Chapter 4

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Kritika banged the door open making it hit against the wall, her eyes blazed at it fell on the sleeping figure of Panchaali on her bed, five minutes late, she dared sleep five minutes extra and still counting. She marched in her pace furious as she picked up the jug of water and splashed it on the sleeping form of Panchaali, who gasped awake, breathing harder as she looked around terrified.

"You are sleeping till now?" She growled as she looked at her daughter making Panchaali jump, "Sorry mata." She whispered as she trembled, she stood up on her weak as her mata left, Panchaali looked down at her lap and sighed, her heart eased, fearing easing a bit.

She stretched as she stood up, her hand moved to her forehead as she sighed, surprising her head was aching nor was her knee throbbed. That was weird, a cold shiver ran down her body as a wind blew from the open window, she sneezed, she stood up as she got out of the bed and moved to the bathing chambers to bath.

Panchaali entered the temple, her mother had said she was late but so far no one was here, she shrugged as she took the basket from the corner and moved to the gardens to collect some flowers. The swishing and whistling sound of the air being cut rang through her ears as she moved in the deeper corners of the garden where the practice ground lay, no one really ever used it, she was curious, who would be in the archery ground this early? She walked down to the practice ground, her eyes widened as she felt a warm feeling flutter in her chest as her heart beat wilder, she wasn't sure what she was feeling or why she was feeling but she was still looked at the men in front of her.

There stood her friend, his eyes had a blindfold on him as he held a huge dhanush in his hand, he wasn't wearing any angvastr and jewelry as his hair were pulled back in a man bun on his head, the free curls at the back of his head ticking his neck, the muscles in his arm bulged as he pulled back the string an arrow appeared out of no where making her eyes widened in shock, her eyes travelled to his firm, well muscled body that held well defined abs, sweat had his body glistening as he looked so handsome. Her heart thudded violently in her chest as she could practically hear her blood flow through her body, she gulped as she watched him mesmerised as his strong defined fingers let the arrow go, the arrow cut through the air as it moved too fast to be seen and shattered the earthen pots that were swinging in the air from side to side, three pots all together, she just couldn't believe her eyes.

Arjun smirked as he felt her addictive fragrance of soft lotuses reach his nose, "Panchaali it's a bad habit to spy on someone." He said as he pulled his blindfold from his eyes, his smirk widened as he looked at her wide eyes looking at him with shock, her mouth partially hanging open, as she looked at him, he bit back an amused laugh as he moved towards her, his eyes took in her gorgeous form, she wore a simple peach lehnga with some light embroidery and a chain around her neck with thin light bangles round her wrist as she wore small round earrings, her look was too simple, normal than a commoner yet her beauty, her innocent eyes and the cute smile surpassed everything, she looked mesmerising, he sucked in a deep breath as she looked up at him. Her innocent doe shaped eyes blinking up at him, he stood just an inch away from her as he looked down at her, she craned her neck up to look at him, pink dusting her cheeks.

"Good morning kitten." The nick name slipped past his lips before he could even stop it, her cheeks turned a brighter shade of pink as she fidgeted, Arjun smirked at her shyness. "Good morning." She whispered her voice soft as she gazed at the ground submissively, his finger moved under her chin as he made her look up at him, his hazel eyes meeting with her darker ones, their hearts beat wildly as they gazed into each others eyes, everything faded for the moment as all that mattered in the moment was each other, that was all that mattered, "Your shyness is a very beautiful quality kitten but not this submission, you submit to me I respect that, not everyone will, therefore whenever you talk to me or anyone look at them in the eyes not the ground. Don't hide this pretty face." He whispered making her heart pump harder as she looked up at him, he wanted to lower his head and seal the gap between them and press his lips to hers, to claim her but he knew she was not ready, he sighed as he deeply breathed in trying to calm his heart.

