Chapter 48

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Arjun laid her on the bed, his eyes focused on the bleeding wound, worry pulling in his heart. He felt movement around him, his eyes focusing on the old vedh who looked at him with wide eyes.

His eyes widened in shock as he gazed at Arjun, who was drenched in blood from head to toe.

"Vedh ji." Arjun called out making the man jump out of his shocked stupor, he rushed to Panchaali's examining her.

Arjun moved back his eyes focusing on his wife, he kneeled beside her holding her hand in his.

Memories flashed through his mind as he gazed at her beautiful face, his eye's focusing on her face, tracing the line of her face, his heart squeezed as he saw her pale skin had turned.

Tears stung in his eyes, "Hold on baby girl. I can fight the world if you're by my side but without you I can't even imagine walking a step. Don't give up princess, I need you." He whispered, his voice sounded completely broken.

A lone tear traced down his cheek, his throat tightening. Never had he imagined his family to do this to him, his heart stung, family was meant to protect, was meant to be one through thick and thin.

And what did they do this for? Property? Kingdom? Rule? What was more important than love of family?

His heart slithered through agony, another tear flowing down his cheek. This was Panchaali's first pregnancy, where she was just meant to have happiness and this had happened.

Tears tracked down his cheeks, the thought of losing her making it difficult for him to think straight. He pressed his lips to her forehead, his hand cupping her cheeks.

No nothing will happen to her or his child, there was just no way.

His hold tightened on her, his heart squeezing sharply, while he gazed at her.

"Come back to me love." He whispered, begging her, she was all that he had, how could he live without her.

He whispered, pressing his lips on her forehead, feeling  her warmth, an assurance that everything will be fine, it had to be, there was no other choice, she had to return.

If Paarth was life Panchaali was the essence of it, if Paarth was body, Panchaali was the soul, without her he is never complete.

In every step of their life, he had promised to be with her, good and bad. Happiness and Sadness, he had promised, than how can today he break like this when she needed him the most.

No he won't give up so easily, determination thrummed through him as he wiped his tears.

He breathed in deeply, his eyes focusing on his wife, her face looked so peaceful like she was sleeping.

She had to return to him there was no other way around it. She was his and she had to return to him.

"His highness." Whispered the vedh, making Arjun snap out of his thoughts.

"How's she?" Dhananjay questioned his heart hammering wildly in anticipation while he gazed at him.

"The blood flow was too much. Nothing could be said for the next eight hours." He stated, Arjun's heart tugged sharply, as his breath hitched, terror shot through his heart making his heart thud in his chest.

"Maharaj! Rajkumar Duryodhan, Dushasan and Gandhar Raj are out there killing everyone!" A panicked dasi came running in, tears tracing down her cheeks while terror marred her face.

Arjun's hand fisted, fury tearing through him.

His responsibilities were calling him while, his heart desired to be with Panchaali. He was being torn in between his responsibilities and his love. He gazed at her rubbing her cheeks, determination shining through her eyes while he gazed at her.

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