Episode 24

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(Y/n's pov)

I've given thought to receiving training. I've been thinking of it all day when in this borning meeting with the council discussing what the demons maybe wanting. But my thoughts were so enveloped around what the fallen angel offered me. How did I know he wasn't going to take that opportunity to kill me and take over the heavens. I can't afford to feel betrayed again. Although the offer was generous I had to have my guard up around this guy. The boring conversation was just a bunch of people mumbling to me, their voices caved in. I was too deep into my thoughts. It was nerve racking knowing I had let someone so unpredictable in our territory that could cost me to be shunned for high treason. I suddenly felt a nudge in my side, I looked to see gael, nodding at me to make sure I was paying attention. "Pay attention, this is important." Gael said sternly. I had to give it to Gael, he was very passionate. Sometimes annoyingly passionate about all this stuff. He wanted to make sure we understood what was going on and even paying attention to every little detail. I'm sometimes greatful for it but sometimes not. I only nodded in response and paid attention to what ever they must be talking about now which was once again the elves. They were way too persistent on my people, trying to rush their process. It became tedious and even petty.
"Is there a fellow elf?" One of the council asks so I stood up and looked at them. They turned their full attention to me, my nerves skyrocketing. "Have you any idea whats taking so long?" One asked with an annoyed dark tone in his voice making my anger rise for him. It was none other then Poe. As always, racking up my anger with his impatient personality. "You can't rush perfection sir. They are doing the best they can. Give them more time, I beg of you." I spoke on the behalf of my own people, I notice another set of eyes on me. I turned to see my mother smiling at me, giving me even more confidence once I felt her approval for my actions. There was something about my mother that gave me the confidence I needed to speak up. "Let the elven people know they must finish quickly. Along with the goliath swords which we are currently negotiating for." Poe states with a frusterated sigh, clenching his fists as he then grit his teeth. No one was fond of him, he led this council too long it was time for a new leader. Poe was just an older angel with a grey beard with a Viking body type. Trust me when I say nobody has liked since he led a fleet of soldiers into battle when most of them were just out of their training. They were young. It was a tragedy. Since, nobody liked him. But his fellow council members  didn't quite mind him much accept for only a few who weren't fond nor was he fond of as well.
"I will Poe." I growled softly and sat back down in my seat, causing people to murmur under their breaths. He was such an impatient arrogant bastard, there were times I agreed and other times where I just wanted to slam his face in a brick wall.
"This meeting is dismissed." Seriously that was the meeting with the same discussions. At this point it became frustrating since most of us didn't understand what they wanted other then the elves aid in the war. They have no other war tactics what so ever and we're really starting to question why there is no response from the gods at all, it continues to stay quiet. I notice that some of us are becoming fearful of what's to actually come when they do speak upon us. Will they be angry? Are they to end our race? Many questions ran through my mind as i thought of the many possibilities that are to come.
"It must be frustrating." I hear a voice say, I looked up to see gael smiling sadly at me but I just laughed it off nervously. I didn't want him to worry about my feelings. "It's okay, you just can't rush us, you know?" I say with a small smirk on my face which he then puts his hand on my shoulder with a reassuring smile. "He's just concerned with the pace that's all." If he were concerned he would be patient, but of course i couldn't say that to my fellow solider so I just smiled at him like it was nothing to worry about.
"It's understandable. I would be too." I say with the most fakest smile that seemed to get through to him since he smiled right back at me and patted my shoulder. "We'll get through it!" Gael explained encouragingly with the brightest personality. I giggled as he then walked off, the smile fading from my slips. As I'm beginning to walk towards the door when I noticed my mother whistle to get my attention, I turned to her to see her curl her finger at me which I do as I was told, going towards her.
"You seem tense my dear, is something wrong?" She asks with a hint of worry in her tone. I didn't want to tell her about my dreams although her intuition is strong with her I just couldn't do it.
"I'm okay mother, why-" she then cut me off right then and there and I automatically knew what was to come. "You dare lie to me." I gulped when she says this with her full toned deep voice. "Y/n tell me your troubles." She says with full worry in her beautiful eyes. I always admired my mother's beauty. She still looked young yet so wise and strong. I hope I can be as wise as her one day. I sighed deeply. "My dreams get the best of me, that's all..." I admit to her, hearing a sigh on her part she puts both her hands on my shoulders, tightly squeezing then and looking deeply into my very soul. "Y/n, I know this will be hard to do, but you need to let. Go. I know I'm asking of alot right now but there is a war going on and we can't lose you..." She said as her eyes slightly tear up, looking like glass ready to burst she takes a deep breath and exhales. "I need you. I can't lose you..." I envelope her in a tight hug, she wrapped her arms around me. It's been a long time since we've hugged. Too long. We held each other tightly for a long time until she pulled away and smiled softly down at me, kissing the top of my head. "Do not let anger get the best of you in the heat of battle. It doesn't help you win. Anger is your greatest enemy." My mother taught me the mini lesson which I could only assume gael had let her know of my progress. "Did gael-" she nodded and chuckled softly. "You need to get back into the swing of things. Control in battle is your best friend." I nodded with a small smile as she taught me these lessons she's told me before when I was in training as a teenager. "Now get home. I do not expect you to be in the battle field but at home training yourself." I was about to second that argument but she was right. I needed some time for myself. Maybe I did need a break. Even the best of the best soldiers need a break every once in awhile and I'm upset I've never seen it before. I've worked myself to the core all for what? Revenge?
Me and my mother left with one last hug, going home. I started to walk home then remembering the offer sawyer had given me. Did I need more time? I was thinking about it through most of the day, was I to be trained by a fallen? I didn't trust him but in a certain way I feel like I could. I remembered his smile, it seemed sort of warm and assuring. It was like any other normal angels smile. It made me feel at home. When I got home I shut the door and looked in the mirror, looking around the dresser I see the necklace my father had given me. I smiled and put It over my neck and watched it dangle there. I held the gem tightly in my hand with a smile.
"Have you thought about it?" I heard behind me, jumping with a yelp I whipped around to see sawyer.
"You scared me..." I whispered, causing him to chuckle then folding his arms. "So, have you?" My lips were pressed in a line as I start to think about it. "I assure you, you'll be okay." I furrowed my brows, looking at him. He had confusion on his features as I gave him this look. "Why are you so willing to help an enemy?" His confusion twisted more when I asked this. "You're not my enemy." The confusion in the air was intoxicating, filling the room like gas in a gas chamber. "Why would you be my enemy?" As thus point it was frustrating and infuriating how confusing this was. Why were they fighting us then? Why were we fighting if we weren't enemies?
"Who is your enemy then?" I asked him with slight annoyance mixed with confusion to which he responded with.
"The angelic council."
"They did nothing wrong?"
"Thats where you're wrong y/n."
Apparently everyone was 'wrong.' In a way. But he shook his head and looked at me with a serious face. "Have you come to a conclusion or not?" A hum escapes my voice, staring the floor. At this point right now would I have to make a life changing decision. Was I going to train with a fallen angel?
"I will kindly except your offer in training with you." I could feel his rising smile on his cheeks that made me feel something inside me I feel like I've never felt before. "Lovely. I will see you at the lake then, first thing in the morning. You know where to find me." I then see him walk towards the door but I stopped him. "Wait," he turned to me with a raised brow. "Thank you." I could feel a soft smile stretching on my lips and he smiled right back at me.
"It's my pleasure."

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