Episode 58

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(Y/n's pov)

We were in the underworld and gathering the fallen angels together and met with the two leaders, rae and kalem. "Hey!" Rae greeted with the armor we supplied for them already. "Are we ready?" She questions and we all nodded. "We have our fleet, you have yours. We'll make them clash and we'll be bigger. Stronger." I tell her and kalem smiled and patted my shoulder. "We can't thank you enough..." he says and I shake my head. "Helping you is thanks enough. We follow through with the original plan. We rush them and you sneak attack them." They nodded and they gathered up their soldiers to explain to them what was going to go down. Everyone cheers with determination.
"LETS TAKE BACK OUR HOME! AND BURY THE COUNCIL TO THE GROUND!" Rae says with encouragement, causing us all to cheer with more determination.
"LETS FLY!" By then, we all shoot up from the underworld in a big herd and find that the battle was still happening. The fallen angels went to hide and me and my fleet started to fly to the side side of the fallen. Causing a big deal of shock from what was once my side. This caused the battle to come to a stop, a big army of angels were on the other side while i was on the other side with the fallen.
I hear them whisper and mumble with confusion mixed with anger written on their faces. They We're a giant army.
"I DEMAND TO SEE THE FACES OF THE COUNCIL!" I shouted and we all hear thunder, a storm was brewing as light rainfall started to pour.
"POE! LAVENDER! DAMON!" I called angrily. "KALEL! GASTON! FEREL!" I shouted at them angrily and then soon enough, we saw them flying out to the battle field in the front lines staring at us with anger. "Continuing the treason eh?" Poe asks as he stared at me with the glare. Tobias stood with them and looked at me directly. I couldn't see the emotion on his face. Just his eyes staring right at me.
"I guess so, Poe. Your cult has run far enough. Theres a reason the gods have went silent." I angrily tell him with a scowl which causes him to laugh. "The gods have left us! It appears to be as So! They are gone! Now, we only govern ourselves." I glared at the egocentric leader with the lust for power in his eyes. I balled mg fists as I wait for the fallen to take their places. "They are not dead! I have spoken with the goddess of battle strategy and wisdom, Athena! She has told me everything I needed to know and now....Now You will come to an end." I attacked viciously with the venom laced on my tongue with hatred. Poe growled. "We should have killed you when we had the chance. You were a threat, we should have executed you Immediately." I rolled my eyes and noticed the fallen had taken their place. "Gael...I expected so much from you." Poe says with disappointment. "As I did you. But I guess our expectations went different ways." Gael says calmly and looked at a woman. The black haired woman was yano who stared at him with sadness in her eyes, betrayal. They stared at each other the entire time. "Genesis, Finn..." tobias started and looked at me again. "Lets shut it down." Lavender says and readies her weapon along with everyone behind them and the other council members. "Lets." I say, as my fleet readies their weapons along with the fallen fleet behind them about to sneak attack.
"CHAAAAAARGE!" Poe shouted and Sawyer signaled the other fleet to attack. The fallen did so, and started to savagely attack viciously with their weapons, taken by surprise of the other side. Me and poe flew at each other and our swords clashed together with anger. All of us were just angry with each other, the storm continued to brew. Sawyer took on lavender, Gael took on ferel and Damon, genesis took on kalel, and finn took on gaston. The storm was starting to roar at this point with thunder and hard pouring rain with lightning. My sword with poe's shrieks with the sharp blades running against each other, I try to stab his side but he blocked it. We both had equal amount of skill with the sword. Sawyer didn't have much of a hard time with lavender, for her age she didn't do so good. With lavender, she fell. Dead. But I was too angry to actually care, I was focused on taking poe down and stopping his rein from continuing and hurting others. The storm just continues to brew and roar, the sound of angry screams just causes my ears to ring. It was deafening to hear the swords clashing. I lost my hearing for a brief moment. Fighting Poe was something I looked forward to for a long time. This fight was tough though to keep up with but I kept my momentum thanks to the training from sawyer. I didn't use my anger, though I did have it, I didn't use it to my advantage. If I did, all that training would have been for nothing. Poe dodges my other attach, tries to slice my neck but I quickly fly higher to get away from that attack. He chases after me though and our swords continue to hit each other as we blocked each and everyone of of our attacks, soon I land a hit on him, his side had a gash. He growled and sliced my face, causing me to scream and fly away, a big slice over my face was evident and I held it in pain. But poe didn't leave me alone. He attacked again and I blocked them as quick and as accurate as I could, I land another his on his cheek as pay back but it wasn't too bad. I tried to aim for his face again but he dodged and kicked my stomach. The air was knocked out of me and I heave out of breath. The storm brews more like a hurricane with lighting striking. The lightning hits the gateway. Poe turns and sees the gateway had been destroyed. He looked angry.
