Episode 56

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(Y/n's pov)

"Gael, you had alot of guts..." I tell him and he just put his arm around me. "I've only said the truth." He said and I smiled, looking at Sawyer who slightly waved at me and smiled weakly. Like it said, as long as he's safe, then I can take any heat that comes my way. "The room seems to be shaken up quite a bit." I acknowledge and gael just chuckles. "That's good. Now they know the truth, and soon enough, we will have everyone on our side." Gael whispered in my ear. I nodded in agreement and even excitement to hear. The door opens and the council comes back to speak of my punishment which I'm hoping will not be banishment.
"We have come with a final verdict." Damon stated and lavender stands up and reads from a scroll, her glasses up as her old lady eyes reads the paper.
"We the council of the heavens have found the defendant guilt of treason, and will be punished by the following:" I sighed and looked down at my feet sadly with gael holding me close and tightly hugging me comfortingly. "The defendant will NOT be banished, however..." I looked up at her and she looked at me. "As further punishment, will have her wings permanently removed from her back and will NEVER fly or even fight in any battles ever again. Will stay on the rock of ezra for the rest of her lively being." That's the worst thing I could ever hear. Or any angel to hear. Having your wings forcefully removed from your back, wings that have been with you since birth will now be gone once you've committed a high crime. I teared up hearing this, I will never fly again. Having that sink it really hurt my heart. My mother had the most worst expression on her face, cupping her hand over her mouth in sorrow. "Y/n, if you can please follow kalel to your cell and drink the removal potion." The guardians grabbed my chain and dragged me over to kalel who took me to my cell and shoved me in there for her to get the potion. When she came back, gael, finn, genesis, and Sawyer were there watching me. Sawyer was well hidden with a mask over his face and his wings obviously hidden as well. He had a cloak over his head to make sure no one was to recognize him. Kalel handed me the potion and I take it gently and look at the pink liquid that shines brightly. It looks almost like magma but it wasn't. "Drink up." Kalel told me and i pop the bottle open and I looked at it for a moment. This is supposed to make all of my feathers fall out and make the bones weaker so they can rip them out. This is the unforgivable serum, I call it. I looked at them all who sadly looked at me and I start to drink the serum and put the bottle down. It was strong, having that metallic taste and making me gag. "This should take a couple of hours. You stay in your cell until the guardians come back to remove the bones of your wings. Until then we wait for the feathers to fall." Kalel leaves and I sit in my cell sadly with friends and boyfriend watching me to just suffer. "I'm sorry..." sawyer whispered and I raised a brow at him questionably. "For what?" I asked. "For everything. None of this would have never happened if I just stay my ass down in the underworld." Sawyer said and I stand up and come close face to face and nose to nose. "Sawyer, you made us all realize the council was evil. You did a great thing. Don't worry about me sawyer, though this is not what I would have wanted, I will always love you the same." I say and Sawyer kisses me passionately and I do him. Our hands interlock with each other and I wince, feeling the potion kicking in and my feathers begin to fall. It was a bit painful, one by one my feathers fall from my wings. I sit in my cell as my friends watch me sadly, suffering.
Then soon enough, clumps fell and now all that was left were the bones. Kalel came back and opened the cell door and led me to the medical wing. My friends stayed outside so they didn't witness this horror.
The doctors came in with their gloves on to prepare for the procedure. They took hold of one of the bones and they began to rip it out of my back, I screamed in agony and tears fell from my eyes. Screaming until my vocal chords blew. They set the bone down and grabbed the other one, ripping it out of my back once more and I continued to scream in pain. They set down the bone and put bandages on my back to hold the blood back. I was led straight back to my cell and they locked me in there. My friends, I found they were told to leave. I laid in cell in pain, sobbing. Holding my knees to my chest as I tried to comfort myself. The whole night was spent crying till the next morning the cell opened and I looked up at them with blurry vision. I slowly picked myself up and they dragged me out of my cell and out of  roalm, my friends waited for me there and waved at me. I didn't see sawyer anywhere which I assumed he was hiding in ezra as he should be. I walked towards them and genesis tackled me in a hug. I winced, but I hugged her back and she pets my head comfortingly. "Lets get back home." I nodded and gael gestured to help me fly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we flew all the way to ezra. Finn and genesis had their mechanical wings on to help them fly. We landed in ezra and Sawyer waited for us. Gael let go of me and sawyer wrapped his arms around me and lead me to my home with my friends following not to far behind. We walked in my home, I sit on my bed and drink some tea Sawyer had made. "What do we do now?" Finn asked with worry written on his face. I looked at Sawyer and then at them. "We wait till we get an answer from athena." I tell them, lifting my legs up and laying down in bed.
"We'll see you in the morning." Gael said and they left me alone with sawyer. He looked at me and kisses me forehead. "I apologize for my actions..." sawyer said and I shake my head. "Don't worry about it. You had every right to be mad, darling." I tell him and he caressed my cheek gently. "I love you..." he whispered, tears in his eyes. I knew he felt horrible but it wasn't his fault. It was mine. "I love you too..." We both lean in and kissed each other for a long time. The kiss was full of love and passion, I never wanted to let go. He pulled away and hummed. "Get some rest darling." He whispered and began to leave.
"Please stay..." I tell him and without hesitation he went to my bed and got in with me and wrapped his arms gently around my waist, making sure he didn't hurt me. Immediately, I fell asleep.


The storm in my dream had gotten worse, the forest was being destroyed and I was out in the open. The storm was loud, I looked around the fields and see several tornados destroying the beauty of the forests. I continued to look for Athena and I see her in the distance, floating in mid air. I walked slowly towards her as I held my face.
"Athena!" I called out to her, no response. "Athena! What do I do?!" I asked her, practically yelling at her through the loud howling wind. She looked down upon me.
"The war has begun..." She started, her voice was louder then the wind. Booming through the skies. It was louder then anything I've ever heard.
"The council is corrupt...The council wants you dead..."
She continued to say.
"They have started this war..."
She said with a hint of anger in her tone.
"Now you much FINISH it."
Lighning hit the trees, fire caught. A lightning storm was showring the skies. One by one lightning strikes down the trees and electricity runs through the skies.
"The war begins now..."
The ground shakes like it was angry. Certain spaces in the ground caves in, a sinkhole. I looked around the fields, what was once so beauitful was being destroyed. Athena floated higher and higher until, lightning strikes and several figures just like Athena stood by her side. It was the gods. They stares down at me with anger written on their faces. I saw Zeus, the god of lightning, Poseidon, the god of the sea, Appolo, god of music and healing, Artemis, goddess of the hunt, Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. So many others. But one caught my eye, standing right between Athena and Aphrodite, Ares. The god of war. He stared down at me, then soon enough...He spoke.
"We will assist the war..." ares told me. "To take back what was ours to begin with...We will take this win with our fists..." Ares said and held his fist up. Zeus, then spoke.
"Till what was once roalm...will be a new beginning. A new Olympus."
The storm continued to violently blow until everything around me broke apart. Until there was nothing left...

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