Chapter 17: pool party (part 1)

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(Hey guys so if you haven't seen anything that happened today noah "supposedly" said the n word personally I don't think he did because if you slow down the video you can clearly hear him say Neighbour but he shouldn't have used a replacement word. Thankfully he apologized as soon as the video came out but as I'm not a poc it's not my apology to forgive but I'm not leaving the fandom as I have been a fan since 2018 and Ik that Noah would never say that word. I'm just disappointed in him for using a replacement word instead of keeping his mouth closed. I still love noah tho and will always love him 💗)

Y/n's pov
It's been a week since prom and they have released the season 4 trailer. Nearly the whole school has come up to us at one point asking for more spoilers or what's gonna happen. Even in class they would whisper into my ear "y/n does will get a girlfriend or boyfriend?" Or "omg is hopper ever gonna see el again?" Like boi if you don't shut up I'm- anyways my birthday is in like a week and I have nothing planned.

At lunch Noah walks over to me and Chloe who ate more sitting at the table eating pizza. "Hey babe, hey chlo" he says. "Did you just call y/n babe?" Chloe says. "Yeah why?" Noah replies. "Oh nothing" she says with a smug grin. I turn around and smile at Noah he kisses me on the cheek and sits down next to me. "Sooooo what are you doing for your birthday?" Noah asks me. "I honestly don't know" I reply. "Omg you should so do a pool party that would be awesome!" Chloe says. She then looks over my shoulder. I look over and see Julia, Sam, Ava, Jenna and Aaron coming over to our table. "Hey guys" I say and they all say hi. They sit down and we continue talking. "So what are you talking about?" Ava asks us. "We were talking about what y/n should do for her birthday" Noah tells them. "You should do a pool party!" Julia says. "That's what I said!" Chloe says. "Okay okay I'll do a pool party. Who will we invite?" I say to them. "How about your close friends" Sam suggests. "That's a good idea" I say "I'll text everyone I wanna invite tonight". "Sounds perfect" Jenna says. We all continue talking until the bell rings and we go out separate ways.

Later that night I go through all my friends and in the end I invite like all my close friends . Sadly mom made me invite Becca and lily but as long as they stay out of my way it'll be fine. Suddenly I get i a face time call from Noah. "Hey" I say when I answer. "Did you invite people yet?" Noah asks me. "Yeah I invited you obviously and chloe Jules Ava Jenna Abby hoff Ben Aaron Alex lily Becca and a couple of other people." "Oh cool wait why Becca and lily?" He asks me. "Mom said I had too" I say with a sigh. "Oh great" Noah says sarcastically. I laugh at him "mom and dad said we can have pizza and fries and an ice cream bar". "OH MY GOD ICE CREAM YUMMM" Noah says. "Ok I have to take a shower see you later I love you bye" I tell him. "Love you too y/n byeee" Noah says as I hang up.

A few days pass and it's finally my birthday. I wake up to my mom and dad singing happy birthday to me at 6 in the morning. "Happy birthday princess!" dad says. "Awww Thanks dad" I say. "We got you a little something for the start of the day." Mom says as she hands me a smallish parcel and a card. I read the card and $50 slipped out of it. "OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH" I say. I then reach over for the parcel and rip open the paper. It's a pandora box and in it is a pair of earrings. They are two hearts connected on each one. (Fun fact they were in Millie's pandora collection and I'm wearing them rn lmao I also have like 5 more different ones in my ears rn heheh) "omg they are so pretty I love them thank you so much!" I reach over to give my mom and dad a hug. "Okay I'm going down to make breakfast, we're having pancakes" dad says. "Yay" I say. They walk out of the room and I get dressed. I put my new earrings in and put in my shoes. I put on a bit of makeup and go downstairs. As soon as I walk downstairs I can smell the pancakes mmmmmm yum. I get out the jar of Nutella and smear it all over a stack of pancakes. Once I'm done eating them I clear my plate and grab my back pack. "Bye mom bye dad love you" I shout. "Bye have a great day sweetheart" mom shouts.

I walk to school but I didn't see any Noah or Chloe. I get to the gates and see Aaron. I wave at him and he smiles back. He comes over to me and gives me a hug "Happy birthday y/n!" He says to me as he hands me a card. "Awww Thanks Aaron this is so sweet" u say to him "I'll open it later" I say as I put it in my bag. We walk in through the doors as loads of people say happy birthday to me. Still no Noah or Chloe. Aaron and I walk to my locker. As soon as I turn the corner I see Noah and Chloe. Noah runs up to me and gives me a giant hug. He twirls me around and my feet are lifted off the ground. I laugh and scream "AHHHH NOAH PUT ME DOWN" he puts me down and kisses me. "Happy birthday y/n/n!!!!!!" He tells me. "Thank you heheh" I say. "I'll give you your present later at the party if that's okay?" Noah asks me. "Of course that's fine you shouldn't have even got me one!" I tell him. Chloe runs over to me and gives me a hug. "So how does being 17 feel?" She asks me. "I feel old" I say as we both laugh. I walk over to my locker to get my books out. I open the door and see hundreds of photos of me and noah and my friends all around my locker. "SUPRISE!!!" Noah, Chloe and Aaron say. "Awwww guys you shouldn't have these are really cute thank you so much." I say as I look around. I see loads of my memories printed all around my locker I then look down and see all of my favorite candy. "OMG YOU GOT Y/F/C!!! THANK YOU" I scream. I grab my books and head to class.

Wassup my dudes I'll post the part tomorrow I was planning on putting it in this chapter but it would end up like 2500 words and I'm already at 1220 so I'll do it tomorrow. Btw thank you guys sm for 418 reads we are so close to halfway to 1000 and I really hope you are enjoying it okey byeeeerssss 🕺🏿🦙🍒🏌🏻‍♀️🛴🎢🔌🚿

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