Chapter 16: thunder and lightning

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Y/n's pov

Noah gives me some of his shorts and he puts on a hoodie and some sweatpants. We walk downstairs and see karine looking at her phone. "Everything alright mom?" Noah asks. "Oh yes everything's fine I was looking at the weather and there's a massive storm coming and they advise no one to go outside" karine says. "But how will y/n get home?" Noah says. "Well she can stay the night again maybe" karine says as she looks at me. "Yeah that's fine, I don't mind" I say to her. "Okay then y/n do you wanna go text your parents?" Karine says with a smile. "Sure I'll go text them right now". I walk upstairs to grab my phone and text my mom.

Hey Mom there's a massive storm coming and it's too dangerous to go outside so karine said I can spend the night again if that's fine? xx
That's fine of course! Stay safe see you tomorrow!!

I put down my phone and see Noah standing at the doorway. "Hey Noah can I have a shower because I still have my makeup on?" I ask him. "Yeah of course it's over in my on suite there's towels on the rack" he says. "Kk thank you" I say. I walk into his bathroom and have my shower. Once I step out I look around for my- shit I have no clothes ughhhh i wrap a towel around me and I open the door and see Noah sitting on his bed scrolling through tiktok. "Ummmm Noah do you think I can borrow some of your clothes or Chloe's I don't mind I don't really have any besides my dress" I ask him. "Oh yeah I totally forgot here" he says as he goes to his closet and gets me one of his hoodies and some sweatpants. He hands me them. "Wow do you only wear hoodies and sweatpants" I say sarcastically. "Pretty much Yeah" he says and we both start laughing. "Ok I'm gonna get changed now" I say and I walk into the bathroom and get dressed.

Once I'm changed we head downstairs to get cereal. I look out at the window and see that the rain is pouring down. We get our bowls and we sit down watching tv. We start watching Brooklyn 99. When suddenly the lights go off. "Awww fuck the powers out" Noah says. Chloe comes down and sees that the lights are off. "Why are the lights off?" She asks us. "The powers out" I say. "Aww crap" she says as she walk over to the kitchen to get cereal. She sits down next to us. "Sooooo what did you guys do last night?" "What do you mean Chloe?" Noah says. "I mean did youuuu" she says.
I literally choke on my lucky charms. "What the fuck Chloe nooooo we are 16 you creep" Noah says to her. "Just asking" She says with an evil grin.

Like an hour later in the middle of playing monopoly we hear a loud bang. "What was that?" I say. We look over to the window and see a bolt of lightning. "Thunder and lighting" Noah says. We walk over to the window and look outside. We stare out the window until another bolt of lightning strikes. "Let's go outside" Noah says as he walks over to the coat rack. "Wait Noah no it's too dangerous" Chloe says. "Are you coming or not?" Noah says to Chloe. "No" she tells. He looks over at me. "Fuck it let's go" I say as he throws me a rain coat. I put on my shoes and he opens the door and I step outside.

The rain is pouring down and it's beating off my skin. We walk of the steps hand in hand and go to the middle of the road. We stand there for a while looking around at the view. Suddenly a bolt of lighting strikes like 500ft in front of us. I scream and Noah laughs at me. "What? it was a fricking lightning bolt what was I meant to do?" I say while punching him in the arm. "Ouch" He says "lets walk down the street." "Kk" I reply. "You love saying kk don't you?" He asks me. "Yup" I say. We continue to walk down the street with the wind howling in our ears and blowing our hair everywhere. The rain is soaking our jackets but I really don't care since my hair is already soaking. There's a thick cloud of fog all around and i can barely see what's 10ft in front of me. "You wanna piggy back?" Noah asks me. "Kk" I tell him. "STOP SAYING KK OMG" He says and we both start laughing. I jump onto his back and we keep going . When we reach the end of the cul de sac Noah puts me down. "Awww shit your coat made my pants all wet" I tell him. "It's fine I'll give you another pair later" he says. Noah then looks into my eyes. "What?" I say. "Nothing" he says. "No noah tell me I wanna knowwww" I demand. "Ugh Fine I was just thinking about how much I wanna kiss you rn" he tells me. "Well you can" I say. "I can What?" He replies. "KISS ME" I shout at him. "Okay jeez y/n" he says as he brushes the wet hair off my face. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses me. We kiss for a good while like 3 minutes until we hear thunder. We break apart and look up to the sky. "We should probably go now, moms gonna kill us for going out side in the middle of the storm" Noah says. "Yeah lets go" I say. I started walking back with Noah in front of me. I try to run up closer to him when I slip and fall. I brace myself for impact but Noah catches me. "Woah" he says. I look up to him and we lock eyes. He pushes me back to stand while we keep our eyes locked. Noah then grabs me by the waist and kisses me again. I put my hand on him cheek and we start to make out for a while. When we've finished we walk back to Noah's house. He puts his arm around me while the rain continues to pour.

When we get back home we see karine staring out the window. "Oh uh" Noah says. We walk into the house and take off the jackets. Karine walks over "guys I was worried, the storm is howling outside and you guys just go for a walk?! You can't do that in the middle of the storm especially if there's thunder and lightning. "Sorry mom it was just really boring inside" Noah apologizes. "It's fine Noah but be careful from now on" she says "now go get changed you are soaking. We go up to Noah's room and he gives me a new pair of sweatpants. I go to the bathroom to get changed and once I'm done I go back into Noah's room. "Hey I have y/f/m (your favorite movie) downloaded do you wanna watch it? Noah asks me. "Yessss" I say. We sit on the bed and I curl up to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and we watch the movie.

Hey boos hope you liked it 😅😃🤭🤔😭🥵😻

All these ghosts ALL THESE GHOSTS and I still can't find a boo ( if you know where this is from I love you 😘)

Also how tf did I get like 100 reads in two days whattt like thanks 👽

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