Chapter 29: the night

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(Update: I think this song fits well with this so yeah ahahah)
Y/n's pov

Me and Noah sit in silence for a while until we hear everyone walking up the road. I look up and see Chloe running over to us. "Noah!" She says as she bends down and hugs him. "Don't you ever do that again or I'll kill you!" Chloe says. Noah smiles "I promise". I look over and see Ben and Alex looking worried. "We couldn't find him" Ben says. "He was way over the line, he went to far" Jenna says. "Yeah sorry about him guys" Alex says. "It's fine al it wasn't your fault" Chloe says. "Should we call the cops?" Ava says. "No!" Noah says. "Noah, he beat you up , look at you" I say to him. "Yeah but im gonna get in trouble" Noah says looking worried. "He tripped you first, we all saw it so you have like 7 witnesses" Julia says. Noah sighs "Okay Fine, but please not tonight, I can't be dealing with this right now". "Okay, well we should all go home now" I say.

"I can't go home! Mom already hates me. She'll hate me more If she finds out I was in a fight" Noah says. Suddenly I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I take it out and see that my dad's ringing me:
(Bold text: y/n normal text: dad)

Hey dad

Hi y/n, me and mom have to go visit your aunt because she was in a minor car accident

Oh no is she okay?

Yes she's fine, she just broke her leg and will be in hospital overnight so we gotta look after your cousins.

Oh ok when will you be home?

Around 3 tomorrow afternoon. Is it okay if your home alone tonight?

Yeah that's fine, see you tomorrow

Bye love you

Love you too

I put my phone on the floor and look at Noah. "Maybe... you can stay at my house tonight and Chloe can say you're at bens or something" I suggest. "Umm ok" noah says quietly. "Shit I gotta be home soon" Alex says. "Same" says Julia. Ben and Sam help Noah up. "Thanks guys" Noah says. "No problem" Sam replies. We walk down the street, Well Noah limps, until we finally reach my house. I unlock the door. "See you guys later" I say . "Bye" Chloe says "y/n are you sure Noah can stay?" She whispers into my ear. "It's fine chlo" I say.

They all say goodbye and start walking away. I open the door and go in. Noah stands there awkwardly. "Noah you do know you can come in" I say. "Oh... uh yes" he replies as he walks in through the door. "You hungry?" I ask. I can feel the tension in the room so I try to break the silence. "Um no" Noah says. "Okay well um you wanna go up to my room?" I say. "Okay" He says. We walk up the stairs and I go into my room. Noah walks in behind me and looks around. The walls are bare since well I kinda ripped down all the photos in my room"Your room looks..... different" he says. "Yeah um I got a little... mad one day" I say. He laughs "understandable". I smile. I haven't talked to noah in ages. Gosh why is this so awkward Noah shivers. "Oh you must be cold" I say. Well no fucking shit y/n he was just lying on the soaking wet ground outside

I walk out of my room and go into the cupboard. I find some of Noah's clothes. I come back in and put them in the bed. "Y-you kept them?" Noah says. "I couldn't let go of them" I say. I can see Noah blushing. Noah tries to take his hoodie off but I can see him struggling jesus what did aaron do to him "here let me help you" I say as I walk over to him. I pull his hoodie over his head. I look down and see bruises all over his chest, stomach and arms. (A/n why do I think of max from the babysitter as I write this?? Please say you know what I'm talking about 😭) I also see a cut bleeding on his chest "Oh my god Noah" I say trying to comprehend what I'm seeing. I touch one on his stomach. He winces. "Wait here and please sit down" I say as I walk out the room. I get the first aid kit it of the bathroom cabinet. I walk back in and see Noah sitting on the bed. "Stand up" I say. I take out an antiseptic wipe. I unwrap it and try to wipe the blood of his cut that's on his chest. "Fuck" Noah says. "Stay still" I say. How is he still so fucking hot even though he's covered in blood and bruises what- I clear it and bend down to grab a bandage. When I look back up I see Noah staring at me. I look up at Noah's face. We make eye contact then he's looks away. I put the band aid on him. He sits back down on the bed.

"What about you face?" I say. "Oh it's fine" he says. "No noah it's not fine, it's covered in blood, come here" I say. He sighs and gets back up. Even though I'm pretty tall Noah's still a small bit taller then me. I brush his hair back of his face slowly. We keep eye contact the whole time. I can't tell if this is really awkward or really hot and how tf does his six pack look so good oml its covered in blood I look down and back up.

"Y/n what happened to us..." Noah says. "I- i don't know" I say. "I promise you I didn't mean to kiss her, I genuinely thought we were doing the project and yeah, I thought it was a little weird that we were meeting in front of Costco but I didn't think to much of it, then she just kissed me and- I don't know what happened. It was a stupid mistake and I would never do anything to hurt you again I promise" he says. I look down. "Please.... you gotta believe me y/n" Noah says. He looks desperate, Like he really means it. I look back up to him and our eyes meet. I wipe the blood from his lip with my finger.

"Please...." He whispers. Suddenly I kiss him. I put my hand on his cheek while he wraps his arms around my waist. We kiss for a while until I let go. "God I like it when your lips are swollen" I say. Noah smiles and kisses me again. "I've missed this y/n" he says. "Wait!" I say. Noah lets go of me and I walk over to my trash can. I pick my necklace out of it. I look over to Noah. "Will you do the honors?" I say. He comes over and clips the necklace around me. He laughs "y/n it looks like you have a hickey on your neck". "What?!" I say. "Right there" Noah says as he points at my neck. "Oh, I- that was when Aaron elbowed me, it's just a bruise" I reply.

"Sureee" Noah says. I smirk at him. He picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. We start making out for a while. "I love how you can't walk but you can lift me up" I say. "Anything for my girl" he says and we continue making out. I missed this..... after a while he puts me on the bed. "Hey!" I say. He flops down next to me. "You forgot to put a shirt on" I laugh. "I did that on purpose😏" he says. I throw my pillow at him. "Even though I just got beat up this has been a great night" Noah says. "Even though I was cheated on by my boyfriend but then I got with him again this has been a great night" I say back. We laugh. "Umm Noah your face is still covered in blood you do know that right?" I say.

"You probably sucked it all off" he says. I sit up shocked. "Noah what the fuck You creep" I say. He laughs then gets up. He goes to the bathroom and wipes it off. He comes back out. "Better?" He says. "Much" I reply. "Wait" I say as I get up and put a band aid on his face. "Now it's better" I say. I go to the bathroom to change.I clear the bed off and we climb in. (Not like that ya nasty) . Noah turns to me "We good?". "Yeah bro we tight man" I giggle. "No but in all seriousness are we?" He asks. "Yes Noah were good" I tell him. "Good" he says as he turns onto his side. "Noah?" I call out. "Yeah?" He replies. "I love you, even though you make shitty mistakes" I say. He turns back around to face me "I love you too". He kisses my head and we fall asleep.
Hey guys OMG THANK YOU FOR 5K READS WTH AND 100 VOTES YOU GUYS ARE INSANE. Anyways this chapter is a bit weird but oh well. Idk when I'll update again but it will be this week definitely. I hope you are enjoying this book cuz ya know it takes like an hour and a half to write each chapter so yeah byeeeeeee xoxo

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