Episode 22

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(Y/n's pov)

I slowly wake up drenched in sweat, the dreams continue to happen but more intense as they go along. I wanted them to go away but they just keep scratching at my mind, I just feel angrier everytime I wake up from these dreams that I have. I get up and wipe the sweat with a cold wet towel before putting up my armor to go out into battle with.
The Warzone was getting hectic with many demons then there were fallen. But that didn't mean we wouldn't be hitting back harder then ever before, now that the fallen are out of the way and not pushing at us to get inside the heavens. The demons however have a stronger passion to take us down and to kill us more then the fallen probably do. Our hate for each other mixes together almost perfectly.
But my anger for these creatures not only swirled around my soul but my heart which I didn't realize at the time could have been a very terrible thing the angels could do. That day the demons actually broke into the heavens and reeked havoc was the worst day of my entire life. But I suppressed it so much it's almost trying to pour out of me but I'm preventing it. It's growing more and more I could actually feel it grow. But it would be best for now to ignore it while I can. Before I explode.
The war zone was becoming more and more violent as we fight with bloody hands, the demons are being more violent then my side was. They were purely very evil creatures only wanting the heavens to crumble with the angels within it and to take the innocent human souls with them for all of eternity. The souls that don't deserve to suffer are what they want to grab on to but what they value a victory is our home crumbling and our race to become extinct.
It scares alot of us of course but with the strength of our hearts we can fend them off with our growing almost everyday as we continue to fight this war.
Right now I was in the warzone, perched up on a rock as I aimed my bow at the flying demons and the group's of fallen angels. I had gotten new arrows with a magic attacked to cause an explosion but not powerful enough to kill them but to stun them and knock them back to where they all belong.
I protected the angels who've seemed to have a difficult time of trying to send off any demons that could come their way.
I draw my arrow back and notice a very familiar face.
I thought he had already gotten what he wanted? He would want to fight in the war anymore? I thought he was every man for himself but i guess not. But as I'm caught off guard I'm knocked from my perch I see him smirking at me as he grabbed his sword, i quickly grabbed my sword and we started to duel.
"What are you doing here?!" I questioned and he raised a brow at me as both of our swords clash together and screaming as they scrap against each other. "What? Can't fight for my people?" He sliced my hip causing me to grunt and he kicked my stomach, doing a spin as he cut my cheek with his blade but retaliated. I swung my sword as his head but he ducked before it could even do a paper cut then tried to gouge as his arm but he caught me off guard and  cut a deep gash in my leg.
"Concentrate, you let your anger get the best of you." He comments as he takes a step back, circling me as he flies elegantly. "Your not my mentor." I growled but he then snuck up behind me and slashed my back causing me to scream in pain.
"I may not be your mentor but quote frankly you seem like you have alot of work to do." He replied with a grin on his face causing me to become angry. He was definately taunting me. "Your slouching sit up straight, you want to come across confident when fighting your opponent." He says while he flies straight at me about to attack but I quickly blocked it and he smirked softly. "Shut up..." I growled lowly but he rolled his eyes and punched me straight in the nose causing it to bleed and become stunned as I began to slowly fall. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and pull me up. "You block well but your defense is week. Concentration is a key to beating your enemy." I hear Sawyer say then place me back on the rock. "Meet me at the lake." He ordered as if I was really going to listen and flew away, noticing him sneaking right passed the angels through the gateway. He was some slick son of a bitch.
When I've done my part in the warzone I go back to the heavens and fly up to roalm and walk into the temple. I couldn't stop thinking about that arrogant piece of shit fallen. I'm tired of seeing his face. But if I fight him he will kick my ass or even kill me. He's definately a better fighter then i was I'll give him that.
I take a turn in the temple as I'm now in the church, the gods and goddess statues stand there and no one is here to worship right now so I guess it's time for me to contact Athena. Or maybe even ares since he's been pretty quiet during all of this as well. I walk to athena's statue and get down on my knees and take a big deep breath, trying my best to contact the goddess of wisdom and war strategy.
It seems as though I've been here for hours yet no response comes from the goddess. Dead silence. But I heard the tiniest whisper in the back of my mind.
What did this voice mean by when it came to this word? I wondered as I raised a brow, looking up at the woman who's statue stood elegantly with power radiating from it.
"What do you mean..." I whispered but still no answer. I sighed, standing up from the spot until I jumped when a voice came from behind me.
"Hey." I quickly turned to see toby standing there with an arched brow. "Hey...." I greeted him back awkwardly, rubbing the back of my neck gently as i wondered why he was here. "Can we talk?" Toby asked which caused my heart to sink into my stomach. I didn't want to talk but since the silence from these past couple weeks have been so deafeningly uncomfortable I agreed. We both sit down on a bench and look at each other.
"I'm sorry...for everything that I've done." He says once again as if he hadn't said it a dozen times but I nod my head, letting him continue. "I felt like i wasn't worthy of you....of your love. I messed up." I put my hand on his shoulder gently. "Look, I understand but toby, it's time to move on. I'm moving on as best I can and your holding on. Let go." He snapped his eyes to me and turned his whole body his face mine, seeing the pain in his eyes when I say this hurts me deep inside but I can't bare the weight of this heart break anymore. "I don't know how to let go y/n. I love you to the endless sky, you infect my mind and I can't get you out. I'm....I'm too afraid to let go...." He says this confidently at first but his voice broke along the way, becoming more and more broken as he said it. Falling apart at the end. I couldn't stand to see him this way so I hugged him. Tightly. He hugged me back, not wanting to let me go as he cried softly. I didn't know how to let him go either but I knew I had to so I didn't have to endure this pain either.
"Toby....I can't help you with that. I know your broken...I'm broken. I'm breaking every second of everyday. I'm afraid I'll never be fixed..." I say hopelessly as we both pull away and look at each other, the spark completely gone at this point for me. All he could do was nod and look at the ground. "I'm sorry. But I don't think i could love you like that ever again..." I say, deciding to take my leave and leave him there to his thoughts. I can't have it happen again, have my heart shatter into bits and pieces but it always seemed to be that way ever since the day the demons attacked the heavens.
That day....

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