Chapter 41

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Ulekha’s POV:

A smirk appeared on my face as I looked at the golden dagger, a laugh passed through my lips, Panchaali you had been protected by my Arjun but today no one is here to protect her, just the thought of that woman made my blood boil.

Hate thrummed through me as I just thought about her, the woman had snatched my Arjun away from her, for so long I had just been waiting for my Arjun and she just stepped in and took him away from me! Me! The princess of Sindh Pradesh, no one, no one had ever dared to ever mess with me, no one takes what is mine and lives to talk about it, and Panchaali won’t be different and I will kill her.

My hands fisted as fury thrummed through me making me growl and understand, I failed to understand why Arjun was so much interested in her, she was no one, nothing was so special about her, I am sure this woman has used necromancy to control the mind of my Arjun, he is mine and mine alone.

My gaze settled on the golden dagger, the tool for Panchaali’s death, that I will be giving her. Arjun and Krishn both are not here so she has no one to protect her, my hand wrapped around the dagger as I picked it up, its light weight making me smile. It was sharp enough to cut through the bones in just one slice, a smirk appeared on my face as the image of Panchaali begging a cry at my feet slithered through my mind, excitement bubbled through me where I imagined her begging at my feet.

Crying for mercy, screaming for help, but no one shall save her, she will die, tonight will be her last night on this planet, she will no longer be here to see the sun rise tomorrow. she will pay for the sin of trying to marry my Arjun, the man only belongs to me and I can do anything for him, anything.

I will destroy every hurdle that will stop me from uniting with my Arjun, he is mine and mine alone, the though of that Panchaali having him made my soul burn with a menace, a fury that was so deep and dark that it only will be calmed when I will kill that woman, she who dared to spoil my life, Arjun is mine alone.
I put the dagger down on the table as I picked the dark bowl that held the greenish liquid, the liquid of death, one of the most dangerous poisons in the entire aryavrat, one small nick in her hand, a small slice and cut and she will be dead, no mercy, no time to process just death.

The slow agonizing death that this poison gives would be perfect for that woman who dared to take away my husband, she will be dead by the time I am done with her, my eyes burned with fury as I glared at her, that woman has been nothing but a head ache, a smirk appeared as I recalled how this poison worked. This poison will slowly melt all her internal organs, it will make her feel like she is being burned from within, Panchaali who is favorite of all will die a pain and agonizing death. A laugh bubbled through my lips as the thought of killing her made me want to end her this very instant, the thought of her death gave me joy, made me want to laugh, and celebrate in joy.

I picked up the soft cotton ball and dipped it in the bowl of poison and applied it on the dagger, swipe after swipe, a soft melody made its way through my lips as I calmly repeated the motion of applying the poison, the greenish tint of the shiny sharp blade made me smile wildly, it was probably the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen, the green tint on the shiny surface of the dagger, the death sentence for Panchaali, the slow and agonizing death of Panchaali, oh what a sight it would be to hear her screams, to hear her thrash in pain, to hear her scream and cry, as her red crimson blood would flow out of her, slowly and mar the white tiles of her room, a smirk appeared on my face as I thought about all that happening.
Today was the best day of my life, I felt like the god himself had blessed me with all the happiness in the world.

Fate wanted Panchaali today dead too, I just knew it, I laughed as I picked the dagger and sheathed it and put it in the waistband of my lehenga and moved towards her room, I felt like running down the hallway to bridge the gap between her and me, her death. I wanted to skip down to her room like a little girl my happiness today knew no bounds, but hey I had been normal. So, I took a few deep breaths and tried to control it, tried to put a lid on my joy, that threatened to over flow, I bit back my smile as I kept a straight face as I walked down to her room, with each step I was moving closer and closer to her death.

The sight of huge doors had never given me so happiness as it did today, the guards bowed as I walked straight for the doors, they opened the door as I walked in, the death of Panchaali, the death of the Kuruvansh’s Kulvadhu, the death of the queen of Indraprasth and the death of Arjun’s beloved wife, the warm air of the room greeted me as I walked in, my gaze travelling around the dimly lit room, the room that was meant to be mine, a smile appeared on my face as I gazed at the sleeping woman in her bed, the woman that I was about to kill, Paarth’s Panchaali. . .




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