Episode 10

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(Y/n's pov)

We pushed on. They pushed forward we pushed back, trying to keep them away from the gateway. Now I see why Gael might want to be using goliath swords. These swarms are just going to be getting worse.
The demons are being more violent then they normally are. They seem frusterated and angry as they always are when fighting us.
I flew around and shot my arrows at the fallen angels and knocked them from the sky. But something bumped into me so I looked and saw that it was a demon with its short horns and small tail with a smirk as their blood red wings sprouted from their backs. The demon clawed my eye, I screamed in agony and take my dagger and stab it straight in the heart, seeing them grin and laugh in my face made my heart sink. They grabbed my hair and punched me square in the face, grabbing my arm and tried to break it. But I wasn't going down without a fight so I kicked it's stomach and grabbed it's horn and flew straight behind it and started pull it's horns back, putting my feet on it's back and at the same time I started to push with my feet and pull it's horns at the same time, hearing a crack from its back as they scream in pain. Their horns started to break apart until their horns broke off, causing them to fly away in agony.
I then flew off another way. I then decided to test fate and flew straight into battle, hearing the deafening screams and high pitched swords that clashed together.
I used my sword to take them down and to push them back as much as I could, I definitely earned a few cuts and bruises, even gashes. You will never leave these spots untouched. You will get your hair pulled, even a dagger in your shoulder, and a new scar. It's not easy in these certain spots. I call it the battle zone. I see battle zone and war zone a bit different, war zone being the general spot where we have the war take place and the battle zone being a giant patch of beings fighting violently. Although there are less violent spots in the war zone but this certain spot is where your asking to get killed or marked up. It's where some people go and my people get pulled down into the underworld.
You couldn't hear anyone if they were talking to you In here, it's just screaming and weapons you could hear.
I went all in by throwing them down into the underworld, as per usual until I was told by my mother to take a break which I listened and started to fly out of the battle zone and towards the gates. When I was slowly making my way towards the gates, I felt a bit feeling in my stomach but pushed it down as nothing.
But when my body is being shoved into the ground, I began to panic. What could possibly be here and actually could have made it passed us to the gateway to heaven.
When I could finally remain my focus it was the one who I fought earlier and days ago.
"Hello, sweet pea." He grinned as he pinned me to the ground and bent down whispering in my ear: "your going to let me through the gateway, if you do, there will be no trouble." He says in a threatening manor but I was falling for it at all, I slowly reached to my dagger that attached to my side, our eyes locked onto each other. "Let me in." He said in a low growl but that confident tone turned into screeching when my dagger plunged into his right leg deeply as he jumped off me in agony. Blood looked out of his leg as he tried to scurry from me, pulling the dagger out and pointing it at me as I aimed my bow at him. The arrow specifically aimed for his heart.
But something I found odd because he started laughing, his hair covered his eyes as he was just chuckling. Like if he had won. "Finally..." He whispered but I couldn't wrap my head around what he had meant. "What." I say in an annoyed tone but he just looked at me and laughed.
"I'm inside."
With that being said my eyes widened but everything was just so fast, I let go of my arrow but he was already gone all of a sudden. I looked around and he was no where to be found but the war continued on in the distance.
"No no no! I...I didn't...i didn't just...." I say in complete disbelief, I took a good look around me and we were definately passed the gateway. Once your passed the gate, your inside and have access to heavens magic. So if he disappeared, he must have used that to his advantage. This can't be happening, I'm going to be in huge trouble even by the council. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen. If they start getting reports of a fallen angel sighting then I'm in huge dog shit right now. I'm hoping no one saw my tussle with him here. I have to find him before anyone actually sees him and I can banish him. If they figure out that I accidently let in an enemy, I could possibly be banished into the underworld. Either way that's not an option for me right now. But there should have been guards guarding the gateway and defending it! Where were they?! What happened to them?! Did he defeat them before I got here?
I stand here for a good few minutes in disbelief and thinking where this guy could have possibly gone. After thinking for awhile, I made the decision to look for him. Because I can't afford to lose my wings and be banished from my home.
I can't lose today.

(Sawyer's pov)

I was laughing the whole way, I was flying in the skies just laughing and spinning around happily. I was back in my home where I belong! But now I have to hide. Hide away and keep my wings away from the public eye.
I flew around the back of ezra and snapped my fingers, my wings were cloaked and I started to heal my old past wounds. Even my new stab wounds. I then started to walked through the forest and I saw a lake. I smirked softly and sat down and took a deep breath. Refreshing air, no more breathing in the smoke of fire that burns my lungs everyday. Just clean refreshing air.
Gladly, I'll never be going back to wretched underworld ever again.
Just have to hide forever if I have to but what would happen if that angel ever found me?
I will fight. Fight for my place here.
I'll go to all lengths to stay here.
Even if I have to burn this forest to the ground to keep her pretty little mouth shut about me.
But for now I'll be building my new home here.

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