"Zeus....he's angry..." I say, slightly yelling over the sounds of screams and the roaring storm. Poe turned back to me. "They've left us! That's impossible!" He shouted and tried to kill me in that moment but I blocked it quickly and our strength caused the swords to stay in that spot as we pushed against each other. "You....ruined...everything!" Poe shouted and kicked my leg and I sliced his chest with anger and he grunted. "You could have just left it alone y/n!" He shouted once more and tried to attack me but I blocked it again, seeing his annoyance bring me pure joy. "JUST DIE WOMAN!" He yells, frusterated and sliced at my head but I dodged. "Your lust for power has brought you're demise!" I shouted at him. "You deserve the very thing you've tortured people with. Banishment." Poe growled and clashed his sword with mine. We quickly dodged, attacked. Our battle was going as fast as possible. It went on for awhile until he knocked my sword out from my hand as it went for the abyss. Poe pointed his sword to my throat. "Finally...your end had come..." he grinned and stared at me. "I've worked so hard to gain their trust. Now with you gone, your fleet will have no hope." Poe says. "Sawyer will have no one...he'll be all alone again." I raised a brow when he said that. "How did you-?" I questioned but he laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'm not stupid y/n. I felt his precense in that court room. I knew...I knew what was to come. Now was just the time to wait, to kill you in the heat of battle in front of him." He grinned and brought his sword closer to my throat. "I really liked you y/n. I saw so much potential in you. I'm actually somewhat sad it had to be this way." Poe said with a frown. "But I guess that's the way life goes..." The storm roars in the back, even more lightning strikes on the heavens. "Goodbye, miss l/n." Poe then retracts his sword, ready to plunge the sword in my chest. I close my eyes tightly and waited for the impact But it never came. I opened them and saw someone standing in front of me. The white hair gave it away immediately. Tobias looked at me and I looked at him sadly. "Did I...did I redeem myself?" He asked, poe has shock written in his face. Horror as he stabbed the young man in the chest. I teared up to see this. The sword slides out as tobias continues to stare as me, his body then falls all the way down. I looked at poe, full of rage. Tobias still had good in him. Though I hated him with a passion, he saved my life. He still cared about me. Forgetting the past now of him cheating, it didn't matter. He saved my life once again. The man cared. Now he was gone.
