Chapter 20: sneaky

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Y/n's pov
I wake up from the excitement. Today we are flying out to LA for the emmys. I text noah to wake up and jump out of bed. I take a quick shower, get dressed and ran downstairs. Mom and dad are sitting at the table eating toast. "WE GOING TO THE EMMYS WOOP WOOPPPP" I scream. "Calm down y/n it's 8am" dad says. "Sorry" I whisper. I grab a bowl and pour some cereal into it. "I can't wait till we see like loads of celebrities like Tom Holland or- or OH MY GOD IM GONNA SEE ZENDAYA MOM WE GOTTA SAY HI TO ZENDAYA OH MY GOD AHHHH" I shout with my mouth full of cereal. Some milk drips down my chin but mom comes over and wipes it of my chin. "You won't be going to the Emmys if you eat like that y/n" she tells me. "Oh well I can't wait to get to la and see all of the cast again." I say as I finish up my cereal. "Go upstairs and bring ur bags down y/n I need to put them in the trunk." Dad says. "Okay" I say as I run over to the stairs and get my bags.

Dad puts them in the trunk and we all get into the car to head to the airport. I grab my phone and text Noah.

Leaving now xx see you at the airport
See you there ❤️

We jam out to some old Taylor Swift songs until we finally reach the airport. We're meeting Sadie and Caleb and there families aswell since we all live in ny. I grab my suitcase and backpack and sling it over my shoulders. We walk inside and check in. After going through security we finally reach the gates. We have to wait like half an hour until we can board so I take a seat. I finally see Sadie and her family coming through the doors. I run over to her and give her a massive hug. "Sads! Oh my god I've missed so much" I say. "Awwww I've missed you so much aswell y/n!" She tells me. We walk over to where my mom and dad are sitting. "Hi Sadie how are you?" My mom asks her. "Good thank you!" She is replies happily. "You excited for the emmys?" My dad says. "Oh 100% hopefully we win something" Sadie replies. "I do too" dad says. Sadie walks back over to her family and then I see caleb walking towards us. I run up to him. "Hey caleb!! I've missed you" I tell him. "Missed you too, how are you? Your nervous?" He asks me. "A little bit yeah but more so excited" I tell him. "Well that's good I think we're sitting on the plane together so that's fun" "oh yay we're gonna have so much fun" I say as we start laughing. We go over to Sadie and start talking again. I look at the sign. 10 minutes till the gate opens. Where is noah??? I text him.
Where ru????
At the bag check in there was a lot of traffic
Hurry! There's 10 minutes till the gate opens
We'll try!!

I wait staring at the door until I hear over the intercom that they are boarding now. Sadie tugs my sleeve. "Hey y/n cmon we gotta board." She says. "But what about Noah?" I say. " well i don't know but we gotta go or we'll miss the flight." Sadie tells me. "Ugh Fine" I say as we walk over and I get my bag. We walk over to the desk and show our boarding passes. We walk down stairs and outside. We then go over to the plane and I find caleb and sit next to him. "Hey what's wrong?" He says. "Nothing why?" I tell him. "You look worried" he says. "Well Noah is only at the luggage check in last time I texted him and that was 10 minutes ago" I say. "Text him now" caleb tells me.i take out my phone and text him.

Noah where are you?! We're leaving soon
We're almost there we're running
Please hurry

Over the intercom on the plane they say this is the final call. I see one of the flight attendants closing the door. I run over "no please! Just wait five minutes more" I exclaim. "I'm sorry sweetie but we're leaving soon" she tells me. "No you don't understand someone's coming and there almost here and they need to get in this flight or else they can't go to the emmys." I tell her. "Okay Fine but 5 more minutes" the flight attendant says. "Thank you!" I tell her. I go back and sit next to caleb. My right leg starts bouncing up and down. Where are you noah?Caleb puts his hand on my leg. "Stop, he'll be here soon, I promise" caleb tells me. I look down at my knees and start twiddling my thumbs ( a/nlmao Sabrina carpenter)a couple of minutes later the flight attendant goes over to the door again. She looks at me. "I'm sorry sweetie we gotta go" She tells me. "Okay" I say sadly.

