Chapter 50

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Blood splayed on the ground as Duryodhan hit Arjun on his face, the mace hitting his face making the bones crunch under it.

A sharp jolt of pain shot through Arjun, blood splaying out of his mouth and falling on the ground.

The loud thunder rang throughout the place, showing the anger of nature.

Pain thrummed through him, as he hit the ground. "Arjun!" Kunti shouted, her heart slashing with pain. Seeing her son fall on the ground, blood pouring out of his mouth.

Her heart burned with agony, while she gazed at her son get hurt.

A mother can't see her child get one scratch and here Arjun was being beaten.
Kuntu's heart felt like someone was tugging it out of her chest and someone was stomping on it.

Duryodhan's merciless laughter rang throughout the place, his dead voice ringing through every corner. "Today for the first time evil shall will! You know why Arjun?! Because my wife Bhanumati offered her head as sacrifice to Kali, who blessed her with the boon, that her husband, I, the great Duryodhan shall never be killed by a complete man or woman!" He shouted, arrogance lacing his voice, while a dead silence fell over.



Helplessness struck the heart of the people around.

This can't be true! This man can never win! No!

What kind of boon this was?!

Duryodhan laughed, his arrogant voice ringing through everywhere. A sense of hopelessness settled across the place, hearts sinking with dejection.

"Duryodhan! Sun can be eclipsed for only few moments. Similarly this darkness of adharm eclipsing the sun of dharma shall only last for only few moments." Arjun stated, gritting his words through his teeth, agony and fury burning from within as every part of his body screamed in ache protesting his every move.

Duryodhan laughed, "Delusions are what you are having Arjun! Pure delusions!" He growled, raising his sword slashing Arjun across his chest, blood sprinkled the ground, as Dhananjay fell on the ground, dark spots dancing in his vision before everything turned dark.

"ARJUN!!!!!" The kuru family shouted, their soul wrenching agonised scream filled the sky.

"DURYODHAN!!! I WILL CHOP YOU IN SO MANY FINE PIECES THAT IT WILL TAKE REST OF ETERNITY TO COLLECT THEM!! " Bheem shouted, his fury breaking every bound as he roared the words. Slamming his leg on the ground making the earth shake from his raw power.

"Duryodhan no matter how deep the darkness maybe a small flame can completely extinguish it. Similarly it doesn't matter how huge an evil is, a small spark of dharma shall always burn it. You can destroy a body Duryodhan but soul shall forever rule. You are a creation of God, just as I am. Remember there is nothing in this world that the creator can't destroy. What one can create can always be destroyed. You still have time, surrender to that almighty and he shall forgive your sins." Yudhisthir's words rang throughout the place, his voice piercing the sky, honesty and truth rang throughout the place.

His heart was burning with pain seeing his younger brother in so much agony. But the lantern of dharma and knowledge in him held his soul and consciousness in a stable manner, tears were in his eyes but so was the calmness that the light of dharma in his heart reverberated.

Evil has never won.

And today shall be no different.

"Duryodhan! You merciless monster. I will kill you!" Nakul shouted his voice reverberating, the agony in them slithering throughout the place.

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