I pulled my bow and arrows out and started to shoot but he dodged and chased after me as I tried to fly away. The storm roared even louder, poe had fear written in his eyes and suddenly. From the skies we see figures floating from above. I looked up and saw the gods and goddesses coming down elegantly. Rage on their faces. "COUNCILLOR POE!" Shouted zeus, the god of lightning shouts at him. The leader. Poe looks at the god with horror before him. "YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO YOUR OWN PEOPLE. WE GIVE YOU THE POWER TO PROTECT, THOUGH IT SEEMS YOU'VE LET POWER BLIND YOU." Zeus says with his voice booming and roaring through the skies. Poe was horrified. Athena had stared at me and nodded. I see Artemis along side her, who looked at my bow and nodded at me with approval. "YOU, ALONG WITH YOU'RE FOLLOWERS WILL PERISH AT THE WRATH OF THE GODS." Then soon, the storm had gotten worse as the gods then rush into battle with anger, beginnin to help us wipe out those who had worked with Poe. I shoot my arrows at poe as he then started to chase me, blocking my arrows and making sure they didn't hit him. But I had gotten a clear hit in his shoulder, causing him to grunt but he was determined to kill me. "YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING! YOU HAVE RUINED EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER KNOWN AND LOVED! YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!" Poe shouts, we both stare at each other. "YOU'RE A DISGRACE TO US ALL!" Poe cried in anger but I shake my head and aim my bow and arrow at the man. "YOH DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING!" He shouted like a baby. Begging me to not do this. "The only disgrace I see is a humiliated man who wanted nothing more to keep the power to himself. To be god themselves and he couldn't even do that. A humiliated man who's life is now to come to an end." I say to him heartlessly. Poe stared at me firefly, turning around and seeing his fleet destroying themselves. "You did this." I told him. "You started this. I'm finishing it." I draw my bow back and he turned back to me and was met with an arrow to his chest. Tears run down his cheeks as he then falls to the underworld to burn. I take a few deep breaths and see the gods taking over and destroying the followers of poe. The true traitors. I come forward, and see that the storm had stopped. The sun of the next morning was opening up. I fly forward and see that we had won. I fly forward and see the cheers of victory. The fallen fly into the heavens. They go back inside. They go back home. I land by the gateway and turned back to what was once the battle field. "Yeah..you did redeem yourself." I say with a smile and turned back around and see Gael, genesis, finn and Sawyer rush over to me with smiles on their faces. "WE WON!" Genesis says victoriously, hugging my tightly. I hugged her back and smiled. We all hugged. I pulled away and run up to sawyer and he picks me up, twirling me around in the air and smiled at me. I giggled and he sets me down and kisses me deeply. I kissed him back as we both wrapped our arms around each other. It was a long passionate kiss. We then pulled away and looked deeply into each other's eyes. "I love you...So much..." sawyer says and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug. "I love you more..." I mumbled. "I love you most..." We take each other's hands and walk forward with the group of friends we had. As we walk, the gods and goddesses go to roalm. Me and athena take notice of each other and walked towards me. "We did it y/n." She said calmly. "We have gotten our home back." She tells me. "What do we do Now?" I asked her and she turned to roalm. "The silent era ends...a new era begins. The olympus era begins." She stated and we all looked at zeus and he holds his lightning bolt and strikes down roalm, the very rock that held it there crumbled. We covered out eyes from the light and see it just destroyed with shock. The history, the very church we worshipped the gods in was gone. The rock that held it there though, the crumbles started to build an entire mountain. Then soon, a new building began to form. "Roalm is in the past. Now Mount Olympus begins." A bridge begins to build to Olympus, a new gateway was created.
Zeus then comes forward to us. It was a beauitful sight to see a new beginning. Everyone was excited. "Thank you, all of you." Zeus said with a bow. "No, no need to thank us at all. Thank you, for coming back." Gael said appreciatively with a smile. Zeus then looked at me. "I apologize for your loss. He's redeemed himself, he will fly high." Zeus says and I smiled weakly. Gael, Finn, and genesis look at me with worried looks. "Who?" Genesis asked and I looked down and sighed. "Tobias protected me from poe killing me. He sacrificed himself..." i say and they had looks of shock and sadness mixed with it. We've known Tobias forever. Though he didn't sit well with us all the time, he was still a friend. "But now is a time for celebration!" Zeus says and raises his hands up. "Now we live in our new home of Olympus." Athena says and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Sleep well tonight. You'll need it..." She said and I nodded. They both turn and go home to Olympus.
Me, sawyer, genesis, gael and Finn go home to ezra and we celebrate each other.

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