Episode 34

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(Y/n's pov)

I woke up in cold sweat with tears in my eyes. I rubbed my eyes as I groggily got out of bed with a groan. I fixed my hair and looked in the mirror. I looked like absolute shit. With these nightmares and weird vivid dreams, I realize I need to write the down. The woman said the truth was written and hidden away. What does she mean by the truth. What does she mean about Sawyer? Where's my fulfillment? She was really vague about things. I wish things made sense. I gotten dressed and grabbed my weapon, deciding to actually train properly today with sawyer. I left the house and got to genwae and felt nothing here. I raised a brow as I called out for his name.
"Sawyer?" I called, walking around making sure he wasn't going to actually sneak attack me. But nothing. He wasn't around. Maybe I should check his home. I walked to his home to see that the lights were on. Then I noticed he was putting together boards for his home, banging a nail in the board with a hammer.
"Hey sawyer." I say, catching his attention because he stopped his construction and looked at me with a smile. "Hey y/n." He greeted kindly and wiped the sweat off his forehead. "The house is looking nice." I compliment with a soft smile as I sit on a random log. "No training today?" I asked with a tilted head. "I can take a break if you want." Sawyer said which made me think for a moment. "You know what, you fix up your home. I'll come back later, okay?" Sawyer nodded and waved goodbye and I left to go to roalm and worship.

(Poe's pov)

I feel a dark prescence around y/n. It's strange everytime she's here, like she's got something to hide.
"I believe we should watch out for y/n." I inform the other council members which caused them to raise their brows. "She's got something weird going on. She's hiding something, I just know it." I growled with a clenched fist. God's forbid her being a fallen angel. How would her mother react If she was? She's one of the most respected angels around. I then called in gael.
He walked in and took a bow. "Gael, I need you to spy on miss l/n." Gael had a sudden shocked expression on his face when i say this. "Why?" He asked curiously. "Because I said so. She's acting suspicious and I have a feeling she's a fallen." Gael worriedly looked at me with some contemplation. He had a battle going on in his head. Gael then nodded sadly and left the council. If she is a fallen, she will have serious consequences to deal with.

(Gael's pov)

Why would they suspect that she's a fallen angel? She's never thought of turning into such things. Last I'm checked, she didn't like them at all. She despised them, aspired to be like her mother and father. She didn't want to become that, so what's there to be suspicious about? I looked around and found her in the church actually. Worshipping Athena on her knees praying to the statue. I hid behind the wall and watched her worship. See? Theres nothing to suspect right? She's just worshipping Athena trying to get answers.
"What are you doing?" I jumped from the voice behind me and I turned around and saw Tobias. "N-nothing..." I whisper, feeling my face flush as o scratched the back of my neck nervously. "Your doing something. Watching her, what are you doing?" He asked again with furrowed brows then I sighed. "The council told me to watch her. They suspect something is up with her and I need to get to the bottom of it. But right now, I feel like she's innocent." I say honestly, he looked in the room and she was still on her knees worshipping and he huffed. "You never know." He whispered to me, looking in my eyes. "For all you know, she could be fooling you." I pulled him behind the wall again and glared daggers into his eyes while he had an emotionless expression. "Are you serious right now? Still mad she didn't feel the same as you did?" I growled in his face and he grabbed my collar. He was definately taller then I was so he was a dominating piece of shit, but I was alot more stronger then he was. "It's not about that, i'm just-" "your letting your emotions get in the way of rational thinking Tobias. Whether she loved you or not, stop being a dick and be rational." I let go of him as he did me and I turned back to the church and she was still there. Looked to be wrapping it up though. "Listen, how about I go with you to watch her and we'll see who's right." Tobias said with a cocky smirk on his face like he was going to win. "Fine." I huffed and we both hid away as she walked out of the church and we followed her home to ezra.

(Y/n's pov)

I worshipped, and absolutely nothing. Maybe I should visit sawyer and see what he's up to now. Maybe he's still building I don't know. I landed on ezra and felt a presence behind me. I kept walking for a few minutes and turned around, saw nothing. Someone was following me, I felt it. I decided to go home and lock the door to make sure that no one followed me the genwae. I didn't need anyone to find out right now. I shut my curtains and made the lights turn off.
These are just safety precautions.

(Gael's pov)

I groaned softly when she shut her curtains. It would make it difficult to watch her, though it's creepy so I understand. Tobias was still at my side, glaring at her house.
"Dude grow up." I huffed which made him scoff at me. "I have a right to hate her." He said childishly with a snarl on his face. "I shouldn't have let you come with me." I complained as I then sat up in a tree with folded arms. Tobias glared at me and then plopped up in another tree away from me. What happened to us? We all used to be the best of buddies when we were kids. I guess people really do change in life. I wish it was the same. I don't like Change, it's scary. Y/n seems more depressed then ever, genesis is always busy with her father, finn is becoming distant, and tobias is an absolute dick. Me...well i guess i could say I changed somewhat. I'm a little depressed since yano might be cheating on me some how. Which makes me remember, I should know where she's going today.
"I need to go." I tell tobias which he hummed questioningly. "Why where are you going?" He asks with a raised brow. I needed to think of a lie, he didn't deserve to know where i was going at this moment.
"I need to worship Poseidon." I lie on the spot. Though Poseidon wasn't the god I worshipped often, I had to lie. He had no reason to be nosey around my buisness. "Alright fine. I'll be here." He said which made me look at him weirdly. "Ill be watching her too. I want to see if she does have something to hide." He said with the nastyest smirk on his face which made me cringe to look at. I just left at that moment. I just needed to know what yano was doing. Please don't be cheating on me, though we don't like each other that much, this isn't the way I want to find out...

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