Episode 2

394 11 0

Genesis ^

(Y/n's pov)


"C'mon!" He says and my little teenage self just followed him down to the creek of the ezra woodlands where we lived and saw the frogs jumping around in hiding. "Where are you taking me?" I asked with a little giggle escaping my lips and he turns around, his white hair brushed over his eyes with a look I couldn't read. "You'll see." I rolled my eyes and continued to follow my crush down the creek until we stopped at a the genwae spot. I've never seen this spot before as i looked around, the fairylights were bright and there was a little table with a tea pot and two cups. "Woah..." I say breathlessly, I turned to the table and see him sitting down and pouring tea in both cups. "Did you set this up?" I asked and he just smiled at me, gesturing me to sit down. "Does your dad know you snuck off?" I asked worriedly and he looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes I used to adore. "Nope, he's pretty pissed so thank me." He said with a cocky smirk and I just smiled like the little idiot I was, falling for this little shit. "You shouldn't be here with me..." I warned with folded arms and he just shrugged. "And so what? It's all worth it in the end." I drank the tea he poured for me in the beautiful white and gold cup. "Troublemaker." I teased and he shot a glare at me. "Hey, be thankful. I busted my ass off for you. Get used to it." I was taken aback as i smiled widely at him. "So your gonna be going against your father's wishes more often for me?" He raised a brow at me and leaned forward.
"I'd do anything for you."
We both leaned forward, closer and closer until we stopped. Hearing screams off in the distance,
I woke up in a panic and looked around to see It was all a dream. "Fuck..." I mumbled and sat up straight, noticing something in the corner of my eye by the door. I looked over to see a blanket over something. I stood up and walked over, lifting the blanket and seeing new armor I could only imagine genesis made for me.
I picked up a note that was attached to it reading:

Dear y/n, told you it wouldn't take long. This armor should be stronger then your old pile of iron junk. This new armor is magic protected making it stronger then any iron you've ever worn. Hope you like it. May the light guide you. Your friend genesis.
PS: tobias was looking for you.

"Thanks genesis." I mumbled and put the armor on, taking my sword and noticing that it's about time to be getting a new one. I leave my tree house and start walking to the nearest blacksmith in the area since genesis would be too far to go to. I walk up to one and put my gems in front of him. "New sword please." I say, he looked at me with a nod and took the bag of gems and walked to the back and took out a sword. I held it in my hand and tested it out on a dummy. Good enough. I nodded at the man and waved farewell to him. I head to the edge of the woodlands but I stopped and turned to hear a voice calling my name. "Y/n! There you are!" Tobias. "Don't talk to me." I then start flying to avoid him as best I could and i start going to the roalm where the council is, where our army trains, and where we train our young ones, we also go there to discuss strategy for the war that's going on and hopefully get some advice from Athena, goddess of war strategy. But she sometimes does not answer when we call upon her. We don't know why. Also where the titans discuss laws and enforce them in act. The titans are larger angels with bigger wings but nothing is greater then the gods.
When I get there, people are already starting to argue before it could even be logically discussed.
"They're gaining new soldiers and we've lost so many!" One argues like we don't have backup. "Were going to be fine Samuel, stop stressing out!" One with red hair snapped at him yet someone else always had to pipe in. "Piper, do you understand the rates our soldiers are dropping at!?" One asked and I stepped forward. "We need more healers in the battlefield and on all the rocks." I say and they all look at me and some on the right were nodding they're heads. "General?" I asked and looked at him. "Does anyone specialize in medicine or any type of elven healing magic?" He asked and some raised they're hands, they got a wrist band to symbolize a healer. "Healers you fly around and heal others and make sure they're okay, some of you will be on the rocks to make sure when an angel lands they're healed and ready to get back out there." They all nod, more angels are getting they're hands for healing and everyone got they're weapons. "It's time to get back out there and fight." Everyone screamed war cries and flew out of the large building and to the gateway.
As always we were met with with fallen angels flying around and fighting angels there so we dive into the fight with the strength of our swords. I charged into the battle and clashed swords with several other fallen angels, making those traitors fall back where they belong.

(Sawyer's pov)

Me and my brothers and sisters were fighting the angels in the battle, our swords were sharply clashing together. We push more and more at them, they seemed to forfeit yesterday. We claimed a victory for that one but they have so many healers now.
"Get the healers!" One shouts at me and I start to fight of the healers, throwing them down below. Far down below where they wouldn't think they would ever end up. Hell I didn't even think I'd ever be flying on the opposite side of the angels. I always pictured myself fighting fallen angels, never with them.
As I'm fighting off the healers I was suddenly knocked from the sky for a second. I flew back up and there was one angel that was fighting me harshly. It was a girl with H/C color hair with strong iron armor. I take my sword and slashed at her, trying to cut her wings off but she flew up higher to get away from my sword. She then dived down at me and knocked me down by kicking me in the face with her foot. I was stunned for a good moment, falling to the ground. I jumped and flew back in the cloudy skies and saw the girl flying away but I grabbed her arm before she could and started pulling her down into hell. She screamed in fear and shock but I just kept dragging her down further and further down.
But she slipped from my grasp and flew back up. I growled and flew back up, playing cat and mouse with her. I could smell the fear radiating off of her. But i was caught up in a fight with another angel who helped get her away from me. It only caused them to be knocked from the skies and down into hell below. I looked around the battle field and sadly I lost the girl in the middle of all of this.
"Shit..." I mumbled, diving into the battle and knocked every angel I could get my hands on down below. Making sure I harmed they're wings as much as possible.
I was then beginning to push pass the angels that guarded they're gates. I was fighting off angels that tried to keep me from the vicinity.
An angel knocked into me, I looked to see it was the angel that I fought earlier. "Bitch!" She snapped and sliced at my legs, causing me to hiss in pain. "Your council shall fall." I grinned sharply at her and grabbed her neck, choking her and hearing her struggle for breath. She then hit my upside the head, then pushed me down and tried to kill me with her sword. "That's not very kind of You!" I teased with a grin but she punched my jaw, hearing a small crack and I take a dagger and stabbed her side, her screams erupted in the skies and she began falling. I just floated there laughing as she makes her way down.
But no time for laughing, I must keep fighting. For my brothers and sisters.

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