Episode 9

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(Y/n's pov)

I dropped the bouquet off at ashua where my father was, hoping he's happy with them. I don't know anymore. I didn't feel his presence so he might not be home. I left the banquet at the tree the fairies grew for him to protect him from the negative entities.
I flew back to ezra and I started to Walk down the path, I admire the sight of the forest. It's all I can do.
I got to get back out there to fight, I've been on this break for too long. It's burning up inside, I need to get back out there. When I get back to the plaza, seeing everyone working hard, I start going to genesis's blacksmith hut. When I get there, I see her working her ass off making something.
"Hey!" I greet her and she smiled at me. "What up?" I asked her and she then ran inside and came back out with something hiding behind her.
"I have a gift for you." She grinned and started hopping up and down. "I've been working hard on this for a very long time and i hope you put it to good use." She smiled brightly and I raised a brow confusedly. I wasn't expecting any type of gift at all.
"What is It?" I asked with a tilted head and she pulled out the most beautiful bow made of the strongest wood named harwoul. "Woah..." I say, starstruck at the the most beautiful bow, pulling the string a bit and she handed me arrows. I threw them over my shoulder and hold the bow tightly in my grasp. I put it over my other shoulder and hold my right fist to my chest. "I will use this bow with great honor." I say and she rolled her eyes playfully and pushed me gently. "None of that bullcrap you angels say." I chuckled softly and shake my head. "Its to show gratitude when given gifts like this." I explained and she giggled softly. "Well this time it's not necessary." She said and pushed me again. "Now you go and protect us. I know your just dying to get out there." She grinned and I just laughed, turning around and jogged away.
With that, I started flying to arika where the generals and angels gather for meetings and strategy tactics.
(Sorry for not saying the name. I'm trying to think of them as i go along)
When I actually get there, i see them all gathered there. They looked at me, even noticing my mother she looked at me and with the most annoyed look. "Y/n l/n, your on break. You must-" "Not anymore, carry on." I say and the general just shrugs, shaking his head and continuing to talk about the strategy but my mother didn't take her eyes off me.
I felt the anger from her side of the room. I wasn't really listening to the strategy because her energy was radiating from her and consuming mine. "Alright angels, lets get out there." One of the generals say and they all head out the door but of course my mother darts towards me.
She towered above me when she got close and stared me down like a hawk. "Dare tell why your here while on break?" She asks with calm anger in her tone, making my heart spike as it raced in my chest in fear of what she would do to me. "I just really needed to be out here..." I tell her honestly and she takes a deep breath in and out. "Why must you be the stubborn?" She said, pinching the bridge of her nose with an annoyed expression. I just chuckled nervously, not sure what to do now other then just stand there and see what else she has to say.
"Fine, you can fight." She says and I smiled brightly at her and we both turn and fly out of the palace, going out to the battle zone. We already heard the battlecries.
The fight today wasn't easy, the demons were getting in our way and they seemed to be blocking us from something.
I used my bow genesis gave me and tried my best to shoot all demons and Fallen angels I could lay my eyes on that were trying to find the entryway. Most of the arrows were aimed at the wings and Lord knows the wings are what we all want to aim for.
"Y/n! Get that one over there!" One angel tells me and I see them getting too close to the gateway. I aim my bow and arrow towards them until I was suddenly knocked from the sky.
When i looked to see who it was, I recognized that it was the fallen angel that knocked me into hell. Anger rose in my heart as it made my face red. I take my sword and tried to slash at his wings but him being a little stronger then I was, he knocked it from my hand and grabbed my wrists and pushed me down.
He takes a dagger and tries to stab my chest but I tried to push away. I used all the strength I could and flipped the both of us and used my feet and kicked him and using that kick to push myself up and away from him. But he grabbed my foot and dragged me down to his level.
"Where do you think your going cutie?" He said with a grin and punched me square in the face, causing me to become stunned. He then grabbed my throat and started to squeeze, blocking any sort of air for me to breathe.
I used my knee to knee him in the stomach, the wind got knocked out of him that made him let got of my neck. I quickly flew up and used my bow to turn around and shoot my arrows at him as he chased after me. Aiming for his wings but he strategically dodged all of them. When I was having a hard time, i had some assistance. My mother came around and slammed his head against one of the rocks our healers stand on and takes her dagger and stabbed his hand causing him to scream and fly away. "Thanks mom!" She nodded and flew off back into battle. I was lucky to have her.

(Sawyer's pov)

My hand was bleeding prefusely as I looked for someone to help me and once I did, they wrapped up my hand in several bandages and tried they're best to keep the pressure on it.
"Wanna head back?" He asked and I shake my head as one of my men hand me a sword. "No, I have a certain angel to deal with." They nodded and went back into battle while i was looking for the angel that was giving me such a hard time.
But also I have to find that gateway, I feel as though I'm so close.
Very close.

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