Suddenly Chloe runs into the airplane."Wait!" She says. Behind her Noah, karine and Mitchell come in. Noah smiles at me and I smile back. They walk down the aisle and to there seats as Noah passes he whispers in my ear. "See you later" he whispers. Finally I relax and stare out the window to the runway. We take of and Caleb and I watch a couple of movies together. I fall asleep on Caleb's shoulder.

I feel someone shaking my shoulder. "Y/n we are here" I hear caleb say. I open my eyes and get up. We walk out of the airplane and I see Noah, Chloe and Sadie talking. I go over to them and Chloe hugs me. "Hey y/n!" She says. "Hey Chlo how was the flight?" I ask her. "Eh good I guess Noah fell asleep and was snoring" Chloe says. I start laughing "classic noah" I say. Noah walks over to me and kisses me. "Hey" I say as we break apart. He smiles at me "Hey" we start walking hand in hand over to the entrance.

Finally after all of that airport shit. We finally jump into an Uber to the hotel. Noah, Caleb, Caleb's mom and I are in one. I stare out at the beautiful la view. Noah holds my hand as we both stare out the window. "Pretty, isn't it" I say. "Not as pretty as you" Noah says. "Awww couple goals" caleb says. "Shut up caleb" I say as we all start laughing. We then turn a corner and arrive at the hotel. "Woah it's so big" I say as we gaze up at the massive hotel. "Yup this is where all of the celebs are staying tonight and for a couple days so don't be surprised if you see Johnny depp is walking around." Caleb's mom says. "Really?" Noah asks her. "Well not really but yeah most celebrities are staying here for the emmys" she says. "Oh my god" we all say at the same time. We all walk in and see the rest of the cast and a couple of there family members. We all go up to Millie gaten and Finn and we have a massive group hug. Millie's mom takes a photo and sends it to all of us. I post it on Instagram


(Insert photo here of all of you having a massive group hug)

@y/u/n:Missed these mouthbreathers
Liked by @noahschnapp and 1,673,930 others

@noahschnapp: ly ❤️❤️
@y/u/n: @noahschnapp love you too schnapp xox

@milliebobbybrown: awwww we are so cute
@schnappers63739: this is so cute
@hylerr: cute x

I read the comments and block hyler. I then see mom come over. "Y/n your sharing a room with Chloe Okay?" She tells me. "Okay" I reply. "Oh and no in Noah's room" she finishes. "Wait mom why?" I ask her. "That's the why" she says as she walks away. I roll my eyes at her and continue to talk to Millie and gaten.

After a couple of hours after hanging out with the cast and eating dinner we finally go up to our rooms. I take a shower and get into my pjs and so does Chloe. We watch a movie and then decide to head to bed since the emmys are tomorrow. "Night y/n/n" Chloe says. "Night Chlo" I tell her and I turn of the light. After a couple of minutes of tossing and turning I get a text.

Come to my room.
I can't Mom said I'm not allowed
Yeah dumbass ik that but Finn's asleep and Chloe probably is so come over.
Ugh fine I'll be there in 5
(Noah and Finn are sharing a room)
I quietly creep over to the door and open it slowly. I grab the keycard next to it and shut it carefully. I creep down the hallway to Noah's and Finns room. I text noah that I'm outside. He opens the door slowly and I creep inside. Noah puts his finger to his lips to say to be quiet and we go over to his bed. I point at his chest. He puts his hands up as to say what and I point at his chest again. He then grabs sleeve of his hoodie. I nod and he takes his hoodie off. He throws it at me and I put it on. We then lay down on the bed and I lay my head on his chest. We lay there in silence until we hear finn snore. We both start laughing but we try to stay quiet. We giggle until we finally stop. I whisper to Noah"my ribs hurt" he quietly giggles and hugs me. We hug for a while until I flop down on the pillow. He flops down next to me. I then roll on top of him and we both start laughing. "Shush" Noah says while struggling to breath. He leans up and kisses me but then he pushes me off of him. I roll over too far and flop onto the floor. We both burst out laughing but forgot that finn was in the room. He rolls over to stare at us and says "huh" in a sleepy voice. I jump back up and run out the door. I wink at Noah and close the door. I quietly jog down the hall to my room and open the door. I slowly close it and hop into my bed. I then smile to myself and start laughing.
Hey boos yuh so this was long to write and yuh hope y'all liked it sjsjsjdjskkamsbdhd

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