Chapter 36: mistletoe

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(IMPORTANT A/N!!! Hey guys I have a few announcements before you start reading, first of all THANKS SO MUCH FOR 14K READS OMG THATS CRAZY I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH XOXO
2. Sadly, this is gonna be the last chapter of this story. I wanna thank you all for the love and support you have given to this story and all of your lovely comments they make my day!
4. I am.... CREATING A NEW BOOK, it will not be a sequel but it will be Noah x reader. I just don't wanna drag this story on too long so I want to start fresh. I have the ideas and plot so I'll start writing soon. :)
5. ENJOY the last chapter x)

Chloe's pov
December 24th
I hear a massive bang from outside my door and I wake up with a jolt. I look over to y/n's bed and she's not there. "Y/n?" I call out. I scramble out of bed and knock on the bathroom door. I open it and there's no y/n to be seen. I sigh to myself and look over to the door into Noah's room. I walk over to the door and push it open gently. I see Noah and y/n curled up together. I shake my head and close the door. I go back over to my bed and check the time . 7:35 am I climb into bed and fall asleep.

Y/n's pov
I wake up with Noah facing me, sleeping. I smile and fluff his hair up. I take his arms of me and roll over to check my phone. Shit. It's almost 11 mom said to meet them by eleven. I sit up and shake Noah by the shoulder. He wakes up startled and smiles at me. "Noah we gotta get up we over slept" I say. "Nooooo I'm too comfy" he complains. I get up and drag him out with me. He stumbles up out of bed and I run into my room to get changed. I put on this:

I grab my coat and a hat and walk back into Noah's room as he's throwing a shirt over his head

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I grab my coat and a hat and walk back into Noah's room as he's throwing a shirt over his head. "Cmonnn" I complain "there gonna kill us". "Okay I'm hurrying" he says. He finally gets it on and we walk out the door. We head down to the lobby and I can see our parents and Chloe sitting down on the fancy velvet chairs we were sitting in yesterday. "Finally" Chloe says as she rolls her eyes. " the sleepy heads are up" Karine says. "Well we better get going" dad says as they stand up. I feel my tummy grumble. "Where are we going anyways?" I ask them. "We're going for breakfast and then some touristy things I guess" mom says. "Okay" I reply. We finally walk out of the hotel and I feel a cool breeze pass us. Noah holds my hand and we walk along the street. After breakfast we walk around 5th Avenue for a bit. We go shopping and then we decide to get the boat over to the Statue of Liberty.

A couple of hours later and it's almost dark, my hands are raw red from holding our shopping bags so we return to the hotel and leave them in our rooms. I change into some leggings and a hoodie. Noah, chloe and I walk downstairs to meet our parents. "What are we doing now?" I ask. "Well we're going... ice skating!" Mom says "well you three are, I'm too old and my back is aching" she laughs and we all join in. "YES" Noah says a little too loudly which makes the family sitting near us give us a dirty look. He's like a little kid awww "Yes" he whispers into my ear and I giggle.

We walk outside and the icy air hits me like a ton of bricks. "You cold?" Noah asks me. "Freezing" I reply. "Here" he says as he take off his hoodie and hands it to me. He's only wearing a long sleeved shirt underneath. "Noah it's okay you'll be freezing" I push his hand back to him. "You sure?" He says as he looks at me willingly. "Yes, now put it back on" I tell him while I fluff is hair up. "Heyyyy stoppp" he whines I laugh and run down the sidewalk. "Y/n you're going the wrong way!" Karine shouts. Noah starts chasing me and I scream. "NOOO GO AWAY" I scream while giggling. Noah catches up to me and throws me over his shoulder. He carries me back over to the rest of the group waiting. "Cmon guys our taxis are here" Mitchell says. Chloe, noah karine and I get into one while the others get into the one behind us.

