Episode 30

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(Y/n's pov)

Another day, another end to mine and sawyer's training. We sat beside each other with huffs escaping our lips as we stare up at the sky together. The stars shine down at us, it was very nice to be beside someone to just be alone for awhile. Even though we were both sweaty and huffing from tiredness. "Your making progress. You're not using your anger as much, but you do seem to be frusterated sometimes." Sawyer says, turning his head to look at me. "Just remember it's okay to feel frusterated. But In some cases, frusteration will lead to anger, leading anger to take control, leading to your demise." I nodded in response with a small smile on my lips. "Yeah I understand. Judy trying to stay calm as much a possible." Sawyer hummed, looking at the stars again. "So where were we?" Sawyer raised a brow as I asked this. "What do you mean?" I looked back at him. "Remember I asked you why you fell?" He hummed and looked down at the sand and sighed. He stayed silent for a good moment. Maybe it was too much to bare? But when. I wondered this he was beginning.

"When I was an angel I was really well known. I remember that I had alot of friends and training buddies. My parents were really close with the council. My mom was a guardian and my father was a warrior. I can't remember what they look like anymore. I remember black hair and white hair. I used to have white hair before it burned to black. I can't remember anyone's faces or voices anymore...it makes me wonder how long I've been gone."
That caused me to wonder if the fallen angels forgot the concept of time when they fall.
"When I was out fighting I used to despise. Hate the fallen angels when we fought them. My father made sure I were to never turn into one. But then I saw a male. He had black hair like the rest of them. He was on a rock, badly bleeding, sobbing. He tried to put his hand over the wound but it wasn't working. The fallen looked sure he was about to die. I landed on the rock right next to him. I remember the look of terror and complete defeat on his face as he looked at me with tears in his eyes."
The way he was describing it with such detail made me lean in to hear him more. The detail brought tears to my eyes at well as he told his story.
"I could feel his sadness. He'd given up right when I landed. When I looked into his eyes I felt one with him. I could feel his wound on my side, bleeding prefusely. I felt my adrenaline rush as I leaned down and held him in my arms. I held him close with tears in my eyes, It felt like I knew him. It felt like I was his brother. I felt my hand reach to his wound and healed it with no hesitation. When my parents and the council found out i was brought to the court. I remember I was on my knees with my hands clasped together as all my friends and family watched me begging for life. The council stared down at me, I could already tell i was done for. They had no remorse on their faces. I could still hear what he said. He said "you're here by banished from the heavens, never to come in contact with friends or family. You have betrayed our trust and your honor to us." It felt like i was in a cult when he said this. I could feel my heart sink. I was sobbing on the floor begging my family for forgiveness but it never came. They were betrayed. I hate them. Ever since I've hated them."
I could see the tears brinking his eyes as their daring to fall. I felt his depression hit me like a bus as I looked at the broken boy. I could see a tear shining on his cheek as it makes its way down. I scooted closer to him and hugged him close, I then felt his arms tightly wrap around my waist as he cried softly. I pet the boys head and felt the need to cry as well. I felt so sorry for him, hell I felt terrible for him. He didn't deserve the cold treatment from the council. But I just felt torn between two sides at this point. The fallen's side and the council's side. Although what the council did was so cold hearted, I felt like I needed to obey their every command. He pulled away from me and wiped his tears. Sawyer didn't seem like the one to cry much but I could tell it was when he broke down. Sawyer looked at me and chuckled softly. "I've never cried like that in a long time." He laughed it off as he brushed his fingers through his hair. "I'm very sorry for what happened to you." I say with tears falling from my eyes but he wiped them away quickly. "I'm okay. At least I'm not dead. But I hope that gives you a clear picture of what the council is like when it comes to banishment court. They're all cold hearted and are given too much power." That's when I felt really torn between the two. "There are laws to protect us from tyranny." I hear him scoff. "Those laws don't do shit. They protect nobody but the council. In fact it helps them. The gods should be the in power." He made a good point that the gods should be in power. But it's been such a long time since some of the gods have even spoken, even athena. "Sometimes when we ask for advice, they don't speak. Even athena." Gryffin gave me a look of confusion and worry on his face. "Athena was the one I only worshipped. Maybe try harder and give more offerings." He suggested. I sighed softly. "I'll try, but I doubt she'll answer."
"Do not doubt athena. Remember she's the goddess of wisdom. Sometimes she'll have a reason not to answer you're prayers."
He had a point again. The gods we worshipped didn't have to answer if they didn't want to. So maybe athena was ignoring our calls for her. "You said you worshipped athena before, correct? What was your relationship?" I asked him this question since if he worshipped her before he fell, maybe he can come to the church once again to pray to her. "Yeah, I could say I had a strong bond with her. I knew every little attitude she was on. But I made sure not to push her, why do you ask?" I wasn't going to propose this idea just yet so I just it was nothing and that i just wanted to know. I wanted to be safe about this instead of just bringing some fallen into the church and having been spotted by angels. It's too much of a risk. I'll propose the idea another time.
"Well you might want to get going home. It's late." Sawyer said with a soft smile. I nodded as we both stood from the ground then suddenly I was pulled in for a hug by sawyer. "Thank you." I hear his muffled voice say as my ear was pressed against his chest. "Anytime." I say with a smile as I wrapped my arms around his waist with comfort. I'm glad we had this talk.

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