Chapter 2 : talking

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*Y/n's POV*
Nono🥺💜🥵 is typing....
Today, 5:37pm
Can we talk??
Yeah sure wat u wanna talk bout
Look.. I'm sorry for the past few years I've treated u like shit and I'm rly sorry for that because u were always there for me and I just left u I guess.i miss u a lot and I was wondering do u wanna be friends again?
Noah I've missed u too ofc I'll be friends wit u
Of course!!!
Omg I thought u were joking ahah wanna meet at lunch tmrw? 🌮
Sure c u tmrw 💚

I change Noah's name on my phone to Noah💜 because I know that we're not best friends anymore and I know that it will take a while for it to be like that again but I'm happy we are friends I just wish it was something more.....

*Lunch time*

I walk into the cafeteria and find a empty table. I see Chloe and she smiles at me. It's good to have Chloe as a friend again too I've missed her. Then I see Noah walking over to me with his hood pulled up. There's 3 girls next to him talking about something. Then he says something and they go away with annoyed faces. He sees me and waves over. I wave back and gesture for him to come over. He approaches me and says hi. " hi" I say back, "um do you wanna go somewhere more private, it's just girls keep following me and I can't shake them off" Noah says. I giggle " of course they won't leave you alone you're Noah schnapp" I grab his and and drag him out of the cafeteria but when we walk past one of the tables a popular girl named Becca roles her eyes, she used to date Noah in like 7th grade and just wont get over him.She whispers over to her best friend, lily and they both stare at us. I walk even more quickly still holding Noah's hand and I bring him to the library.

We find an empty table and sit down. We both brought our lunch from home so we take it out and start eating. It's so awkward though. It's like we are just glancing at each other and look down at our food. Finally Noah speaks "so... how is your nose?". "What?" " your nose, Chloe told me she hit you with the door when she was walking out" "ohhhh that I guess it's fine now it's a little bit sore but other than that it's fine" " good thing it's not swollen or else you would look like a plum" he jokes. We both start awkwardly laughing. God why is this so awkwarddddd. What do I say. Omg I'm so embarrassing.

Noah speaks up again "Y/n?" "Yeah" "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything, I have been such a bad friend and an ever more horrible best friend, I wouldn't even know what to do without you, the truth is the last few years have been kinda rough. I'm everyone thinks I'm the most popular person at school and I have loads of friends but everyone is fake. I'm never treated like a normal human anymore. They only people that treat me normal are my family, the stranger things cast and.. and you, everyone just says 'oh Noah can we have a picture' or "noah can you FaceTime Millie or Finn I wanna meet them' god I should really shut up I was the one that hurt you and I could never repay enough for those past years." My heart brakes when I hear that, I never knew he had it that hard. "Noah I'm.. im so sorry, I never knew that you had it that hard, I mean yeah I was really hurt and cried for months but now that I know that I forgive you fully, I guess I always thought that the fame went to your head but It didn't you were just... lonely I guess" I reply to him. He smiles up at me "thanks y/n it means a lot to know that I got my best friend back. "Come here" I say and I get up walk over to him and give him a massive hug. It feels so good to hug him again. The hug lasts like 20 seconds when finally we pull apart. " Do you wanna come to my house tonight?" Noah says. My heart stopped I- what did he just say that? Omg I'm going to his house for the first time in 2 years omg what am going to wear?! "Ok I'll see you about 7?" I ask. "Yeah sounds good 7 it is then"Noah replies. Just as he says that the 5 minute bell rings. "Hey I gotta go to chemistry so I'll see you tonight bye" I say while walking out of the library.

*last class of the day*
I keep looking at the clock wondering if it will ever go faster. Mr.Clarke, (see what I did there ;) )my English teacher is going on about verbs but i keep zoning out looking at the clock. "Ms.y/l/n?" Mr Clarke says "do you know what I said?" Shit "ummm no sorry" I reply. "Well I was talking about our school production this year, we are doing Cinderella and the sign up sheet will be right next to room 12 ok?" " Yeah that's fine" I say half staring at the clock. Finally the bell rings and I get up and head to my locker. I get out my chemistry book for my homework and start to walk to the door. As I walk past room 12 I see the sign up sheet. I read through the names....
Cinderella, sign up sheet!
Jessica Addams
Becca Daly
Ben Oliver
Dylan ratzlaff
Chloe Schnapp
Julia raskin
Noah Schnapp

I read through the names and see Noah. Well of course he's there. He's obviously going to get Prince Charming. I stood there thinking. I mean I've always been fascinated by acting I just wasnt really serious in doing it. I scribble my name down and walk away. How hard could it be right?
A/n-Sup guyssss it's my second time writing this so far 6 people have read it but I think that's just me making sure it's good anyway sorry thi was boring I promise it will get interesting anyways thanks for reading it so far bye schnippersss 💜💖

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