I stare past Noah out of the window, the view of all the lit up buildings rushing past us as we go past them. The light reflects onto Noah's face as we drive. My eyes go to Noah who's also staring out the window, his hand holding up his head. I smile. We all look out at the window until the car comes to a stop. "Alrighty your total will be $21.40" the taxi driver says. Karine hands him the money and thanks him. We get out and walk over to the ice skating rink. We get our skates and the three of us walk over to the benches to put them on. "Have you been skating before?" I ask Noah, who's sitting beside me struggling to tie the straps. "No why?" He replies. "Just wondering and maybe because you struggling to tie the straps. "I am not!" He defends as he starts to struggle with them quicker. I bend down and help him fix the straps (btw I'm going off the skates that I usually use when I go. I miss going, with corona none of the places are open for Christmas :'( )
"Thanks" he says even though he probably wanted to do it himself. Chloe laughs at the other side of Noah. She peeps her head around him. "HA Noah can't tie his skates so he gets his girlfriend to do it" we both burst out laughing while Noah's sulking. "Awww sorry Noah cmon let's go" I say as I stand up. I pull him so because he can barley walk. We go over to the entrance of the rink and I step on the frozen ice.

I twist around to Chloe who has already hopped on aswell. Noah is shyly standing in the way off the entrance. "Noah your blocking the entrance" Chloe hisses at him. "I- I can't move" he tells us. I glide over to him and grab him by the shoulder. I pull him up and he wobbles. "WOAH" he screams and Chloe shushes him. I bring him over to the wall so he can hold on. He almost falls over as he clutches to the wall. "Noah I promise it's way, you just need to get the hang off it." I assure him. "Yeah yeah" he says frustrated. "I'll help you" I say as I glide around him so I'm in front of him. Chloe is already darting around the rink.

A little boy passes us as he wizzes around, his scarf flapping behind him. He looks so concentrated and his tongue is sticking out of the side of his mouth. Noah looks at him disheartened. "How does he make it look so easy?!" He says defeated. "Cmon mr.schnapp I'll help you, soon you'll be the little boy" I say. I grab his hand and lead him slowly. His other hand is still clutching the wall around the rink. "Go slower" he says as he's slipping all over the ice. "Noah If I go any slower we wouldn't be moving" I tell him. He sighs. "Look at my feet and do what I'm doing" I say as I let go of his hand. He immediately puts his other hand on the wall also. I start to skate off gradually getting faster. I whip around the rink and whizz past chloe. I wave at her but as I do, I don't notice the little boy that we saw earlier coming towards me. "WATCH OUT" I scream as I swerve past him. I slip and fall on my ass. Chloe comes over to me laughing. I frown at her, even though I'm not that annoyed. She puts her hand out and I take it.

She pulls me up and we skate over to Noah who's almost crying from laughter. I give him a dirty look. "At least I can skate unlike some people" I say. "At least I don't do THAT" he says. "Oh really?" I question as I grab his hand of the wall. I start skating with Noah still with me. "Y/N STOP OMG IM GONNA FALL" Noah screams. I go faster while grinning.we go around the rink speeding past people until I finally stop. Noah doesn't know how to stop so he flies past me. He screams as he crashes into the wall. I burst out laughing and go over to him. He's sitting on his ass. "That was so not cool" he says. "Okay I'm sorry I won't do it again I promise" I say, slightly grinning. Chloe and I grab him from under his arms and we pull him up. I take his hand. "I'll go slow now, I promise" I say. He huffs "fine". We start to skate around slowly, hand in hand. Noah gets the hand of it and let's go. He struggles a bit but he starts skating himself. "Yes Noah wooooo" I say. He starts going faster and flies around the rink. He comes up to me and grabs my hand. "Okay we can go fast now" he tells me as he starts pulling me around. We skate for a while together , and it feels like we're the only people in the world. I want this feeling forever.

The speakers go off to say our session is finished. "Awww" I say. We head out of the rink and we take off our skates. We meet our parents outside. "What time is it?" Chloe asks. "Almost 12" karine says. I look shocked. "Wow I thought it was like 9" I say. We all get into the taxis and head back to the hotel. Once we get there, everyone heads inside but u wait for Noah he needs to tie his laces. He takes a while until he gets up. I look inside the hotel and see everyone in an elevator which the doors are closing. We start walking in until noah stops again. "What is it now?" I say as I stop. Noah points up and grins. I look up and see mistletoe on the entrance of the hotel. I smile. "You know what that means" Noah says. I laugh "yup". Noah grabs me by the waist and pulls me in closer. I stare into his eyes for a moment until I cup his cheek with my hand and he pulls me into a kiss. His lips are warm which makes me warm. I feel butterflies in my stomach. He pulls away and smiles at me. I guess he really is the boy I fell in love with.

The boy I fell in love with/ Noah schnapp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now