Episode 29

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(Y/n's pov)

Walking through the doors of roalm, i take my time going to the council's quarters. I'm just terrified of what they're going to tell me. But it didn't take long for me to walk through the doors of their quarters, seeing the council members sit on their thrones. I wasn't very supportive by the fact they get to have thrones. It made them seem like they were greater then the gods. Which reminds me to go worship when this is done.
I kneel down on one knee and look up at them with a questioning gaze.
"Y/n l/n, we have called upon you with urgency." Poe said to me with a booming voice, I cringed internally about how his voice was so deep yet tried to sound like a god. "Yes sir Poe, why?" I asked him. "We feel a disturbence in you and around you." I stayed calm but in my very soul was freaking out. "By gods, what do you mean?" I asked him in a calm tome, trying to seem very confused as to why he felt that way. Poe had a stern, no expression look on his face.
"I'm not sure. Maybe you know why?" He says with suspicion but with my calm state, I doubt he would be suspicious of me any further. "Council member poe, you must not fear sir. I assure you everything is okay with me." I felt ease in the room around the council members. The others looked at me with sympathy. I could some how feel their tiredness of poe's annoying gestures. His demands were tiring. His accusations were too much to bare for some people. Poe has sometimes became relentless. He's became unlikable in a way.
"Thank you for your assurance y/n. We were worried there for a moment." He says with a sudden smile appearing on his face. "You've been acting strange lately." Poe continued but I shake my head in denial with a chuckle to escape my lips along with it. But I didn't believe he would let up that easy. I feel like he will pry as long as he has to. "Everything is okay. I've been on a break training and working on myself for awhile." I replied with a smile. Poe nodded and excused me from the council room. But I felt as though he didn't let it go, I feel like he will pry at this until I've come out with the truth that i've let a fallen angel come through the gates of heaven.
I walked through the halls, walking into the church and going to athena's statue that stands with a triumphant pose. A few offers were on her alter. I put my own offer there and kneel on both my knees and lower my head down in prayer, begging for her to speak in this great time of need. For wisdom and guidance.
I kneeled there for what seemed like hours until I heard a tiny voice whisper in my head. It was clear too. A woman's voice.
'Do not trust their words'
I opened my eyes and looked up at her statue and felt a smile stretch on my lips. Had she finally reached out? I wasn't too sure of it but I left the church feeling very happy, in a very good mood.
The next morning was a good morning when thinking about those words. Her words. I fixed myself up and grabbed my sword and bow, leaving the house and beginning to walk to genwae but was stopped by finn.
"Y/n!" He called and I stopped in my tracks with an annoyed grunt leaving my throat and turning around with a smile. "Hey finn." I greeted him as kind as possible. He looked my up and down with a raised brow. "Where must you be going?" Finn asked with a smirk on his face. "Going to train." I nodded in reply. "Want me to train with you?" I felt my heart sink a bit when he asked this, would sawyer be annoyed? Would he like the thought of this? Could I say no to this? "Sure you can." Auto pilot kicked in as my brain spoke for me, I felt frusteration in me as he then smirked and walked along side me to genwae.
I looked around for sawyer to make sure he would sneak attack us but he wasn't there. It wad quiet, I felt at ease he wasn't here at this time. Maybe he had better stuff to do like building his house. "Here you can handle the bow while I handle the sword." I say, handing my bow over to him, he took it in his hand and nodded as I handed him the arrows as well. "I will go hide, you try to find me as I shoot the arrows at you." Finn suggested the good idea which I nodded and he went off to go hide while I covered my eyes. "Stay calm." I jumped at the sudden voice behind me, turning around and seeing saywer towering above me. "When your opponent is stealth armed with a bow, use the trees as your shield along with your blade. Move swift, waste no time. Intuition is your best bet." Sawyer says to me calmly then flying up, disappearing. I gulped as my nerves were spiking up to a thousand. I ran to a tree and hid behind it, turning around and suddenly hear an arrow fly right past my face. Finn was hiding somewhere, I turned again and heard a rustle in the trees. I took a calm, deep breath and quickly run to another tree, sliding down to take cover as an arrow missed me by a few inches. 'Stay calm, use your intuition.' I looked up and saw another rustle in the trees, an arrow hitting the tree.
I ran out in the open, dodging many of the arrows that came my way as I looked around for finn then noticing him clear as day in a tree. I dodged another arrow he shot at me then ran towards the tree he was in and started climbing the tree. I heard a rustle then once I got up the tree i saw he was already gone. So now where could he be? An arrow answered my question when it just missed above my head, I turned around to see finn was escaping to another tree. I followed right behind him and kicked him out from the tree, landing face first on the ground with a groan. I jumped down as well and landed next to him. "Found ya." I grinned, helping him up as he groaned in pain. "Good job, you want a medal?" He joked with a chuckle escaping his lips. I just smiled and shake my head with a small laugh. I say next to him and took a deep breath.
"So, you and genesis." I grinned slightly at the question. Finn's cheeks burned when I asked and looked away. "We're just friends right now." I hummed. "Right now." I quoted with a smirk on my face only to earn a glare from finn. "We're just friends." He corrected and smacks the back of my head giggling. "Oh come on, you both are cute together." I say with a nudge. He just sighs and looked at his feet. "We'll talk about this later. I have to go work on those wings." He says with a soft weak smile. I nodded and got up and so did he and he left genwae. "I assumed that's one of your elven friends." I jumped, turning around and seeing sawyer. I hit his shoulder with a grunt causing him the laugh softly. "Stop sneaking up on me like that! And yes, that's my friend." I say as I just myself off from the dirt. "You did well in that training." He complimented as we both walked towards the lake. "But you could have done better." He added and turned towards me. "Shall we train?" I felt a small smirk grow on my face.
"We shall."

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