Episode 36

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(Y/n's Pov)

I trained with sawyer once again the next day, our swords clashing together with a sharp sound of both our swords sliding against each other. We both grunted as i pressed on against sawyer, making sure he didn't have the upper hand at all. We both stared intensely at each other as we fought tirelessly against each other, i mostly used the tactics he has taught be before. I knew that i wasn't backing down and he knew also. Thats why he pushed harder to make sure that i didn't get that satisfaction. He pushed my buttons, though i didn't use my anger, in fact i used his own tactics against him. He'd sometimes slide to the right but i just made sure i was in his way so he had no where to go. Our swords were screeching as we both blocked each others hits, sometimes cutting each other but i tried not to let it phase me at all. I didn't want him to have the satisfaction making me feel like i was going to lose because i didn't want to. i didn't work this hard to lose to him like all those other times. This was almost a month of training and i had already learned so much. 
Sawyer's sword cut into my leg but i took that advantage and used my own swords to slice a cut on his arm, making him wince and look at me with surprise. I smirked at him and used that shock value once again to my advantage, kicking his feet out from under him, catching his own sword that dropped and aiming them both at his neck. I had the biggest grin on my face as we both stared at each other. I then stabbed the ground with his sword and put away mine, helping him up. Sawyer had the biggest grin on his face, staring down at me with a proud gaze.
"You didn't use your anger once." Sawyer commented proudly with his hands on his hips, grabbing his sword and putting it away like i have mine. "All thanks with your help sawyer. You've taught me alot." I said, looking at him twice as proud. With the amount of work and time he's put in for m to finally fight like i  once did again really showed what kind of person he was. He was the kindest person i've met, let alone one of my enemies. "You've put in the time and effort to come here and let me teach you. Even let one of your enemies teach you their ways. i'm very proud of you." He complimented, punching my shoulder gently. "i guess thats all the knowledge i have for you." He added with some what of a sad look on his face. I wondered what was mainly on his mind. There was more to that though. I was sad that i probably won't get to see him as often as i used to, or maybe even at all. The war as taken over the greatest majority of people's lives as we fight.
"Will you ever visit me again?" Sawyer suddenly asked with hopeful eyes. I looked at him with empathy. I really wasn't sure but i will take the time out of the day to visit him when ever i can to make sure that i never forget about him. To make sure that our friendship is not lost, but is stronger then ever before. "of course." I answered with the biggest and kindest smile i have to offer him. He stared at me for a longer moment and then suddenly attacked me with a tight hug. I hugged him back tightly as well, feeling the happiness coming from him as he hugged me. "Thank you." sawyer said to me. I never wanted to let go from this hug. I felt safe here. I felt like i belonged in this hug, that i belonged to...
"Your welcome." i chuckled and pulled away and looked deeply into his beautiful eyes. I never i wanted to look away from them. They hypnotised me in a way. We then both took this day to just spend time with each other by sitting by the lake and keeping each other company while we just talked about random things like what we both liked and our interests were. We laughed and smiled together, he really made me feel like i belonged. This was something i longed for for a very long time. I haven't felt this way since tobias cheated on me. Sawyer makes m feel this way now. But i'm not sure if i should accept these feelings yet, not sure if he would feel the same way about me then i did with him. 
Our laughs then died down as we take deep breathes and looked across the lake, watching the fish swim around like they always did. The sun was slowly setting and the moon was rising. I didn't want this day to end yet. Not yet, i grew sad and looked at sawyer who was already looking at me. "I didn't want this day to end yet." He said with the same disappointment that written on my face. "Visit me soon." He said with a weak smile, i quickly hugged him tightly and he hugged me back twice as tight. "Promise?" Sawyer then asked and i giggled softly. " i promise." He nodded and then we both soon went home.
The next day though, My eyes opened and i remembered, that training was done. I was ready to finally go back and fight in the war and then train with gael to prove that i  was ready. I got ready for the day and then flew to roalm and went tot the training room to see gael looking at me with a grin. "I had a feeling you were ready." Gael said with the biggest grin on his face. I smirked at him and caught the practice sword he threw my way and made my fighting stance. Ready as i'll ever be. 
Gael chuckled and we both then started to train together, The practice swords clanked together as we threw attacks each others way. I made sure that i didn't use anger to my advantage and made sure to only use what sawyer taught me. Making sure that i didn't almost kill this man like i almost did awhile ago last time we trained together. I dodged his attack and hit his arm, causing him to wince in pain. He then flew up and so did i. I we both hit each others swords as rapid speeds and we both flipped backwards and fell on our feet farther away from each other. 
Then, we both ran at each other and clashed the swords together with narrowed eyes as we both pushed the swords together. He had a questioning look to his eye. Like how did i get this good so fast. Though it did take me a long time to master not using anger as a strategy to my fighting, he still had that questioning look that made my heart race nervously. We soon pushed each other off and i ran at him, dodging his swing by ducking and hitting his leg with the wooden practice sword, making him yelp in pain and falling to the ground to hole the spot where he felt pain, and i pushed him down on his back and pointed the practice sword to his throat. 
"Alright! alright! your win!" Gael said with his hands up in defense. He then stood up and i put the sword down, huffing and puffing tiredly and chuckled as he looked at me with shock in his eyes. "How did you-?" Gael questioned but i had cut him off before he finished. "Just a long time of practice and effort. I didn't ant to let you down so everyday i put in that effort in time to make sure that i was the best i could be." I said, Not really lying here. I did put in a lot of effort training with sawyer. I made sure that i was on top of my game of training with sawyer. But mainly i just didn't want to disappoint sawyer. He was the one i  wanted to make most proud. I didn't want to go to training thinking i wasn't going to get any better. It was also therapy for me in a way.
"Well i'm really proud of you!" He said enthusiastically, punching my shoulder gently and rubbing my head with a proud grin. "You did great." I turned when i heard a familiar voice and saw tobias said with a soft smile. I only nodded at him and smiled awkwardly. It was weird to see him again. I haven't seen him in awhile actually. "Well, do you think i should get back to the war now?" I asked them both and they looked at each other. "Thats for you to decide. There's another meeting tonight with the elves, talking about the god swords again." I nodded and walked with then to the meeting room to just hang out until then.

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