"So what are you doing up so early?" He questioned as he looked at her, he said as he looked at her curious,she should be sleeping right now, he knew the medicine must make her drowsy. She blinked a few times as she snapped out of a daze, "Um just collecting some flowers for pooja." She whispered, "There are no flowers in your basket." He pointed, "so does that mean that I distracted the princess of Panchaal with my handsomeness?" He teased making her blush harder, he chuckled at her cuteness, she turned around to leave as Arjun's hand shot out wrapped around her wrist and captured it in his hand. Her heart thudded wildly as sparks ran up her wrist that he held making her breath hitch, she could feel her breath as he moved closer to her, his warm breath fanning her shoulder, he stood so close that she could feel his body heat. Her heart hammered wildly in her chest as her toes curled, he moved aside her hair with his hand,moving her hair to rest it on her other shoulder. His breath fanned on her bare shoulder as she felt her heart beat skip.

"Rajkumar Arjun." She whispered his name, "Arjun kitten, call me just Arjun." His husky voice teased her ears as his manly fragrance of musk and forest wrapped around her pulling in her haze. "Someone will come." She whispered, she didn't want to let him go and she desperately wished that he wouldn't let her go, "let them." He whispered as he pressed a kiss on her bare shoulder making her body tickle with sparks as she fisted her hand at her sides,"someone will see us." She whispered, "Let them." He whispered back, "What will they think?" Her voice was breathy and barely audible as he continued to pepper kisses along the length of her shoulder making her shudder as her nerves were a wreck. "What will they think?" Her voice was now almost nonexistent, "that you're mine." He whispered as he bit her neck lightly, sucking and licking as he left a hickey there. Her head was spinning with pleasure as she shout her eyes, he wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her hard against his chest, her back pressed firmly in him.

"Arjun..." her voice faded as her heart thudded wildly in her chest at the thought of hisk, "Today after pooja Madhav and mata will talk to maharani Kritika about our wedding and before they do, I wanted to know what you think. Will you be mine for the rest of my life? Will you be the queen of my heart Ranisahiba? Will you be my wife Panchaali? Will you be this Paarth's Paarthvi?" He whispered in her ear, he began to suck on her earlobe as he waited to her answer, his heart was rejoicing, he already knew what she would say but he wanted to hear it from her mouth. Her heart beat increased with each word that left his mouth, he wanted to marry her? She couldn't believe her ears, why would he? Her thoughts were a jumbled mess as he continued to suck her earlobe, she couldn't think straight with her mouth on her body, sometimes it was the neck, the other times her ear.

"Answer me kitten." He whispered, "yes." Her husky voice had him smiling, "That's my girl." He whispered possessively as he swirled her around so she was facing him, her eyes looking into his, the beautiful blush that he loved to see was present on her cheeks as her breathing came in short pants, he didn't know why he felt the way he did when he was around her, he always felt this pull to touch and hug her, there was always the need to see her, why did he always have this itch to see her when she was not around? Since the moment his eyes fell on her there had been this pull, this new feelings that he couldn't put a name to but whatever it was, it was magical. He loved this feeling, like with her he had everything in his arms.

"I don't know how you do it, but with you there is always this crazy need to see you, to touch you, to look at you. What are you doing to me?" He whispered as he lowered his head, the gap between their lips was just enough for a thread to pass not more, his lips didn't touch hers but he didn't move back either. "What are you doing to me priye?" His husky whisper had her breath hitching, as she looked into his eyes, her dark orbs pulling him in. "I want to kiss this lips, to ravish you, every time I see you. Do you know how difficult it is for me to stop? It kills me every time." He whispered as he nuzzled his head in her neck, he ran the tip of his nose across the length of her neck making goosebumps break throughout her body as her heart hammered in her chest wildly. "Now your mine. Finally, forever mine. And there's no one who could change this fact." He whispered possessively making her heart thump as his intense gaze met hers. He pressed his lips on her forehead before he put some distance between them and let her go. "Let's get you those flowers." He whispered making her blush, her heart skipped a beat as he slipped his palms in hers and gave it a squeeze. He pressed a kiss on her forehead as her cheeks tinted red, "so precious." He whispered, his voice laced with adoration as his intense gaze focused on her, he pulled her along as he took her to collect some flowers.


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