Episode 21

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(Sawyer's pov)

The house was almost done. I can't get y/n off my mind for some reason. I just like her attitude even if it's nasty. I feel like we're connected some how. Something brought me to her. That's a big stretch but I shouldn't be thinking about this. Right now i sit around in my room, taking few breaks, making this house as perfect as I can. I still have my angel side. Even though I never really lost it. It's what most angels believe when we've fallen, we've lost all morality. Maybe they will understand us one day but that day won't be coming too soon. Not that I know of.
Back when I had the white wings, I was a heavy worshipper. People always knew me, my mother and father were very close with the council. But for no reason, I wasn't really liked around the area. Roalm was it? I can't remember the names anymore. I used to have friends but now they were all gone never to see me again. Everyone turned against me when I only thought what i did was right. Sometimes I'm glad I fell, I shows how quick people will turn against you one day.
The judgement day was harsh. Little too harsh. Day by day I wished I could take it all back but I can't. In fact some days in glad it happened and some days I fucking hate my entire being. I didn't want to exist sometimes because of all the hatred people have in their hearts for our people. Or better I say their OWN people.
When me and y/n fought I could see some conflict in her eyes. It was almost a beauitful sight to see. When she stared at me, she was almost letting me see the window to her pain. I could feel the hatred flowing through her which angels aren't allowed to have. I could tell she suppressed these emotions for a very long time. When she fights she lets her anger get the best of her, like a rabid animal ready to attack a small child. Maybe it may not seem like that when she's in the warzone, believe me I saw her fight and she's not that bad. But it somewhat seems as though she's letting herself go crazy and getting herself injured. Makes me feel sorry for her. Maybe she hasn't had training in a bit....proper training.
I shake my head softly and continue to build my new home.

(Y/n's pov)

Me and Gael fly up and use our swords to spar with one another. He grunted as I hit his arm with the sparring sword. Gael spins, kicking my straight in the stomach making me lose air.
"Stay calm y/n." He remarked then continues to rush me in attacks as he bombarded me, trying to hit me with the sparring sword as I blocked him. I was in my defense as he was on the offense. He then harshly hits my hip and my wings stopped fluttering from distraction of the pain then he hits me hard in the head, causing me to fall to the ground and my back hits the marble floor. I grunted as I looked up to see gael hovering over me, staring down at me and shaking his head.
"You can't let your guard down." Gael extends his hand out towards me and helped me up off the floor. "I know..." I sighed, looking down at my feet but he put his gentle hand on my shoulder. I felt his comforting hand, his thumb gently caressed my shoulder and smiled kindly at me as I looked up at him and smiled softly.
"You'll Be better." I nodded and he handed my sparring sword back to me then we started back up with the sparring session.
He was still getting the upperhand as he was pushing me as I'm walking backwards trying to block any of his attacks but somehow he manages to get around some of them.
"Focus." He told me but it didn't register in my mind when he said it. Gael jumped up and kicked me straight across the face a little harder then he wanted. I felt the rage in my heart was I held my cheek and hearing a gasp escape his lips as he stared at me apologetically.
"Oh my, y/n I'm-" cutting him off I rush at him screaming angrily, raising my sword and gaining the offense and him gaining his defense. No thoughts were racing through my mind but only my emotions were taking over my fighting style.
"Y/n calm down! Focus!" He tried talking sense into me but It still didn't register in my brain as I hit his hip harshly then kicked his chest as he huffed in pain. I used my wings and dived right into him, getting on top of him as he stared up at me with shocked eyes as I raised my sword up but was then tackled to the ground by none other then Tobias as he straddled me. I looked up at him and he stared down at me with what I could only imagine was disappointment and anger.
He got up and helped me up and folded his arms. Gael got up on his own and cleared his throat.
"That's enough sparring for one day."
He chuckled softly as he held his chest with a quiet huff escaping his lips, leaving the training room. Tobias looked at me with furrowed brows. I felt nervous and shy as he stared at me this way as he folded his arms. "Your emotions will betray you in battle. Work on it then come back when your ready to spar." I was about to speak but before I could he went straight to the door and left after gael. I felt terrible for what I did to gael, he didn't deserve it. All he did was kick me in the face. It wasn't like he was trying to kill me or that it was real in the slightest. I had tears welling up in my eyes but I shook it off and left roalm and back to ezra. When I got home I went to genwae and sat down with a frusterated sigh. I just wanted to be alone and throw rocks into the lake. I didn't understand why I was letting my emotions take over so easily during sparring sessions with Gael. He's only trying to help me yet I repay him by letting him leave hurt. I don't mean to but I just feel like i can't control them any more like my dreams. I've lost sight of who I am and I'm not sure how to fix it. How to fix my emotions so I never have to experience them during battle.
I just want to wish them away but I can't and that's the most frustrating part.
"Hey girlie." I hear a male voice say, making me jump and sigh. "Go away Sawyer." I growled and continued to throw pebbles into the lake but he didn't seem to get the hint and sat down next to me and threw pebbles with me. "Wuts wong?" He said with a baby voice and a pouty lip, looking at me with his brown eyes which I still swore were red when I saw them before. "Nothing now go away." I snapped at him and he shakes his head in response, skipping pebbles as he continued to pester me. "There's not nothing wrong." Sawyer said with a growing smirk on his face. He was such a smug asshole I just wanted to beat him into the ground. "Still wanting to kill me?" He questioned and I stand up from the dock and glared daggers at him. "You really want to get on my nerves right now?" He raised his hands up in defense when I got in his face. "Woah are we about to kiss right now?" He teased which caused my hand to slap him straight across the face, a red mark appearing. "I deserved that one." He chuckled, almost making me want to laugh as well but i wasn't going to break and i sat back down on the dock with my feet dangling over the edge.
"But you can trust me," he says and sits down next to me, looking at me. "What's going on?" I sighed softly and continued to throw pebbles into the water. "I was sparring with a friend and I let my emotions to take over...let's say it wasn't pretty." I explained which made sawyer raise a brow curiously. "What's making you angry?" I shoot him a glare which he quickly takes the hint, forming a line on his lips and nodding. "That's none of your buisness." I say calmly in monotone with a threatening aura. The air was thick around us when we sit in silence. It was growing more and more awkward until he finally decided to speak. "I can teach you." I raised a brow with an annoyed look but he stared at me with a serious gaze and a small smile. "What." "I can you how to properly fight." I scoffed with a laugh escaping my lips before I stood up. "I'm good. I wouldn't want to learn your demon tricks." I didn't realize how offensive that could've been to him as he stood up. "You fail to realize I was just like you. I may be a fallen angel but looking at the way you fight, you barely have skill. Or so maybe you used to." He retaliated, making me stop in my tracks as I then turned to him with a glare while he had a dominate stance with crossed arms and staring at me with an intense gaze. "I don't need your help." I snapped and began to leave genwae but he stopped in me in my tracks once again. "Your anger will be the death of you but go ahead. I could care less." There was silence when I stopped, anger ensuing my body as it heats up with fury. I take a deep breath and leave the lake and back to my house.
What a jerk.

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