Chapter 44

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Duryodhan gazed at Panchaali, a cruel smile appearing on his lips, as he gazed at her beautiful lush body.

Tears were raining down her rosy cheeks, her eyes gazing at her husband, Duryodhan scoffed.

Husband? This man didn't deserve a beauty like Panchaali.

A gem like her belonged to a king like him, not a moron like Arjun, who loves his Gandiv and Dharma.

Her bottom lip quivered, making him smirk, this woman was crying for a loser like him.

Her cries provided him a happiness that he couldn't put in words.

The joy he felt seeing her cry made him feel excited.

He crouched in front of her, giving her a mock look of pity, as his hand shot out, catching a tear that traced down her cheeks.

He tsked, shaking his head in mock pity.

"Crying and crying. This is all you have been doing since you met this man. Oh, Panchaali you are so beautiful and intelligent, leave that Arjun, and come to me, I will make you my queen. I will give you all the happiness and make you my queen. Marry me!” he proposed, a victorious smirk on his face, while  his voice laced with confidence, his eyes focused on Panchaali.

Her head shot up, the fire in them lighting up as she glared at him. Her face hardening with hatred and disgust.

How could this man even suggest this! He was like a brother to her by the dharma, he was here sitting suggesting such a disgusting relationship!

Her throat tightened with pain making it difficult for her to swallow, as her eyes stung with tears, fury and agony tangled in her, making her breath heavily as she glared up at him.

Tainting such a beautiful relationship of a brother in law, this man had crossed all his bounds.

Her jaw set, as her breathing came out in short pants. Making her tremble with a fury that was proving to be difficult to control.

Her body trembled with fury, as her jaw set.

“Stay in your limits Rajkumar .” She snapped, the voice though calm held a sea of threat, her voice reflecting a warning, that the man in front of her, who was too lost in his arrogance failed to notice.

She glared, her eyes blazing with wrath.

Wrath build in Duryodhan’s chest, his eyes intensifying with hatred.

“My limits?! Who the heck do you think you are to talk to me like this?! You are nothing more than a weak woman! A woman who is meant to be nothing but the shoe of a man's feet.

Time and again we men have always trampled you under our feet. What have you women ever achieved? Crying is all you are good at.

Sometimes at your husband's feet, sometimes fathers! If there were no men in your life you would be nothing, nothing but dirt.

What makes you think, that a dirt like you can talk to a king like me in such an offending manner? You think just because you are some beautiful queen, I will let you go?!

You think that someone will come and save you?!Than you are dreaming, everyone in this palace is arrested and are locked in the dungeons and your loyal guards are all dead, one by one I will kill each of your family member in front of your eyes and you will be able to do nothing but watch helplessly.

And now I will end Arjun and you will forever be mine!” Duryodhan snapped menacingly, his voice filled with insanity. As a laughter bubbled through his lips, he laughed menacingly.

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