Chapter 14: dress

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Hey schnippers it's been sooo long since I updated this sorryyy but thanks for 260 reads lmao I thought I was gonna get like 1 but thankss anyways also I'm going to be back at school soon so I'll only update on the weekends sorry! But I'll try update a lot this week and I have the next one or two chapters basically all thought out so i hope you enjoy byeeee.
Y/n's pov
It's been like 2 months since we have finished filming season four. They were the best 5 months of my life. They said that it will probably come out in fall but we haven't heard the official date yet. I play will and El's best friend who max and mike get jealous of but in the end we become best friends ( the only reason that you're not dating will is because byler NEEDS to happen or I will ✨stop breathing✨ ) Millie sadie finn and I have become some of my bestest friends. When we had to say goodbye I was heartbroken, we made so much memories like staying up all night watching movies or when we snuck off set and went swimming in the lake nearby. I missed Chloe and my dad so much but I was so happy to see them again. Chloe and I have gotten super close and FaceTimed nearly every night after filming. Filming stranger things was one of the best experiences of my life. Also filming has brought me and noah super close. He came into our room nearly every night and stayed with me until like 3 am. We cuddled all night until Millie and Sadie would kick him out. We would also sneak off alone when we had free time in between scenes or something and u know do stuff.. ( NOT LIKE UNHOLY STUFF HES FIFTEEN JEEZ just like making out or shit like that.)homecoming is
coming up so I'm really excited for that too. I hope Noah asks me but it's on Saturday and he hasn't asked me yet....

I wake up at the sound of my stupid ass alarm clock going off ughhhh Thank god it's Friday I get out of my bed and head into the shower. I dry my hair and put it into a messy bun. I go downstairs and walk outside. I see Chloe on the sidewalk. I walk over to her. "Hey Chlo, uh where's Noah at?" I ask her. "Oh he um, he had to um go to the dentist you know a checkup" she stutters out. "Oh uh k" I say as we start walking to school. She seemed like nervous or something. We get to the school and I start to walk to my locker. "Wait! Y/n can you come to my locker first I forgot my calculator and I have math first period. "Okay? But why do I need to come" I tell her. "Well, you have really good eyesight so I thought you might be able to find it." She says why is she acting so strange like bruh find your own calculator "Fine I'll come" I say as we walk to her locker. She opens it and looks around "oh shit I think I left it in the library the other day, can you come with me pleaseeee" "Chloe I have to get my books" I say "but y/n I really need it cmon I promise we won't take that long" I roll my eyes at her and I walk down the hallway I reach the double doors and push them both.

My jaw drops open when I see a bunch of people staring at me. I look around and I see Noah in the middle of them holding something. He pushes through them and comes up to me. He's holding a sign and a bouquet of flowers in the other hand. "Y/n will you go to homecoming with me?" He says with a sheepish grin. I come closer to him so that our faces are almost touching. "Of course" I say and then I kiss him. The whole crowd whistles and claps. I give him a massive hug and he gives me the flowers and I look at the sign it says "will you be the el to my mike at homecoming?" Except it's spelt out in my favorite candy. "Awwww Noah is this edible?" I ask him. "Yup I got this fancy edible glue to stick them on which took a shit ton of time." He tells me. I giggle "I love it thank you". He puts his arm around me and we walk to our lockers.

After school I get a text from Millie.

Hey boo, wanna go homecoming dress shopping with me, I'm in ny rn and I need a dress for mine?? Xxx
Omg Yes totally!!!!! How bout tonight?

How bout in half an hour I'll meet you at the mall.
Sure see you there xxxx

I turn off my phone and put on my converse."Mom!" I shout down. "I'm going dress shopping with Millie see you later!" "Okay have fun!!!" Mom shouts back. I run out the door and skate over to the mall. I set at the bench by the entrance and wait for mills to come. I see Becca and lily staring at me ughhhh honestly
Wtf do they want rn the come over to me with a fake smile on their faces "Hey y/n! What are you doing here, I haven't seen you in ages!" Becca says with her fake smile " I'm just getting my homecoming dress with Millie." "You mean Millie Bobby brown?" Lily says behind Becca. "Um yes" as soon as I say that I see Millie walking over. She's wearing sunglasses and a hat trying not to be noticed. I laugh at her. "What's so funny?" Becca says. "Oh nothing I got to go bye" I say as I walk towards Millie while rolling me eyes, I give Millie a hug since I haven't seen her in two months. "I've missed you mills" I tell her. "Awwww I missed you too" Millie says to me as we walk into the mall.

After a while of searching through tons of shops I still haven't found a dress. Millie found this really pretty dress and I know that she will look amazing in it. We go into one last shop and we look around. "Cmonnnn y/n pick a dress you will look stunning even in a garbage bag just pick one alreadyyyy" mills says to me. That when I see it. I see a red dress that's of the shoulder with ribbons at the back that cross over each other like shoelaces. I point at it. "That's the one" I say "well come on you gotta try it on!" Mills says as she drags me over to the changing room. I change into the dress. It fits perfectly and looks so good damnnnnn I say in my head. I come out and mills states at me "HOLY SHIT Y/N ITS GORGEOUS YOURE GINNA KNOCK NOAH OUT WHEN HE SEES YOU IN THAT!!!!" Millie screams. I smile at her. "Thanks mills, but I really don't look that good" I say. "Are you kidding me y/n Noah's gonna drop dead and so are all the boys in your school when they see you in that, all the boys would kill to be Noah to have YOU as their girlfriend" she says. I laugh at her. "Okay I'm gonna go pay for this can you undo the ribbons please?" I ask her. I come home and I try it on to show my mom the dress. Mom gaps"This- This is the one... this is the dress"

That's it Okay byeeee but hey ready for the next chapter cuz it's gonna be long and just yes ❤️ zjjzjzkzsis byeeeee

The boy I fell in love with/ Noah schnapp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now