Chapter 13 : hi

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Y/n's pov
I wake up and have a shower. It's finally the day I meet the cast. We have to drive to Georgia where I'm staying for the next couple of months. It's gonna be a rough day since I have to say goodbye to some of my friends and family. I'm going to miss them so much. Thankfully I don't have to say good bye to Noah or mom but I have to to everyone else. I get out of the shower and get dressed. I then grab my two suitcases and my backpack. I load them into the trunk. I then go inside and have breakfast. I go on my phone and check Instagram. I have gained over 1 million followers since I was announced to join the cast AND that I'm Noah's girlfriend.

Mom calls me and we get in the car. We drive over to Noah's house where all of our friends are there. Ben, Jenna, Ava, Julia, Abby and Chloe of courseThey all give us hugs and presents. "Jeez it isn't my birthday" I say while others laugh. Chloe gives me a picture of me and her when we went canoeing and we jumped of the canoe. It's me s d her in the air just about to fall into the freezing water. I smile at her "Chloe you do know that you are the absolute best friend ever" I tell her. "I'm your best friend?!" She asks. "YESS you've helped me so much this past couple of months and you are one of the funniest and kindest people that I've met so of course I think of you as a best friend" I tell her. She squeezes me and spins me around. "CHLOE AHHHH STOP" I scream while we both start laughing. The rest of my friends give me candy for the road and other random gifts. Noah comes out with his bulging suitcases and shoves them into his car. We all give each other massive hugs and shed a few tears I sure am gonna miss them I think to myself. Noah says bye to Chloe and his dad. I hate seeing him really sad but at least he will see them again soon. We then head to my house because I need to say goodbye to my dad. He's outside waiting for me. I jump out of the car and run into his arms. I start crying. "I'm going to miss you so much y/n but remember I'll see you in 5 months" he tells me. "I love you dad" I say. "I love you too" I say. We break apart and I walk to the car. I wave at him as mom starts the car. I keep waving until we are out of sight.

After a couple of stops for some McDonald's and pee breaks we finally arrive at the hotel. I see Noah and his mom showing up behind ya so I hop out and go over to him. "Hey we gotta go to the dining hall now" he tells me. "Wait why?" I ask. "Because you have to meet the cast of course!" He tells me as he grabs my hand and pulls me through the revolving doors. We go to the reception and give us our room Keys. I get room 534 and Noah gets 538. "Who am I staying with?" I ask Noah. "I honestly don't know but we will find out soon" Noah tells me. We walk into this massive dining room with seats lined up with massive tables in front of them. I see a couple of clusters of people around the tables. I look at Noah and he's staring at the group who are laughing their heads of at something. I see someone fall to the floor. I stare at them weirdly but then I notice the floppy curly hair and the skinny noodle legs (not tryna be mean it's ok I have curly hair and skinny noodle legs) then I realize that's FINN MICHAEL WOLFHARD oh shit omg and there's Caleb and Sadie and gaten oh and Millie and all the rest noah runs over to them while I stand there starstruck looking like a complete idiot. "Y/n?OMG IT REALLY IS HER AHHHH NOAH I WANNA MEET YOUR GIRLFRIEND" Sadie screams as she runs over and gives me a massive hug. "Hi!!!" She says and I say hi back. "Sorry y/n she hugs people a lot" Caleb tells me. I laugh"it's fine, really I'm a massive hugger myself". They all greet me. "Hey y/n! We are so happy to have you as our fellow cast member" finn tells me. "Awwww thanks so much it's nice meeting you guys." I tell them all.

My mom comes in with karine and they meet some of the older cast members. I see my mom completely freeze up in front of Winona and I laugh because i know she's a massive Winona fan. I walk over and introduce myself to them all. Before long the duffers come in and make an announcement. "Hey guys how are you all doing? I hope you're excited for season 4 because we got a lot of fun things planned for this season, anyways i want to tell you all your rooms so Millie, Sadie and y/n are in one together then we have the four boys in one then we have......." they continue on with the rooms but I zone out thinking about how I'm going to sleep in the same room as Millie Bobby brown and Sadie sink for 5 MONTHS STRAIGHT I'm probably gonna mess up in front of them and they'll what me but oh well yolo

After going over some more details we all go to dinner. I sit in between finn and Millie and I order a pizza. After dinner i go get my luggage out of the car. Noah comes out and gets his, by now it's 10:30 at night and we have an important meeting early in the morning. "Hey noah I just wanted to say night since we probably won't see each other again till the morning" I say. "Night y/n hope you have sweet dreams about me alllll night long" He says while laughing. He comes over and kisses me on the forehead but I grab him and kiss him on the lips. We then hug for a while. "Thank you for making my dream come true noah, and I know that that sounds really cheesy but I mean it" I say to him as we are hugging. He pulls away and looks straight into my eyes "nah this is all on you and your incredible acting skills, but maybeeeee it's also because of your amazing boyfriend" I laugh at him and grab my bags. I walk into the hotel and go into the room. I see Millie and Sadie putting away their clothes and stuff. "Y/n you're finally here omg we've been waiting for you for agesssss" sadie says "sorry I was with Noah" i tell her. "Oooooo Nowahhh" Millie says. We all start laughing.

Once we've finished packing we all squish into Millie's bed and start watching Brooklyn 99 (i literally watched 20 episodes yesterday oop btw go watch it rn)until we fall asleep

Hey peeps umm I'm gonna write better chapters soon soo ya btw I'm going camping soon so I won't post for a while but I PROMISE this will get better and juicier 🤭 anyways byeeee dipshits 👽👹🐛⛩⚒💎🏺

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