Episode 16

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(Sawyer's pov)

Building a house from scratch was not easy, but with a little bit of magic it was impossible. With shops not too far, I was lucky enough to actually get materials so I don't destroy such a beauitful forest such as this.
But I should give them credit for it, they rightfully grew this land by hand. I have no hate in my heart for the elves. For they did nothing to have these black wings of mine. It was the stupid fucking council that is just so...so. "hello." I whipped around at the voice and see it was the girl whom I've fought before. "Oh..hello....y/n?" She nods and kept her hands behind her back which caused me to become suspicious of her. "I have nothing." She then raised her hands up with the roll of her eyes. "Right." I say and turn back to the house I've been building which is far from finished. "What are you doing here?" I asked her with wonder and she shrugged, sitting on a rock. "Making sure your not causing up a ruckus." She says to me and I chuckle and turn back at her. "Well I wouldn't start shit for no reason." I tell her with honesty and turn around, leaning against a tree. "I only got the weapons to protect myself from Intruders who figure out what I am." I tell her and she nods slowly and looked at my house. "Making a house?" I turned around and nodded and gesture to my bench. "Got a blueprint if you wanna take a gander." She denies the offer and then stands up awkwardly and looked around a moment. "Well...I better get going." We stand there awkwardly for a second until she leaves then I go back to working on my build.

(Y/n's pov)

I only went to check on him to make sure he wasn't doing anything to the forest or killing anything. I won't even let him harm a fly. If I find out he hurt anything I will kill him.
I went to roalm so I can train a bit, I used the bow genesis gifted me and shot at some targets. Some targets moved but I hit the bullseye everytime. A bow was always my go to, now that I think about it genesis heard I wanted a bow a while ago. Smiled softly as i thought about this and chuckle softly. "She always listens." She really is my best friend. I love that girl with all my heart, she's like a sister to me. The sister I never had. Genesis was always there to listen to whatever I had on my mind. I remember the time we met when we were so little, I moved with my father to ezra because my mother was so busy fighting in the war. My father took the best of care of me. He introduced me to her father and to her as well and from then on out we were friends. Fate brought us together and then I remember she introduced me to finn. Good times. I met gael when I was in my early teens and we were in the training room and trained together. We were assigned buddies in the program and we were then friends, he introduced toby to me at that time. Then I introduced them to Finn and genesis, then we were all friends. It felt like it was just yesterday all of that happened.
"Hey y/n!" I turned around and saw gael walking up to me with a happy smile on his face. "Hey gael." I greet him and we just hung out for a bit, then hanging out turned into training together. We were sparring with swords for a little bit
We sparred for awhile, it remained take for the moment until I started to become...a bit aggressive with it.
I was beginning to remember why I joined this war in the first place and I pushed forward. Gael is one of the strongest angels on the force and he seemed very shocked at my sudden change of pace. The sparring was becoming faster and faster, moving my feet like my life depended on it as my sword clashed with his loudly.
He pushed me off with his sword and looked me in the eyes.
"Stay tame." He warns me. I lower my weapon and take a seat with my head hung low. "Hey, it's fine." I shake my head softly when he says this and I completely denied what he says. "No it's not. I shouldn't have acted so harshly." He sits down next to me and looked at me with a small smile and a chuckle. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Just remember to stay tame when sparring. I'm not your enemy." The last part rung in my head like an echo in a tunnel. Gael was comepletely right, I treated him more like and enemy then an ally. It was as if my life had depended on surviving from him more then sparring with a buddy. It was an odd feeling I couldn't shake. I feel his hand on my shoulder, I looked to see his smile.
"Take a break, we'll spar later."
And that we did. We both took our break and sparred again but this time i was more controlled.
I noticed toby was watching too, staring at me then just continued to watch us both. I didn't pay much mind to it though. He was leaned up against the wall with his arms crossed, no facial expressions. Just nothing but...nothing. I felt no emotion coming from him.
"Good y/n, make sure to dodge quicker. It will help you when flying. Don't be afraid to dodge more often."
Gael told me and I nodded then we both took another break until the end. "Good spar." We both shook on it until Toby came up and smiled at the two of us. "You both did good." He said and gael chuckled and patted his shoulder. "We should spar tobester." Tobias shrugged and looked at me then back at him. "Soon, I have a meeting with one of the council members." Gael nodded and toby then looked at me once again. "I'll see you around." With that we said farewell to him and he walked off the direction. Gael turned to me.
"You both good?" He asked and I softly scoffed. "I guess. He's not taking my rejection so good." Gael nodded and glanced the way toby left then back at me. "We should both get going. We gotta serve in the battle today. We've sparred too long."
With that, we both went off to battle to serve our time in the war and left with minor injuries.
I started to think back earlier when I was getting out of control when sparring. How I remembered why I joined the war in the first place.
It made me want to fight stronger and harder. But that also made me think about how I let in that fallen angel. Oh no. I've made a terrible mistake. I have to get him out.
One way or another...

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