Episode 37

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(Y/n's pov)

The meeting started and it was all about Poe being impatient with the elves for being hesitant about giving us godly weapons like goliath swords.
"Have you come with a final verdict?" Poe asked the elves as they stood off to the right. Poe intensely stared at the men and women who were already nervously shaking out of their skin. "Our people are still iffy on it." When Poe heard that, he clenched his fists, making the elvens nervous at that reaction. Poe just makes my blood boil, he acts like a god. Should that be punishable?
"They are our weapons, elvens. You must hand them over, or we shall take them by force." Poe said with a booming voice that echoed through the walls. One of the elves stepped forward with a confident look. "You're best interest is to protect. It seems more like your trying to get your hands on the swords for the benefit of killing of the fallen angels instead of keeping them out like you've intended in the first place." The male says with arms folded over his chest with a raised brow. He left most of us speechless but Poe, he was boiling. Annoyed with the elf that had even dared to oppose his demands.
"You will give those weapons to us. Those weapons are ours, we've given your land. We can easily take it back." That made my heart spike nervously, looking at the elves that had a scared expression on their faces. Even the one who spoke so confidently before. That threat was really wrong to make. If he's threatening them he's threatening me! I looked at gael who had a shocked expression. Even Tobias wad taken aback by that sudden threat. I could lose my childhood home. I'll be forced to neighborhood in the angels homes. And sawyer...where will sawyer stay? It caused me to panic more. If the council takes away ezra from the elves then he could be caught and be sent back. Or I could find a back up plan to hide him from the eyes of the public. I'll make sure this doesn't happen. "Poe, let's calm down." One of the council members states and takes control of the meeting which is as very thankful for. "We hope you come with your final verdict. This is taking longer then it needs to be elven people. You must come to us only with your final verdict. Now, how are those wings you are constructing?" She asked calmly, I guess putting everyone at ease with her charming voice. I was thankful she took it over, she has a calming way of using her words thoughfully rather then speaking AT people. "One of our engineers are very close and we are testing the wings we have now." The council member nodded and adjusted her glasses with a soft smile. "I'm glad you are joining our fight elvens. You will be of great help!" She says enthusiastically. The elves nodded with a fist on their chests with a sign of respect and honor. "It's an honor miss." One of them says with a grin on their faces.
Soon the meeting had met its end and I walked out with gael and tobias.
"That was a very big threat poe had made..." gael said as we all walked out together and outside of roalm. "It scares me...Poe Shouldn't hold so much power." I admitted to them. "Then who should have power?" Tobias countered me, them both looking at me with dead panned looks. "Not poe, that's for sure." I grumbled. "He's done so much for us. He's very smart, no one could be better leading the council." Gael said as we all walked to the edge of roalm and looked over sole. "Did you hear him threatening my people?" I argued, annoyed that they didn't actually agree with me. "Yeah we did and that was wrong. But we're talking about before y/n." Tobias countered with a glare towards me. I was so annoyed and torn between two sides, the fallen and my own people. I've stuck with them for so long, I just feel like I'm torn between light and dark.
"There's just things I'm beginning to not agree with Poe on. We've made no progress in this war at all." I said honestly as I looked down at sole, all the spirits of the humans that once lived on earth had walked below us. I just feel awful trying to pick a side even though I should stay loyal to the council and to the angels.
"So what side are you on?" Tobias asked with narrowed eyes and dead panned face. I looked into the man's eyes and I saw a glint of suspicion. Had he really believed I was going to turn to a fallen? "I'm on this side of course." I said, almost lying. At this point, it's just two sides believing that they are right with no genuine right answer that I know of. Sawyer wants me to believe him and I do, but my loyalty remains to my people. I feel like at this point I HAVE to stay loyal even if I disagree. "Are you sure?" He asked again and I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why are you asking?" I asked him with annoyance. Tobias shrugged and looked below us and hummed. "Just making sure..." tobias said, trailing off and gael turned to me with a reassuring smile. "Stay by our side okay?" I nodded and smiled at them, then stood up. "Well, I should be going home." I say, waving bye to them and flying off back to ezra to see Sawyer. I've been waiting for this all day.

(Gael's pov)

"We have to follow her." Tobias immediately said with suspicion in his tone. "You really want to see if she's hiding something." I say with raised brows and he nodded. "I feel like she's going to turn..." that could be a possibility and it might be a slow process for her. But I don't want her to turn, she was my friend. Her loyalty is here. Of course she can disagree on some things but I don't think she is to turn at all. Her mother...Her mother would be so disappointed if she found out if she ever was to be a fallen angel. Me and Tobias then followed her as asked of poe. We followed her home and saw her walking inside her house and then walked out quickly. Me and tobias looked at each other and followed her to genwae where she was going, making sure we were in positions where she didn't see us at all. She then stopped at the lake and looked around, then suddenly being tackled. We almost rushed to action until we stopped and saw her laughing. Who ever had tackled her had good intentions instead of bad. Tobias had a soft of relief as he held his chest, staring at his ex lover.
Y/n got up, revealing who ever had tackled her was male. I could see anger from tobias as he stared at the two who laughed and smiled together. We were both hidden well in a tree, making sure we weren't spotted at all.
"Glad to see you too." We heard the man say as they sat at the lake. "Sorry I was at a boring meeting..." she said, sighing softly as she then rests her head on his shoulder. "What about?" He asked and she just shook her head softly. "Don't worry about it.." she said with a small reassuring smile. "What, you still don't trust me?" The man asked, making me and Tobias raise brows at each other as we watched the two who I can only assume are lovers. Something is off with this guy. Hes giving me off vibes, not bad at all. Maybe he's a new guy that came around and y/n had met him. "Sawyer, I do trust you. But it's just confidential." She laughed and looked at him. There was a way she looked st him, it was...loving and caring. I wished yano looked at me like that again. "Who is this guy?" Tobias whispered, glaring daggers at the guy. "Maybe a new boyfriend..." I guessed which caused tobias to become even angrier. Jealous almost.
"We should go..." I whispered to him. He shakes his head, refusing to go.
"I get it." The guy named, 'sawyer' said and looked at her with those same loving and caring eyes.
"What do you want to do?" He asked and she shrugged. "I just want to be here with you." She admitted. Tobias Had steam coming out of his ears at this point. "C'mon...let's go." I say to him and he looked at me with glossy eyes. "Lets. Go." He sighed quietly and nodded. We then snuck away and left the lake, leaving the two lovers alone.

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