Chapter 12

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"I have seen people who are stupid, but you? You surpass them all in that category!" Kritika shouted as she glared at her dumb daughter, the idiot woman had done nothing but create complications for herself and Kritika, she wanted to bash her daughter's head.  Kirti looked at her mother.

"I just wanted to kill Panchaali!" She said stubbornly, her eyes blazing with fire, Kritika swirled around as she faced her daughter, she gritted her teeth as she glared at her daughter, "You fool of a woman! You planned to kill her in the presenc...

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"I just wanted to kill Panchaali!" She said stubbornly, her eyes blazing with fire, Kritika swirled around as she faced her daughter, she gritted her teeth as she glared at her daughter, "You fool of a woman! You planned to kill her in the presence of Rajkumar Arjun!" She shouted, she couldn't believe what she was hearing. If she wasn't Kritika's daughter,she would have surely killed her.

"You peanut brained woman!When you know that you don't own a brain why do you try using it?" Snapped Kritika,  "you have messed up my whole plan! I wanted to get something before they get married, but thanks to you they are now already married! Somehow I have stopped them from leaving for now, stating that I want a grand wedding for my daughter, and I have to do something that will stop Panchaali from leaving with her husband after their marriage." Kritika stated, "And what will that be?"  Kirti asked. Kritika smirked, "I just know the perfect way!" Stated Kritika as she looked at her daughter with a smirk on her face, Kirti shuddered as she looked at her mother, this woman really was too evil.


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"Paarth are you ready?" Krishn asked as he walked in with a smile on his face, the four pandavas looked up at him. "We are getting the groom ready Vasudev, so obviously it will take sometime." Stated Nakul with a smile as he clipped the neckpiece in his brother's neck, "The wedding is today not tomorrow jyest!" Sehdev teased as he straightened Arjun's angvastr. "Yes bhraatashree if we didn't reach on time and the decided time for his marriage and the wedding got postponed, I am pretty sure Arjun would string up on his Gandiv and shoot us in the far off galaxies." Bheem teased making Arjun roll his eyes as he looked at his brothers.

"Just because I am getting married doesn't mean I have to be teased!" Arjun shot back making everyone laugh, "before the sacrifice the animal is usually kept as happy as possible dear anuj." Yudhisthir teased and everyone bursted out laughing, "Bhraatashree you too?" Arjun whined, "no one can save you today Paarth!"  Krishn teased making his best friend roll his eyes. "Let's get moving,  we are getting late!" Madhav said making everyone nod as they moved towards the mandap.

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