Chapter 17

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The hooded men moved down the corridor leaving behind trails of dead bodies, they sneakily killed everyone, not giving them enough time to the guards as they attacked them on their backs or beheading them.

The huge dark door of Panchaali's room was shut closed. The leader stepped up, his hood falling back revealing his face.

He moved forward, a finger on his lips signalling everyone to be quite as he walked towards the door

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He moved forward, a finger on his lips signalling everyone to be quite as he walked towards the door. His one hand touched the wood of the door while other tightened on the hilt of the sword. A smirk appeared on his face when he heard nothing, he pushed the door open slowly, his eyes looking around the dark room as he tiptoed in. His men following him in, the room was submerged in darkness as he walked in searching for the princess. Everything in the room was too quiet, one could practically hear their breathing, his gaze scanned the temple area of the room, nothing. The bathroom, the wardrobe room, everywhere, nothing. Finally he sneaked towards the sleeping area, his feet light as the air.

The huge round bed in the center of the sleeping area had white canopy around it as the twilight of the moon lit the room, the white curtains fluttered as the wind blew making the curl of Panchaali's hair fall on her cheeks. He gazed at her for a moment forgetting all about his reason to be there as his eyes fell on the Gandivdhaari's wife. The man really was an idiot to let such a woman unprotected, a woman like hers was a precious jewel that needed to be protected. His eyes travelled on her face, her long dark thick lashes rested against her cheeks as her eyes were closed, her soft skin glistening in the moon light like a diamond, she lay on her back, her one hand kept on the pillow next to her head as the other rested on her stomach. The lower half of her body till her stomach was covered by the thick white quilt. The palloo of the odhni that covered her body was fluttering carelessly on the edge of the bed as her long dark tresses were set loose in waves. She looked serene and calm, like the goddess of beauty herself lay in a deep sleep. She wore no jewellery to bed except the mangalsutr, that rested on her chest proudly. Her maang filled with sindur as a small gold nose ring sparkled in her nose. With almost no jewelry she looked so beautiful, without her making any effort she radiated a beauty that surpassed everyone's expectations, he wondered how beautiful she must look when she actually made an effort and got ready. His hand raised with the wish to touch the beauty, the one that lay on the bed. The queen wanted her dead, her husband obviously wasn't here, he would do them both a favour and take her with him as his mistress. He smirked as his eyes shone with lust, he moved towards the bed and moved the thin see through white cloth that acted as the canopy aside, his hand reaching out to touch her.

He snapped out of his trance as he felt something thick and strong wrap around his hand that was raised to touch her, his eyes widened as fear shot thorough his heart as they landed on the thick huge cobra that hissed dangerously making his heart thud, before he could process what was happening, the cobra hissed and shot his head up, mouth opening revealing his huge deadly poisonous fangs that sunk in his throat, piercing through his skin as the snake clenched his mouth harder piercing deeper, releasing it's poison in him. He fell on his back quivering on the floor like a fish out of water on the floor, his face turned blue before white foam appeared out of his mouth and he died. Within moments he was dead, the remaining men watched their leader die, too shocked to understand what just happened, the six foot long thick cobra hissed and slithered forward hissing, one of the man raised his sword to kill the snake, his jaw dropped as the sword in his hand fell on the ground and clanked as it slipped from his numb fingers, his eyes wide as he looked at the sight in front of him.

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