We both start running towards the ice cream parlor hand in hand, and talk for ages while sharing a Sunday. Then Noah walks me home and i say bye to him.

"Hey mom I'm home" I say. "hi y/n, did Noah just walk you home?" Mom says "yeah he did but he's gone home now" I reply "I see you guys are talking again, you have both gotten really close again haven't you?" "Yeah I guess we have, mom I'm really tired I think I'm just gonna go to bed right now night" I tell her. "Night y/n schnapp" mom says. "Mommmmmmm stop" I shout to her as I run up the stairs.

Hey schnippers this is part 4 hehehe anyway it's gonna get really interesting soon I promise btw there's like barley any reads but oh well see you later byeee x ❤️💜💖

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