Chapter 40

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Krishn and Arjun stood in their respective chariots facing the huge army of dead in front of them, they were nothing but walking corpses, that were in various stages of decomposition, their gaze fell on their leader, Vrishketu, who sat on a walking corpse of elephant. “I suggest you return back! Attacking Hastinapur will give you nothing but defeat.”  Krishn stated, his voice rag with sternness as his face held an unreadable expression, he knew very well that this man was a master of necromancy and his powers had made him egoistic, he knew that in his ego Vrishketu would ignore his warnings. Vrishketu laughed as he gazed at the two men, did they really think that they can defeat an entire army of ten lakhs of dead alone? How stupid were they? He laughed mockingly, his soldiers joining him soon, all laughing so hard like Krishn had cracked a huge joke.

“Defeat? Who will kill this army of dead? You two? Oh, you fool, you are just two, while this are ten lakhs of dead, you will be dead before you can even blink.” He mocked, his voice laced with a humiliating tone making all the dead laugh harder, Krishn and Arjun looked at each other and smirked before they too began laughing, their joyous laugher had the army quieting as they looked over at them confused, wondering whether the two had lost their mind.
“Did you hear that Madhav, the ants are planning to kill the lion.” Arjun said in between the laughter, making Krishn chuckle even louder.

“Everyone is entitled to day dream Paarth, even the dead, half rotten once too.” Krishn added making his best friend double over with laughter, tears tracing down from his eyes, Vrishketu’s jaw set as he glared at the duo, his eyes burning with rage, as he decided to tear the two open, his hands itched to wrap around the two men, who the hell did they think they were to stop him, many had tried and ended up being nothing more than dust, he will turn them into ashes too.

“You! After your deaths I will…” He began but was cut off by Arjun, “Death? A bit over, assuming aren’t you? Didn’t your mata never taught you to never underestimate your enemies, it can have severe consequences like death. You can join Krishn mata here, he gives best life lessons.” Arjun teased making Krishn roll his eyes, “Yes, yes, I love all my children, you too Vrishketu, no matter how rotten things you like.” Madhav added and the duo laughed, “have you two have no fear for your damn lives?!” Vrishketu screamed with anger trembling with fury as he glared at the duo who just looked more amused, “Rotten Rats, no matter how big can never scare a lion. Oh, come on, I would have been scared seriously, but then I saw your face and it matched so much with my raccoons so... you understand...” Arjun taunted and the best friends laughed.

Vrishketu couldn’t control his fury, “ATTTACK! GET ME THIS TWO BUT BEFORE THAT I WANT THEIR WIVES HERE! I WILL STIRP THEM IN FRONT OF EVERYONE WHILE THIS TWO CAN DO NOTHING BUT WATCH!!!!” Vrishketu shouted, his words dripping with fury, all the humor evaporated from the atmosphere as it was suddenly filled with a darkness and heaviness, the expression on the faces of Krishn and Arjun was enough to make the Vrishketu’s heart tremble with fear, fury, unadulterated fury marred their faces, their bodies were taut with anger, as their jaws were set, their hands fisted as their eyes burned with wrath.

They had given him a chance to turn back and repent, to move back, to return, but this man had thrown it all back on their faces. By getting their wives involved he had crossed a line, a line that would lead to his painful death. The storm of rage burned brighter as the army laughed, “I will make your wife my Slave Arjun, she will satisfy all my needs, I hope you have trained her well in the area of how to please a man. if you haven’t than I …” Everything happened too fast to be processed by any human, before he could even utter the next words the arrow had cut through the air, the velocity of which had the air whistling, it turned into a burning one mid air as it pierced through the open mouth of the man, cutting him off mid words, setting his body on fire, agonizing screams slithered through the air feeling it with a heaviness, dread filled the air as they watched the man in front of them burn, he screamed, his agonizing screams had a deadly silence befall on the battle field as they watched him die a painful death. “Death is a gift to you all, for only one reason. For getting my wife involved. I won’t kill you for attacking Hastinapur, oh no, I would have spared you all but today, I promise you in the upcoming next hours you will see death dance over your heads.” Arjun’s voice rang through the silent battle field, the coldness and hatred in it had the men in front of him gulping terror began to snake around their hearts making it chock.

“Attack!” Vrishketu shouted making all the men scream a battle cry as they ran towards the two men who stood on their chariots, Arjun and Krishn shared a solemn looks as their hands wrapped around their respective Dhanush, they took an aim, arrows appearing out of nowhere before they let it go, the arrows slithered through the air and converted into a tens of thousands of fire arrows that hit each and every soldier, as promised the battle field was filled with blood as Krishn and Arjun continued to kill thousands and thousands of them, their anger fueling them to end everything, all they could hear were the words of Vrishketu that reverberated through their minds making them fill with anger, the fury in them was taking the forms of arrows, killing and ending each one of them, the tension in the atmosphere was so high that one could cut it with a sharp knife, the anger was not being toned down by the arrows so they picked their swords and jumped into the battle feilds, they ran head first at the enemies their loud furious shout was enough to make the earth tremble as the sky filled with dark clouds thundering, showing the wrath of Mahakaal and Narayan.

They jumped off the ground with a loud shout, their swords raised high as they shouted in anger, their hands moved down with anger, their anger fueling their powers as they unleashed them, their swords cut their targets head and body, slicing them in two equal halves, making the body slice in halves and fall down on the ground, they breathed heavily as they looked up from the ground, red marred the white of their eyes, as they glared at the men in front of them making the dead soldiers stumble back, if death ever had a face it would be theirs.

Terror chocked the air as the soldiers turned around and ran, the duo roared loud making the sky and ground tremble as they ran behind the soldiers, the sound of their footsteps had the earth trembling even more, Arjun’s skin turned dark as his eyes turned redder, his hair grew longer like shiv as he took the form of Mahakaal in true sense, his wrath knew no bounds.

Narayan took his angry form, his hand held the sword, as his skin turned a dark blue, eyes red, wrath bubbling under his skin as they followed the soldiers, their swords moving faster than one can process tearing them in pieces. . .

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