Chapter 8: the whispering

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Y/n's pov
I wake up to the sound of giggling. My eyes open slowly as I make out the image of two girls standing by the door with a phone in one of their hands. "CHLOE!" I hear someone shout into my ear. I look up and see Chloe and Julia taking a photo of me and Noah. I move away from Noah and act like nothing happened. They run out of the room while Noah follows them. "Chloe I swear to god I'm gonna kill you! DO NOT POST THAT." Noah screams. I hear a door slam and someone banging the door. "CHLOE OPEN THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!!!" Noah shouts. "NO" Chloe shouts at the other side of the door. Theres a few seconds of silence and then screams of laughter. "CHLOE WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" Noah shouts. "Noah Cameron Schnapp do not use that language in my house thank you very much." I hear karine say. "But mommmmm they posted something" Noah tells his mom. "Oh whatever it doesn't matter now go back to bed it's 8am" karine says. "Wait,mom, why is Julia here?" Noah asks. "Julia's here because her parents are at a work conference in New Jersey and Julia needs to stay here for a couple of days." Karine explains. "Ughhhhh fine" Noah replies while stomping back to his room.

He comes into the room slams the door and flops down onto the bed face first. I brush his fussy hair out of my way and turn him over so he can face me. "What was that all about?" I ask. Noah grabs his phone and goes to Instagram. " we will found out soon enough." He replies. I go over closer to him so I can see and the screen. He goes to Chloe's Instagram. "Shit." Noah says. I look at what he's looking at


(Pretend that's u and Noah but you're dressed hehehe) @chloeschnapp: two cuties 😍💖 @noahschnapp @y/u/nLiked by @sadiesink and 56,437 others-------------------------@milliebobbybrown: omg Noah got a gf?!@schnapple6482: wish that was me 😔@finnwol...

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(Pretend that's u and Noah but you're dressed hehehe)
@chloeschnapp: two cuties 😍💖 @noahschnapp @y/u/n
Liked by @sadiesink and 56,437 others
@milliebobbybrown: omg Noah got a gf?!
@schnapple6482: wish that was me 😔
@finnwolfhardofficial: yeahhhhhh Noah get itttt
@nowahh103: NOAH HAS A GF OMG
@juliaraskin: 🤭🤭
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My eyes are opened wide as me and Noah look at each other. "Well what are we meant to do now?" I ask. "Go to sleep" Noah says. We both start laughing and fall back asleep since we are so tired.

A couple of days pass and it's finally Monday. I get up and put on some clothes. A lot of people have texted me and asked if we're official but I just ignore them. Mom and dad saw the photo but they don't mind. "I always knew you were meant to be!" Mom says "mommmmm stop it hes not my boyfriend" I tell her. " well even though he's not your boyfriend if he breaks your heart I'll break him got it y/n/n?" Dad says. "Yessss dad I know, I'm gonna be late for school bye" I reply. I run out the door and see Noah and Chloe waiting for me. We usually walk to school together now but Noah is completely pissed with Chloe and they haven't talked all weekend. "Hey guys!" I say. "Hey y/n" Chloe says. "Hey y/n/n!" Noah says. We continue to walk to school in silence and it's kinda awkward but oh well.

We get to the main school door and Chloe turns down the other hall since her locker isn't close to ours. "See you later y/n" Chloe says "bye Chloe" I reply. Chloe roles her eyes at Noah and walks away. Noah and I continue walking down the main hall to our lockers. " so I see you and Chloe still aren't talking" I ask him. " yep I'm-" Noah stops and looks at something. I turn to look in his direct eye line and see everyone staring and whispering. We continue walking slowly but every one we see are whispering about us and staring.

Noah grabs my hand and walks over to the art supply closet. "What are u doin-" I ask but he pushes me into it. He follows me in and shuts the door. "Umm hello? Why did you push me in here?" I ask. It's so tight in here our faces are only a few inches away. "What are we?" Noah asks me. "Umm excuse me? What do you mean?" I tell him. "Y/n you know what I mean stop acting dumb" "I- I don't know what do u want to be?" "I- I guess I wanna be..... your boyfriend" Noah says. I almost choke on my spit holdupholdupholdup he wants to be my what?! Omg this isn't real I'm dreaming am I? Oh well at least it's a good dream " you REALLY wanna be my boyfriend like are you sure cuz you don't wanna be going around with an ugly girl like me" i blab out "are you kidding me? y/n y/m/n y/l/n you are the most gorgeous girl I know any boy would kill to be your boyfriend and I don't get how you see that you're beautiful and amazing and so kind and funny and generous and I could go on for days! The point is I really wanna be your boyfriend because you are... you're you and that's all I want." Noah says with tears in his eyes. I even start tearing up. " that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you" "come here" Noah says as he pulls me into a hug. Our tears both start to fall. " of course I want you to be my boyfriend Noah" I tell him.

We pull away and Noah stares into my eyes. I lean in to kiss him but just as we are about to kiss the door bursts open. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN HERE?" Becca screams. We both jump back but I jump into a shelf and a can of paint starts wobbling. Noah jumps in front of me and catches the paint. "Thanks" I tell him. "It's fine" he says as we both start blushing. "Ummm hello? You never answered my question. What are you guys doing in here?" Becca says "we were just getting paint for uhhh art class" Noah tells her. "It didn't look like that" she says "you guys were- WAIT ARE YOU TWO-?" "Yes we're dating and I dont care if you tell the whole school Becca or even the whole of instagram or Snapchat or whatever because they were gonna find out sooner or later so can you please get out of our way because we gotta go to class" Noah tell becca, I smile a little since Noah said we're dating for the first time. We walk past Becca as she scoffs and rolls her eyes. I look up and see the whole hallway crowded with students all staring at us. "You heard the whole thing didn't you?" Noah asked them. Then they all start cheering and chanting y/s/n (your ship name). The 5 minute bell rings and the crowd separates because they see some teachers coming over. Me and Noah start walking to our lockers acting like nothing happened but I see Chloe smiling at us. I smile back to her as Noah and I walk hand in hand.
Hey schnippers! I haven't updated in a while because I wanted more people to read this and we got a few so yay anyways this one was fun to write and I'll probably update soon but have an awsome day byeeeeee 💖💚😘😍🥵

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