Episode 46

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(Y/n's pov)

I woke up in my dream state again. I was in the same flower field with a breeze brushing past me. I take my steps through the flower field until athena's shadow emerges.
"What are my next steps Now?" I asked her. "Your next steps Now, are to rally up the rebellion. Make it big and strong. Then will you be able to overthrow the council, and the gods and goddesses will come back once again." The says wisely. "I'm scared..." I whispered, it seemed that each time we talked our voices echoed through the air. "Of what Child?" She asked. "Of everything at this point..." I say honestly with a shaky tone. Athena hummed and stepped forward closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder. Even her touch was powerful, sending shivers through out my whole body.
"If you weren't, I see you as a fool. Fear is something everyone faces. Facing your greatest fears, makes a strong warrior. Even if it's something repeated from your past, fear should be the thing that pushes you further to accomplishing your goals." Her words boomed through out the terrain as she spoke. The wind started to blow harder until everything disappeared. I woke up, sawyer was by my side sleeping
I slowly make my way out of bed and look out the window, seeing the owl in the tree. Blue eyes gliscened as the owls eyes stared right into mine. Athena stared at me. I smiled at her and she flew off in the light, hooing in the distance as she flies off. She was q beauitful creature, so wise and brilliant. I'm glad she was here with me now to help guide me to where I need to be and what I need to do. I felt arms wrap around me but I didn't jump. I embraced it, knowing sawyer was with me.
"Why are you up?" He whispered in my ear, his voice was rough like he just woke up which he did. "Just...thinking." I say to him and he hummed. "Think in bed." He groaned, making me laugh and turn around. We stared at each other deeply, longingly in fact. My heart raced everytime I looked into his eyes, I smiled. "Your in love with me." He grinned, making me laugh out loud. "What gave it away?" I asked sarcastically with a smile and he suddenly kissed me. I was taken aback for a moment but i kissed him back, wrapping my arms around him and melting into the kiss. The moment seemed so perfect. We kissed for awhile until he pulled away and looked at me. "That." I giggled when he said that and he pulled me into bed and we began cuddling together until the next morning. We woke up next to each other and got ready for the day.
"Ready to form the rebellion?" Sawyer asked with a grin on his face. "More the ready." I piped and attached my sword to my side.
Me and sawyer went to genwae, in fact, snuck to genwae and seeing the guards sweep the area for anything around. We snuck around them and found that there were even more trying to sweep the area. "It's too crowded." Sawyer whispered, annoyed with anger on his face.
We couldn't reach kalem and rae, we weren't even sure if they were there at all. Maybe they were hiding really well, who knows. We snuck them in here, they couldn't have just left Willy nilly. Then we heard: "PSSST!" We turn and see them both hiding in a bush. We snuck to them and sat beside them. "They're everywhere. It's hard to navigate around the." Rae says frusteratedly. Kalem was keeping watch and making sure the guards didn't come around. "We had to take down a few of them. Sorry y/n." Kalem whispered to me apologetically. I shake my head though. "Do what you have to do to survive. This is your home too." I defended him and sawyer looked at me with a smile on his face. "Come on, we have a clear path back to my place."
When we got back, we started to discuss the plan of rebellion. How were we going to get my people on our side without one of them snitching us out.
"Its going to be difficult but I'm sure if you explain the reason why, I'm sure they will believe you." Kalem says and looked to sawyer. "Just don't let him get caught." I shake my head and looked at him with a reassuring gaze. "Promise, I will keep him safe as much as possible." I promised. They all nodded and the door opened, I see gael genesis...and finn. I stand up and stare at finn who stared at me.
Silence. Until...: "I'm in." Finn stated bluntly, I smiled appreciatively. Finn was the most supportive friend I know, he was amazing truly.
"Thank you..." I whisper, feeling like i was about to cry. My friends were by my side every step of the way, sticking by me through it all. Even by a guy who they barely even met a few days ago or even just now, I was truly appreciative that my friends were that supportive of a movement that could save thousands of innocent lives. "I'm with you till the end." Finn say with a grin on his face, they all sat down and so did I. "So what's the plan?" Gael asked me. "I say we just start asking around. Explaining the history of our council, how evil they really are and what they did and remind them that we are more powerful than they ever will be." I tell them, seeing kalem and rae smile excitedly brought me joy. Seeing their hope brings me life. "It may be hard but it will be worth it." Sawyer stated and looked at the three, sitting there and staring at us, questioning us a bit. "It's going to be extremely hard then to keep this a complete secret." Genesis said to me with worry. "It's the only thing we got. We have concrete proof they are evil." I say to them, they nodded agreeing. It was hard to deny now that poe is an evil man in the heavens. He needed to be stopped and destroyed and push this movement as much as we can before another innocent angel is pushed over the edge. "We have concrete proof that Poe is evil." Sawyer said specifically.
"When should we start?"
"As soon as possible." I answered gael's question instantly and the three of them stand up from their seats.
"So basically now?" He asked, trying to clarify. "Yes. The more followers we have, the stronger we become." I say and the three of them nodded. Before they left I just had to say.
"Thank you guys. Your amazing." I tell them and they just shake their heads. "No! This is your movement. We support you through and through." Genesis smiled and they all left to fulfill the task of spreading the word. Kalem and rae left back to the underworld to let their army know what's about to happen. So now it was just me and Sawyer alone together.
"We should go together." I tell him and he agreed, but before we left we kissed. Again. He wrapped his arms around my waist protectively, making my smile in the kiss. We pulled away and intertwined our fingers together and left the house to spread the word of our rebellion.
The next few days were a breeze. We spread the word of our rebellion secretly through out the heavens.
But there was one person I wanted to convince...My mother.
I flew to her home and landed at her door step, standing there I knocked on the door and she opened it with surprise. "Hey y/n!" She says and enveloped me on a hug. I hugged her back lovingly with a smile, she let me inside and shut the door behind me.
I sometimes forget what her house looks like, I'm almost never here. I always lived with my dad since she was always busy with war.
She made some green tea and sat down with me at the table in the dining room.
"What brings you here?"

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