Chapter 19: and thats on period.

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Y/n's pov
(A month later and season 4 has been released)
I start walking over to Noah's house. It's a bright sunny day. Suddenly I get a buzz on my phone. I check my phone and see that @strangerthingstv
Has posted on their story. I go into Instagram and click on their story. It reads "congratulations on the Emmy nominations @y/u/n @milliebobbybrown @nataliadyer and @calebmclaughlin" I gasp wait is this actually real?! Oh my god I got nominated!!! I gotta tell noah. I race over to his house and start banging on the door. Chloe opens it. "Jeez y/n calm down I know you love Noah but you don't gotta bang on the door" she tells me. "I GOT NOMINATED FOR AN EMMY CHLOE" I scream. "WAIT WHAT OH MY GOD SERIOUSLY?!" Chloe shouts. She pulls me into a hug as we jump up and down. "LETS GO TELL NOAH" she says as she grabs my hand and we run upstairs. Chloe bursts through the door. "CHLOE GET OUT IM GETTING CHANGED" Noah shouts at her. I peek over her shoulder and see Noah in his underwear. I giggle. "NO NOAH THIS IS AN EMERGENCY" She screams at Noah. "well it can wait" Noah says as he slams the door in Chloe's face. "Jesus that was rude" Chloe says. We go downstairs and we tell karine bout what just happened. She gives me a hug. "Congratulations love! I knew you could do it" she tells me. I smile at her "thank you so much".

A few minutes later Noah comes downstairs. "What do you want Chloe?!" Noah says with a temper. "Well Noah, Chloe wanted to tell you that your girlfriend, y/n got nominated for an Emmy but I guess it's not an emergen-" karine says as Noah cuts her off. He runs over to me and squeezes me. "THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER OH MY GOD Y/N YOU DID IT!!" He screams. "Hahah Yes Noah Yes I did" I tell him. He puts me down and kisses me quickly since karine is still watching us. Suddenly my phone buzzes. I look at it and I see my dad texted me:

Just saw what happened I'm so proud of you y/n!!! Mom and I want to take you out for dinner tonight and the schnapps can come to us their free be home by 4 though love you

I reply to him and ask karine do they want to come to dinner. "We'd love that y/n thank you for asking." She says. I walk over to Noah and we walk up to his room. Noah sits on his bed while I sit down on his chair by the desk and fiddle with his rubix cube. "I'm so excited for the emmys are you?" Noah says. "Totally it'll be my first award show" I tell him. "Are you nervous?" Noah asks me . I walk over to the bed and sit next to him "Well Yeah kinda I mean there's sooo many famous people there and I feel like I won't fit in." I tell him. "Don't worry y/n I'll be with you the whole time and if you need anything just ask me K?" Noah says with a comforting look on his face. "Okay, I love you" I tell him. "I love you too more than anything in this world" Noah says as he kisses my cheek. "Awww you little cutie" I say and I start tickling him. "AHHHH Y/N STOPPPP" Noah says while laughing. He rolls over me and starts tickling me. "NO NO STOPPP" I scream. We both start laughing. He climbs on top of me and kisses me. I start playing with his hair. Then we hear a knock on the door. Noah rolls off me but rolls a bit too far and flops off the bed. There's a loud thud as Noah falls off. I look over and see Noah laughing his head off. I starting laughing so much my sides hurt. Tears of laughter roll down my cheeks as the door opens. "What was that?" Karine says. "Oh it's- noah" I say trying to hold back my laughter. "Oh well it's time to go for dinner are you guys ready?" Karine exclaims. "Yup" Noah says peeking over the bed and we both start laughing again.

After dinner we go back to Noah's house. Our parents are in the dining room talking while Noah and I are watching a movie in the living room. Chloe went to sams house after dinner so she's not here. We were in the middle of watching the babysitter when I need to go to the bathroom. "I need to go to the bathroom I'll be back" I say as I get up and walk to the bathroom. As I'm doing my business I see I started my period. Shit I just put some toilet paper there and walked back downstairs. I see Noah squirting ketchup on the couch. "Oh my god Noah what are you doing? You're ruining your couch." I say as I run over. "Oh ummm nothing, you need some new pants?" Noah asks me. What does he mean by new pan- oh I turn around and see it. "Noah I- I'm so sorry I'll just ask to go home." I say my face turning red with embarrassment. "NO I mean- no wait it's fine I'll say I spilled ketchup come with me." Noah says as he starts waking up the stairs. I follow him up and he goes to his bedroom. He gives me some pants and I go to the bathroom to get changed. I come out and we go back downstairs. We finish the movie and I go home.

The next day I wake and have a shower. As I'm brushing my hair I hear a knock on the door. I hear my dad mumbling to someone and then footsteps coming up the stairs. Then I hear a knock at my door. I open it and see Noah standing there with a bag. "Hi?" I say. "This is for you" He says while handing me the bag. Inside is a hell of a lot of chocolate, some of my favorite candy and my favorite movies on dvd. At the bottom is his favorite hoodie. "I thought we could have a movie day since you know you aren't feeling well and I- um wanted to make you feel better." Noah says. "Awww Noah this is so sweet thank you" I tell him "Well cmon in!". I put in his hoodie and my all time favorite movie on and we lie on my bed and start watching it.

Hey ma dudes wassup I haven't been posting that much but that's cuz I have school and ya girl needs her sleep and omg GUYS we got 100 reads on the first chapter that's like totally tubular ansyways love y'all heheheh I'll post next week byeeeee

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