Episode 59

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(Y/n's pov)

I was walking through the flower field alone. I was in the same dream. Everything was back to normal. In the dream there was no storm. Only a calm and serene beauitful flower field to walk through. As I'm walking I notice a figure in the distance. I walked closer and noticed the figure was my father smiling at me. I smiled right back at him and run towards him and tackled him in a hug in which he wrapped his arms around me as well and chuckled. "You did It sweetheart!" He says excitedly and looked at me happily. "It wasn't just me..." I say with a smile. My father chuckled and holds my face gently with love. "I miss you..." I tell him sadly and he hums. "Don't miss me. Because I'll always be with you every step of the way in life. I'll be right next to you everywhere." He says with reassurance and a smile. I smiled back at him and he pets my head. "Your a beautiful and smart woman. Ready to make her decisions in life." He says and takes both my hands.
"Now is not the time for war, but a time to relax. To retire and settle." He says and tucks hair behind my ear. This moment with my father felt like a real moment. Because It was. He stood right in front of me. He was a real person standing in front of me smiling and giving me advice. Eyes filled with so much love and support.
"I love you dad..." I say, slightly choking up and he chuckles. "I love you too darling." With one final hug...
I wake up I bed the next morning, blood and sweat was a strong smell. I cleaned myself up and noticed that sawyer was sleeping next to me. He woke up and noticed I was walking around and cleaning thins up. Burning scented candles and getting rid of the horrible smell.
"Morning..." He says with his morning i smiled at him and lay back in bed with him. "Morning." I say with a smile. I cuddled me and kissed my nose. "So...what's The next step?" He asked me and I hummed. "We go to Olympus for a ceremony. Not sure what for though...maybe to honor soldiers who have lost their lives." I say and sawyer nodded. We both get up and get dressed. We make our way to olympus in nice clothes. Sawyer was in a nice suit while I'm in a long blue dress. We stand at the ceremony with genesis, Gael, and finn. The gods host the ceremony and start off by naming the ones who have lost their lives like I had assumed. Next they thanked everyone for their efforts and glory. Then Athena takes over.
"A special thanks to y/n, sawyer, gael, genesis, and Finn for orchestrating the rebellion under my suggestion and following through even at the worst of times. You've showed characters of leadership and that shows alot of who you are in which we individually thank you for your leadership and determination." Everyone claps for us and we all just smiled at each other gratefully.
"Now olympus is constructed, we can now rebuild a relationship and create the heavens of what it should have been thousands of years ago." Zeus stated and looked at us and smiled. A smile on zeus's face was something I never expected but now I'm seeing it, it's comforting.
"There will be no new council, only we the gods and goddesses will rule over the heavens in mount Olympus. I'm hoping you can all agree with that. We only ask of your worship to us, your loyalty to us. We will only bring peace. For the on forward we will rebuild together with group effort. There will be no threatening factions of any sort, we remain peaceful with one another. We thank all of you for your strong and honorable battle. This will never be forgotten." Zeus stated and bowed to all of us, proceeding to do back but suddenly, someone stopped. "Wait!" We turned to see Aphrodite, stepping forward staring straight at me with her gorgeous eyes. The goddess of beauty. "She shall be rewarded the very thing that was taken from her. The thing that treasured her such beauty!" She stepped closer and made me turn around, I felt something growing in my back and soon, big white wings sprouted from my back and flapped for a bit. I smiled and saw Sawyer was in awe at my new wings. "I see your lover is astonished, as he should be." Aphrodite said with a smile. "Thank you Aphrodite..." I tell her and she smiled and nodded before stepping back with the other gods. Athena came closer with Artemis and ares.
"I'm so very proud of you. You've come such a long way darling." She tells me and I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug. She's taken aback for a moment before patting my back. "Thank you for helping me..." I say thankfully and she hums. "Keep with your worship to me, and I will be your guide till times end." I nodded and turned to ares and he put his fist to his chest. "Stay a strong warrior." I nodded and turned to Artemis who had my bow in her hand which I never knew how she got. "I've made improvements. I believe you'll be pleased." She stated and drew the string back, seeing the string glow bright green for a moment. I stare in awe as she draws it back and gently releases it. "The string is stronger with way more accuracy. Adding along to it, I have made an infinite arrow back for you with many types of arrows that could be pulled out. Fire Arrows, explosive arrows, tranquilizing arrows and so many more." I take the bow and the bag with widened eyes. Her generosity was shocking, the goddess huntress. I never would have thought she would ever enhance my bow in such a way along with giving me an infinite arrow bag. "I-I don't know what to say...thank you." I say with a chuckle and Artemis only nodded with a bow. "Continue the arts of the bow. There is much to learn." Athena smiles gently at me, along with Artemis and ares. They all go back to the gods and stand beside Zeus. "We shall return to olympus then. We will see you when we do." Then they all disappeared back to Olympus. I went back with Sawyer and my friends. They all smile at me, sawyer put his arm around me and we all looked at each other.
"What do we do now?" Finn asked with a raised brow. I hummed and looked at sawyer. "We just live life." I tell them and smile. "Me and Sawyer definately will." I say as we both look at each other then back to them. I see finn and genesis with his arm draped over her shoulders. I raised a brow at her and she just blushes which was all I needed to know. "Good luck to you four." Gael joked and I looked at him sadly, understanding what yano had done to him. "What will you do?" I asked him and he takes a moment to think. "I think...I will be settling down for a while until I can find a woman to dedicate my life to." He said with a smile. "Yano wasn't that woman. But I will one day." He says and smiles. "I will hope for you." I say, causing him to chuckle. "Right now, my friends are all I need." We all smiled and wrapped our arms around each other in a big hug. The day ended, we went to ezra, gael had went home already. Genesis and Finn went home with each other and me and sawyer went home together as well. At this point i consider him to live with me from now on. We get comfortable in bed together and lay down, cuddling closely. "Hey..." Sawyer started. "Yeah?" I asked and he hummed for a moment. "What's the next step?" He asked me genuinely with curiosity in his eyes. I didn't think much on it cause I didn't have to. I smiled up at him. "The next step is happiness."
Sawyer kissed my lips, I kissed him back as he came over me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away for a moment.
"Great...cause your my happy place."
I grinned when he said this.
"My love and happiness would be infinite for you." We both kiss again.
"Our love is infinite..."

From then on forward, y/n and sawyer continue to live happily with their love continuing to grow and grow. They were perfectly soulmates for each other. They're love will forever be infinite.
Genesis and Finn's relationship continued to sprout as well, love unconditional and forever infinite.
Gael found a new lover named zara. He considered her to be his soulmate. They were both strong and courageous. They love each other unconditionally.
Forever infinite.

Judge those with bad character. Never by your differences.
Treating those with respect, makes the best character in anyone.

Hear Me (Fallen angel x angel reader)✅Where stories live. Discover now