Episode 20

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(Y/n's pov)

I slowly woke from my slumber as the light shines in my eyes, I turn away with a groan and slowly got out of bed and fixed my hair, getting dressed into my armor. I looked out the window and see all the elves working like usual. As I was looking out the window I noticed someone in a black cloak walking around. I narrowed my eyes down at them, it looked like someone too familiar. Maybe. I followed them to where they were going and when I got closer I put my hand on their shoulder and they whipped around and I saw that it was Sawyer. "You scared the fuck out of me." He snapped. "I thought you were someone else..." I say and looked down at the ground with a frown. "That's fine I guess." He said and patted my head gently and I looked at him with annoyance. "Don't pat my head." I say and pushed past him and i just left to find genesis so she can sharpen my weapons.

(Sawyer's pov)

Y/n has attitude but I like that about her. You don't get that much when your an angel with white wings. But when your a fallen, it shows that they have more to them then just their innocence. I find it cute how she has such an attitude with me.
I should just get back to what I was doing. I was going to get food from the market place and head back home to build more of the house. I got this cloak from the market place so maybe she thought I was a friend or something. I got to the market and bought some food. I started back on the path to my house and continued to build my house. It felt good to be back but this isn't how I imagined being back home. I should go back out to the battle field soon since they're probably getting worried for me.

(Y/n's pov)

"Are you guys close to finishing those wings?" I asked genesis as we both sat down at a table drinking together. "Finn says they're almost finished, why?" I give her a look as she tenses up slightly and clenches the cup in both hands. We were in the bar right now and I noticed some people around felt the tension in the air, glancing at us every now and then. Mumbling and whispering.
"The council needs to understand that we can't work as fast as they want us to. Ya know? I sometimes don't agree with them....I read the history books in that temple, you should pick one up." Genesis says with puffed cheeks and chuckled quietly. But I disagreed with her the council is what restores order over the heavens and does what the gods and goddesses tell them to do. "They are protecting us genesis, how could you disagree?" I asked her with furrowed brows and she looked at me and scoffed. "I get it, but they need to take it down a notch. They're getting a bit trigger happy. Asking us for godly like swords like goliath swords? Yeah, like that's safe for anyone." She laughed and shook her head in disagreement with me. "They banished angels who were to turn away from the gods and planning to cause harm to you and me." I argued, she sets her drink down and leaned in closer. "Yeah and what did they do to do that?" She questioned me and I leaned back in my chair. "They sent out spies to sniff the out the ones who dared to pose against the gods." She laughed loudly, throwing her head back when I said this and banged her fist on the table. "Go to the library, you need to do your studies. Look I get it, the council are doing what's right for us, to protect us from hades, the demons, and the fallen angels. But you have to at least disagree with them with at least one thing. Don't be a follower." With that leaving her mouth, she sets a bag gems on the table and leaves the bar, patting my shoulder before she left.
"Well that was entertaining." I looked up and saw sawyer standing there and sitting where genesis sat.
"Why are you here." I say with annoyance and held the bridge of my nose. "Just checking out ezra. I guess that was your friend?" I nodded and scoffed as I looked back at the front door she left from. "Boy she really put you in your-" "She's wrong." I cut him off and he raised his hands up and chuckled softly. "Alright, believe what you want to believe." He said with a slight grin and ordered some alcohol. "You still hate me." He stated and I just laughed softly and looked him in the eyes with my E/C Orbs into his brown ones which I could have sworn were red at some points. "Isn't it obvious?" I leaned back in my chair and he hummed with a nod. "You'll see I'm not all bad." I shake my head and take a sip of my cup and set it down gently on the table. "No I don't think i will." I protested with no expression on my face, he looked deeply into my eyes, making me look at him weirdly. "Why do you look at me like that?" I questioned and he just shrugged. "Just trying to search for that conflict in ya. Your real confident." I narrowed my eyes at him and leaned on the table which made him lean closer to me as well. We were really close now. "So what if I am?" He shrugged. "Confidence is more attractive then hatred." He says and flicked my nose softly and chuckled, making me roll my eyes. "But too much confidence could make you look foolish." He spoke like he was teaching me like I didn't even know this already when being taught this in training. "You really like act like a know it all hm?" I scoffed at him which made him snicker. "Well I like to think I'm smart." He grinned as he rests his hand in his palm, not removing his gaze from me. "I've been trained well. I could call your bullshit if I wanted." I rolled my eyes when he says this and drink from my cup. This guy is so annoying, I just want to punch his lights out. "You still want to kill me." I hear him say, snapping from my thoughts, I narrowed my at him. "You have that look in your eye. It's obvious but you won't. Because I helped you." Sawyer cheered with his cup, winking at me. "I'm only holding back because you've done at least one good deed." I hissed and he just rolled his eyes at me. "Bold of you to assume it was only one." He then stood up and handed the waiter some gems to pay for his drink. "Well I should get going. I'm sure you have other places to be." With that Sawyer left the bar and so did I. I went to roalm and overheard the commanders speaking to us. I walked inside and they were just continuing to talk strategy. Some of these commanders are real stupid, it's always the same strategy everytime. I think if would be good to switch it up a bit but the council wouldn't want to. Believe me, we tried to get some people promoted. Even gael tried but the council for whatever doesn't want any other angel to be promoted. The commanders are really close with the council so maybe that's why.
"Commander grey, don't you think we should switch the strategy again?" One angel said and grey sighed and held his head silently while the whole room goes quiet. "I've got nothing then." He said, sitting on a chair. Another commander, named tyka steps up. She had her hands behind her back as she looked at us. "Look, I get it. We are losing ideas. Ares and athena are quiet and we aren't sure why. But we're trying our best." She explained with a small smile. All the other angels remained silent which I could only assume was from fear of speaking up. "We fight with honor. Strength will be on your side, fight with great honor."
It's as if that's how all these meetings will forever end. No strategy just fight like animals, come back alive.
It's frustrating.

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