Episode 26

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(Y/n's pov)

My back hit the ground with a groan escaping my lips as I stared up at the sky. It was the next day and I was training with sawyer with hand to hand combat once again. He definately bested me considering I'm on the ground looking at the sky. It makes my realize I wasn't as good of a fighter people had made me out to be.
"You've given up?" I hear him ask, standing up from the ground with a whine. "Almost..." I groaned as I stand up straight. Looking at the male with a soft look, he was walking towards me but I didn't let my guard down. He took a swing at me but I dodged by going under his arm to go behind him, grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back and shoving him down in the dirt. I hear him groan loudly in pain. "Wow, you catch on." I hear him chuckle, I got up from him and let him get a chance to stand up. He takes a swing but once again I dodged by going under and elbowing his back, turning around and seeing he had stumbled to the ground.
"Your getting better. Remember to stay calm." He says, then as I walk up to him he swept my feet out from under me and restrained my wrists and ankles. I began freaking out but he stared right into my eyes and I felt a sudden calmness to his gaze. I stopped struggling and he lightened his grip on my wrists, never breaking this star gaze. I just stared into his soft brown eyes while he stared into my e/c orbs. I cleared my throat and flipped us both over, now I was on top of him staring down with a smirk. "I win." I then stand up while he chuckled and helped himself off the ground. "Your getting better, but new techniques are what you need to learn most. Your calm but I still feel anger coming from you." He says as he then sits down by the lake and I sat next him with a soft escaping my lips. "Im trying. But this anger...I'm Just not sure what I need to do to let go." I say honestly and he turned his head to me with those soft brown eyes. "Your suffering." I looked into his eyes with sadness in mine. "Suffering from what?" He asked with a hint of curiousness in his tone. I didn't want to quite tell him the full story, I just stared at the lake. I knew I couldn't avoid this question forever.
"I lost someone very very close to me. I felt like it was my fault. I could have done something about it but I didn't...I couldn't..." sawyer fiddled with his thumbs awkwardly and looked at me then suddenly putting his arm around me. "We all suffer from losses. It's okay to feel this sorrow. Just know theres people there to listen." I never imagined a fallen angel was this nice, I looked at Sawyer once again who then had a warm smile playing on his lips. I smiled softly at him and chuckled. He removes his arm from me then stands up, dusting the dirt from his clothes and looked to the horizon and noticed the sun was going to set.
"You should be going home now." Sawyer says, looking down at me as I stand up from the ground and hummed. I some how didn't want to leave, it was either I felt comfortable or he put a spell on me. As much as I would like to believe the second one, I just couldn't. His prescence was some how comforting but I knew I had to go home. I nodded and shook his hand with a tight grip. "Pleasure working with you." He seemed surprised by my sudden praise but he smirked and shook my hand as well with a nod. "I assume we're friends now?" He asks with a smirk but I pushed his hand down. "Don't push it." I growled but he raised his hands in defense like he always did and laughed. His laugh made a smile stretch on my lips which he I assume he took notice of it, making him smile wider and wider.
"See you tomarrow girlie." He winked then turned around and walked back to his home while I went to my home as well, landing on the balcony and opening the door going inside. I got into comfortable clothing and laid back in bed with a sigh as i stared up at the ceiling. Thinking of sawyer was like a day dream, I keep slipping down and down into this day dream I couldn't escape. The way he smiles and laughs, the way his serious expression on his face looked...attractive. Sawyer had a charm to him i never saw in any angel before. His prescence is...intoxicating. just training a few days with this guy and I and already growing fond of him yet some how he seemed so familiar, like I knew him before.
It makes me wonder why he fell. With sawyer's charm, I don't think he would ever be the type of angel to fall outside to the underworld. But you couldn't know everybody. Just because they're nice doesn't mean they have a nice backstory. I even asked before why he fell and took offense, maybe it was tragic. It would be tragic to everyone of they were told they were to be banished from the heavens for all of eternity to a pit leading to the underworld, full of eternal suffering and endless fire. I wouldn't blame his offense though, it has to be terrifying. I hope one day I could know why he was banished, heck maybe I can tell him what happened to my father. My dreams and what's going on with my life I can't seem to find the courage to tell not even my closest friends.
A knock came from the door, I wonder who it could be. I got up from the bed and opened the door to see finn standing there with a lantern to his face.
"Y/n, come I need to show you." I went with him to his house and he showed my the finished product of what could actually be a replica of angel wings made for the elves to fight along side us. I was in awe as he presented the wings made of the same fabric our feathers are made from. Finn puts on this replica, strapping it around his shoulders and his arms, then beginning to flap them back and fourth. Finn had that smile of proudness on his face as he looked at the wings he's made.
"I'm going to test it tomarrow. Wanna spot me?"  He asked which i gladly accepted with some fear. What if it didn't work? There will always be that possibility where elves could die from these replicated wings. "I'll gladly help you. If anything goes wrong I'm right beside you." I could see that grin on his face as he looked deeply into my eyes and takes off the wings, sitting down with a huff. I sit next to him, he glanced and me and turned towards me. "You okay?" He asked with some worry in his tone which made me raise a brow as to why he was asking me this. "Why?" I ask. "I see you haven't been your best lately. Is everything okay?" Finn asked again and I just shrugged not knowing how to properly answer thag question without causing him even more worry about my situation. "It's nothing to worry about. I'll live." I chuckled lightly but only caused him to from then reach for my hand, but with fast reflexes I pulled my hand quickly away from his that was trying to take it in the first place. He looked hurt by my actions but I couldn't have him hurt even more then I already have. "I'm sorry..." I say with a voice crack but he just chuckled softly. "No your okay. Shouldn't have done that." He says awkwardly and leans away from me. "I hope some day you can tell me what's going on with you." I only hummed In response, not sure what else to say to him. "I'll see you tomarrow?" Finn asked, putting his fist up to me, I smiled weakly and fist bumped him with a nod then leaving his house and back to mine.
When getting back home, I shut the door and went to bed.


I could hear a man pleading for his life, his hands folded together with tears of fear and sorrow leaving his eyes. I would be scared too. He stood before the angry council that had that look of betrayal on their faces as they stared upon the familiar fearful man.
"Please! Don't do this!" The disappointed looks on his parents faces as they stare at their child with anger and disappointment. Then everything went black and that was the end.

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