Chapter 39

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Arjun sat on his bed, his hand running through the thick long tresses of his wife as he looked at down her, "I love you arya." She whispered as her eyes met him, his lips turned up in a smile as he pressed his lips to her forehead, "I love you and our baby more princess." He whispered against her forehead, his eyes shut as he pressed his lips to her forehead. The sudden shift of energy was palpable as the evil changed in air, his eyes flew open as fury blazed through him, his jaw set. The sudden change in the energy had his heart thumping in his chest, his powers amplified as his true form of Mahakaal threatened to unleash. He fisted his hands by his sides as he breathed in and out, trying to leash in the anger.

"Arya?" The soft voice of his wife had him looking down at her confused face, "What happened?" She asked sitting up, Panchaali could sense the sudden anger that filled her husband, he looked at her, his eyes falling on her stomach, their child, the thought had his heart thumping he can't have her worried, he pulled her in his lap, her head resting on his chest as he breathed in her scent. "Do you believe in me princess?" He whispered, his voice soft as he gazed at his beloved, her eyes met his, a smile on her lips as she looked up at him, her hand cupped his cheek while her dark orbs held his hazel one captive, her lips turning up in a warm smile making his heart beat sharply in his chest, "I trust you more than my life arya. More than anyone in this world, you are the very base of my being." She whispered, her cheeks warming up as she uttered the words making his heart thump wildly, he couldn't stop himself from claiming her lips, his lips moving hard against hers as he ran his hand through her hair, that was all he required her love and faith in him, he was ready to fight against anything in the world if she was beside his side. "I love you." He whispered making her blush as he held her close, his hands running through her hair, it didn't take long for her to slip in the dream world as Arjun began to mumble words, as the air filled with the energy making, the wind blew stronger as a blue aura ball was created around her, he pressed his lips to her forehead before he laid her on the bed, he could hear the noises of the various asur soldiers moving towards Hastinapur, their laughter, their taunts. The animalistic rage filled shouts as the army of the deads and asur moved towards the unaware Hastinapur, where mothers sung lullabies to their children, while peace and calmness rested in their hearts.

His eyes shut as he saw thousands and thousands of dead bodies moving towards Hastinapur, some didn't have a limb others missed their head, dried blood and wounds everywhere while they moved in a robotic manner, a huge elephant dead of course walked in the center and on top of them sat a man, his eyes red with anger as he had an arrogant look on his face, as he along with a huge army was moving towards Hastinapur.

His eyes snapped open as he looked towards the door, Krishn stood there with a smile on his face. "Guests are coming Paarth. Shouldn't we go for their welcome?" He said, mischief lacing his words as he gazed at Arjun who smirked, "Let's began the preparation for their grand welcome and a not so comfortable journey to hell."  Dhananjay's voice was laced with humour as he gazed at his friend, who had his mischievous smile on his face, he gazed back at his peacefully sleeping wife, his hand running through her a final time before he laid her on the bed comfortably and covered her with the quilt, his lips pressed to her forehead, the feel of her warm smooth making him sigh. "I'll be back by the time you wake up. Good night princess. I love you." He whispered to her sleeping form, he really didn't wish to leave, seeing her sleeping face he wanted to stay with her hold her, his hand caressed her stomach where their child lay, his duties called him, he sighed as he got up and moved towards a smiling Krishn.

"For someone who didn't want to get married, you surely are a good husband." He teased making Paarth's cheeks turn a dark shade of red as he blushed, "Love makes you do things, you never expected, doesn't it Madhav?" He asked looking at Krishn, who smiled with a far of look, "Yes Paarth it does. Life would hold no meaning if one had no one to love, love is the one thread that fabricates the life of a person, that makes a person who they are. It comforts a person, as well as gives him the strength to fight against all the odds. It is an ordinary magic that makes a person's life extraordinary." He whispered as he looked at his friend, Dhananjay smiled, had he heard this words before he met Panchaali he would have refused to believe, but after meeting Panchaali his views to life had completely changed, she had made him feel things that he never could exist, the magic that life has is so great no one really knows what will happen in the life next moment, he never expected to meet Panchaali, a girl whom he would love more than his very soul, but he met her in Panchaal, sitting under the tree in forest, where complete darkness resided there was hidden the light of his life, he could still remember how beautiful she looked sitting under the dark forest tress singing the song, it was a bitter sweet memory, he was glad that he had met her but he also remembers the pain he had heard in her voice, her beautiful smile had hidden so many secrets, he still wondered how her life would have been before he met her? The thought of all the abuse and the pain, still burned all his thoughts with fury,  if he could he would bring back the mother daughter to life again and kill them, all over again. His jaw set as fury blazed in him, he took a deep breath to calm himself down, trying to suppress the manacle rage that wanted nothing more than to destroy everything in it's path, he sighed as he gazed up at  a smiling Krishn.

"Never thought I'll see my child grow up so soon. That he'll actually be able to control his rage, oh mata Krishn is so proud of you my child." Krishn faked wiping a tear as he spoke in a girly voice, pretending to be an overly joyous mother who was crying tears of happiness, Arjun shook his head as he chuckle passed through his lips, Krishn and his antics, "Now if you are done dear mata, shall we go for the welcome of our new guests?" He teased, as his voice rang with laughter, his eyes shining with amusement. Krishn too chuckled as he looked at Paarth, "Sure dear one. Mata will come with you. " He teased making Arjun laugh as the two turned around and moved out of the door. . .



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