Episode 14

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(Y/n's pov)

Waking up the next morning, the memories from last night were a blur but I remembered I saw the guy I was looking for. Remembering the threats he insued. I sat up and and saw that genesis wasn't next to me like she was last night. I got out of the tent to see that they were eating breakfast.
"Goodmorning sleeping beauty." Tobias greets me with a small smile on his face. My lips went in a line and I raised my eyebrows. I say next to genesis and ate some breakfast.
"I saw you snuck off last night, where did you go?" Finn asked and I just sighed softly. "Just couldn't sleep." I lied which they nodded in understanding and continued to eat their breakfast and strike up conversations. Most of them I didn't listen to because I was just thinking about last night and slowly remembering what happened. Did he carry me all the way back to the tents? Did someone find me and they aren't saying anything? Most likely that guy carried me all the way back to the tents. He kicked my head really hard. It was pounding with a migraine. He got me good.
"Are you going to the spring festival?" Finn asked and i whipped my head, not hearing what he said. "Hm?"
"Are you going to the festival this spring?" He asked. There's this annual elven festival we have celebrating the beauties of spring and celebrating mother nature as a whole. Thanking her for lending her home to us and trusting us enough to use the resources to make a very natural village. This festival contained dancing and music, water shows where spirits of this specific lake awaken and they perform tricks with water with their magic.
At the very end of the festival, we capture fireflies and we let them go in the spot collectively, watching them glow in the night sky.
"Yeah I'm going for sure." I say and look at Gael who nods with a smile. "Yeah, I'll make sure to bring yano with me." He says which I saw some support through the group. Genesis seemed a little upset. Like she knew something. But I didn't say much, I'm hoping that they work it out and I hope they will be happy again. I love seeing them together and their relationship used to be so cute until they started to grow apart. Yuno was starting to get more work from her father, she trains kids and trains teens. She just has alot of stuff on her plate and so does Gael whuch really sucks and I'm glad their trying to work things out.
"Thanks for making this sleep over special. Let's make it often we do stuff like this." Finn says and we all agree to do fun stuff like This an often thing.
We start to clean up the place, me and genesis were picking up our tent and I put away my blankets and pillows, the guys did the same thing. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I turned around to see tobias standing there and smiling at me. "You had fun?" He asked me and all I did was nod with a fake smile. "Hey um...I forgive you." His eyes light up when I say this and he becomes happy with a big smile on his face. "But...I don't think I could give you a second chance." I say which causes his smiles to fall and his eyes to dim down into sadness when I say this to him. I could feel the hurt. But it's for the best for my heart. Sometimes you have to be selfish.
"Hey, you guys coming?!" Gael calls, looking over I see that they already had all the stuff in bags ready to go.
"Yeah!" I look at him again and see him slightly shaking his head sadly and walking back, I then walked straight behind slowly, genesis falls behind with me and puts her arm around me draped around my shoulders. "Hey, you did the right thing." She whispered to me with a supportive smile on her lips. I nodded slightly and smiled weakly at her, looking at toby who I can literally feel the sadness coming from him. But I guess that's karma for breaking my heart huh?
We got to the plaza of the village and I started walking back to my house and setting up my bed again with my blankets and pillows.
I cleaned up my bed and looked at my armor and sword.
"Should I go back?" I asked myself aloud. Then made my decision, putting on my suit of armor and grabbed my sword, assuming they were armed with far more then just a dagger.
I left the house and looked around to make sure the gang wasn't around. I knew that if I brought someone with me, he will light a match and flames will ignite the entire forest we worked super hard for.
So I went down the path with major caution. When I got back to the lake, I flew across to the other side and then looked around the place.
It didn't take long before I was tackled to the ground with a sword to my throat. I looked into his eyes to see anger as they glowed a bright orange.
"Didn't expect to see you again princess." He said the last part with a hiss as he strongly pushed the sword trying to reach my neck but I refused to give up without a fight so I pushed him back, as if out strength was equal because we both weren't moving. I shoved him off but he held his balance when I shoved him. We ran at each other and our swords clashed together, I did a bit turn to strike his side but he did a complete opposite and turned to block the hit which was successful for him. He tried to swing at my legs so I jumped and at the same tried swung at his head but he ducked before I even touched him.
Our swords danced together with sharp sounds, trying to do harm to each other. He was probably as skilled as I am. Obviously flying while fighting is very hard so you're not always going to have your gaurd up but when your on the ground, we'll always be on our game.
I tried to slash at his chest but he stepped back, hit my sword straight out of my hand and kicked me down to the ground and pursued to step closer and pointed the sword to my neck as my back hit a tree. Silence over took us both as we stared at each other. He put the sword down and crouched down to eye level.
He pulled a dagger out of his pocket and held it close to my throat.
"Your lucky I've even let you go the last time we saw each other." He grinned in my direction, I just glared back at him with anger. "So here's what we're going to do. We're going to have a truce and we won't have any other problems, we're not going to kill each other. Your going to go home will go untouched." He proposes as his grin fell in a serious face, we looking deeply into each other's eyes with the most tense auras. "You'll see I'm not that bad of a guy." He put the wasn't down then held his hand out for me to shake. "Deal? Or no deal. Choose wisely." I looked down at his hand, he didn't seem like the one to deceive. I slowly brought my hand to his and shook it gently with a tight grip.
"Good. Now what's your name pretty lady." He said with a small smirk on his face. "Y/n. Who may you be?" I asked calmly and he stood up and held his hand out for me so he could help me up. So I took it and he helped me up. "Sawyer." Sawyer says, his deep voice was sort of soothing in a way. But I wasn't going to be letting my guard down around him, nor would I even trust him at all with this truce. "Don't think I'll be letting my guard down around you. I don't trust you in the slightest bit." He laughed when i said this and shrugged slightly. "I don't trust you either. So i guess that makes two of us." I noticed he didn't have his wings, i raised a brow and pointed, he turned and raised a brow confusedly at me. "What?" "Your wings, where are they?" I asked and he then showed his wings out of no where. "Magic exists here doesn't it? I can make them disappear when ever I like." That made sense, he wouldn't want anyone to see a fallen angel actually got in. But that raises a question.
Will he bring his people in here? Or will he Not? That's my biggest question right now with a little fear in my heart.
"Where are you staying." He did a quick turn around and looked around the forest. "Here." Sawyer said simply and I just sighed softly. "Just don't get caught. I can't afford to get in trouble myself." I say and turned around but I here him call me one last time.
"Hey!" I turned back around and saw him crossing his arms and leaned against a tree.
"Thank you." All I did was nod and left him alone to the forest.
I'm going to get in a whole lot a trouble. This better be worth it.

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