Chapter 9: paradise

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Y/n's pov
Ever since Noah and I have become official I have been treated so much differently. Everyone comes over to talk to me and ask me to sit next to them at lunch or something like that. When Noah said he's one of the most popular kids in school he really meant THE MOST POPULAR. Also I have become so much closer to Noah's friends, Julia, Ava, Ben, Jenna, Olivia and Abby. They are really nice and treat me like a real person and not a nobody. Thankfully nobody posted anything on social media yet and Noah wants to come clean to his fans whenever he's ready. He cleared it up by saying that we are just friends and some people believed it I guess.

*friday night*

I was doing some homework when I heard my phone ding.
Heyyy whatcha doin? 💖
Nothin much doin history hw 🙄
Wanna get ice cream later????
Sure what time? xx
Idk hb 7? Bring ur skateboard btw
Kk but what does skateboards have to do with ice cream 😹
Ull see
Kk byeeee ❤️

I finish up my homework and go to the kitchen. "Hey mom can I go get ice cream with Noah at 7?"
I ask her. "Sure but be home by 12 k? We're having pizza for dinner by the way" mom replied. "Ok thanks mom love you" I reply "I'm gonna have a shower now bye". "Don't be too long y/n dinners almost ready ok?" Mom says. I go upstairs and I get into the shower. When I'm done I do my skincare routine and put on some concealer and mascara. I put on some eyeliner and a bit of highlighter. Then i dry my hair and brush it. I pin two pieces back and stare in the mirror. Am I good enough for Noah? He's drop dead gorgeous and I' me. Does he really like me for me? U know what he does. He wouldn't ask me to get ice cream if he didn't like me. He wouldn't ask to be my boyfriend if he didn't like me. So if I'm good enough for him I'm good enough for anyone. I come out of the bathroom and walk over to my closet I pick out a really cute outfit.

 I come out of the bathroom and walk over to my closet I pick out a really cute outfit

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I grab my black converse and put them on because they are easy to skate in. I run downstairs and grab some pizza. "Thanks mom" I tell my mom as I run back upstairs. I check the time 6:38 shit I have barely anytime. I gobble down my pizza like a pig and grab my purse. I take $20 out of it and put it on my phone case. I sit down on my bed for a while and scroll through tiktok mindlessly until I hear the doorbell ring. "Y/n Noah's here!" My mom shouts up from the door. "Coming!" I say as I jump of my bed and run down the stairs. I grab my skateboard from the hallway and go over to the door. "Hi" I say to Noah. "Hi" Noah says back. "Well have fun you too but not too much fun if you know what I mean." Mom says. "Mommmm stop being weird bye love you" I moan. "Byeeee" She says as we walk down the driveway.

"So why did I bring my skateboard exactly?" I ask noah. He looks up at me "Well since we both can't drive I figured that we should skate there". "Ok wellll last one to the parlor has to pay." I tell noah. "Aight bet". Noah puts down his skateboard and starts skating. I get on mine and speed up a bit so I can pass him. After a couple of minutes I see the bright lights of the sign that says ice cream. I speed up a bit and pas Noah out. I keep going till I reach the door and then I stop. "Haha suckerrrr I win you're payinggg" I chant in his face. Noah stops to catch his breath and says "ughhh fine at least we get ice cream". We both go inside and sit in a booth. Noah sits next to me and he's so close to me we're almost touching.

We order a massive sundae to share and start eating it. We talk for what seems like agesss until we are finally done the ice cream. He then payed and I left a tip on the table. The waitress comes over to get the dishes and she smiles at me. I smile back as Noah grabs my hand. "Woah woah woah where are we going now?" I ask him. "Just follow me y/n" he tells me. He starts to zoom off and I follow him. We come across a massive playground.theres a massive fence with a gate on the side of it. The gate is locked but Noah goes over there. "Wait Noah what are you doing?" I ask him. "Give me your foot" Noah says. "Excuse me?" "I said give me your foot I'll push you over" "ughhh fine Noah but it's your fault if we get caught" "we won't I promise" he tells me.

He pushes me over and I climb down. He then pulls himself over and jumps down. We walk over to the swings and start swinging. We try to go as high as we can but I end up flipping over. Noah jumps off the swing and comes over to me. "Oh my gosh y/n are you ok?" He asks me. He looks genuinely concerned. I stare into his eyes and I burst out laughing. He starts laughing too and we laugh for about 5 minutes. We then go over to the zip line swingy thing and I hop on. Noah pushes me and runs all the way down with me. We both look at each other while we are moving and our eyes lock. Finally the line ends and I jump off. I run over too noah and jump on top of him. I wrap my legs around his waist and he holds me tight. He then spins me around while I start screaming. "Oh my god Noah stoppp" I say as he continues to spin me. Finally he puts me down on the floor but I'm so dizzy i spin right into his arms again. He catches me and pushes me up. He looks me straight in the eyes as I start blushing. Thankfully it's dark so he can't really see my face that well. He then leans in to kiss me. I kiss him back and gradually we start to make out. He pushes me against the fence. I put one of my arms on his shoulder and my other one just plays with his hair.

We then hear a lady say something. "Hey excuse me? You are not meant to be in there what are you two doing?". "Ugh a Karen great" Noah says he then runs over and grabs our skateboards. "Start climbing" he tells me. I start to climb up the fence as the Karen walks around the fence near us. I jump down and Noah throws the skateboards at me. I catch them and wait for Noah to get over. "Come over here you stupid teenagers, or I'm gonna call the cops" the Karen says. Noah finally jumps over and we start skating away. " I swear to god you little shits are gonna get in big trouble for this!" She shouts at us while trying to run to us. Of course we are too fast for her so we both start laughing. Finally we lose her and end up at a 7/11. We go inside and get a bunch of candy. We then sit on the curb and eat most off it. We talked a lot.

We were talking about which restaurant sells the best nuggets when I feel a drop of water on my head. "Awwww shit" I say as we begin to stand up. "Let's get out of here" noah says. As he says that the heavens open and it starts to pour down really heavily. We skate to my house and by the time we get there we are absolutely soaked. Some teens by us are walking in the rain but they are playing
music really loud. The are playing paradise by bazzi. We look over at them and smile. As the lyrics say "paradise" Noah grabs me and kisses me. We kiss for a couple of seconds until he stops, smiles at me and starts skating to his house. I smile to myself and walk inside.

A/n hey guys this is honestly such a cute chapter I can just imagine how cute this whole chapter would be in real life omg. Anyway bye bye see u later x ❤️😘💖✨🖕🏻

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