Chapter 23

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Panchaali walked down the corridor that led to her husband's study, humming a tune in her mind as she went, her mind was too busy thinking about the preparations of tonight's baby shower that all the women of the family were organising, of course the official one would be in the upcoming week but they wanted to organise a small one for a her now, in a more private settings with just the women of the family, where Dushala could actually enjoy. She was excited about all the programs and games that will be held tonight, a small smiling appeared on her face just thinking about it. She tried to move in her husband's study when the guards on the sides held out their spears preventing her entry, "What's the meaning of this?" She asked looking at the guards like they had lost their mind, no one ever stopped her entry from meeting her husband ever before.

"You're not allowed to meet the king." The blunt  disrespect of the guard had her raising her brow as she raised her brow, more surprised than offended, no one had ever talked to her in such a manner, she had done nothing to deserve it. "Excuse me?! He's my husband! Why can't I meet my husband?" Her voice stern but not reaching the high level to scream, "I am sorry Your Highness but the king has ordered me let anyone bother him." He said, Panchaali sighed, this was stupid, similar orders Arjun gave to the guards in Indraprasth all the time but they knew not to stop her because he made sure to instruct them to let her in, the orders never applied to her, "Very well." She said in a calm and even voice, before she turned around and left.

Arjun sighed looking at all the papers that rested in front of him, documentation was one thing he hated about being a king, if they weren't so important he wouldn't have been doing them at all. The commotion out had him looking up from the parchments that lay scattered in front of him, he stood up and moved out, "What happened? What was this commotion about?" He asked as he looked at the guard that stood out his door, "Sorry my king, her highness Panchaali had been here. Do not worry I sent her back." He assured as he looked the King of Indraprasth, anger and frustration flared in Arjun's chest as he looked at the man in front of him, his fists clenched and jaw set as he glared at the man in front of him. "What did you tell her?" The sharp cold tone of Arjun had the guard quivering as he gulped nervously, his teeth gritted as he waited for the guard to answer, with his each word the fire in Arjun's chest blazed wilder, he dared insult her? This insolent brat! Dhananjay's hand wrapped around the neck of the man as he slammed the man hard against the wall, "I said not to let ANYONE BOTHER ME? BUT DO TELL ME WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT MY WIFE IS A BOTHER TO ME?" He snapped, his voice raising with each word as he glared at the man, Panchaali was his everything, he respected his wife and queen more than anything and hearing that someone disrespect her made him boil with fury.

"I being her husband never gaze at her harshly, but you, a complete stranger dared talk to her in such a manner? And you thought there won't be a consequence to that?!" His cold words had everyone trembling, as the man in Arjun's arms trembled as Dhananjay's hand tightened around the man's with each passing moment, making him choke.

"Mercy my King! Mercy! Please let my husband go!" A dasi fell on her knees, her hands joined together in a praying motion as begged him, Arjun's eyes fell on her, the overprotective and possessive monster in him demanded that he kill the man, but the king in him couldn't do that to the crying woman, he wanted nothing more than to tear this man open as he tightened his hand around the man's throat, the guard struggled harder as his face was slowly turning blue, terror reigned the environment as all the servants stared at their warrior prince, it was no secret how protective the warrior prince was of his wife, they all knew it but seeing something like this had stilled their heart.

"Arya!" Panchaali's heart thundered in her chest as she looked at her husband who was strangling one of the guards, she rushed forward, fear thrumming through her senses as she looked at him, his face was contorted in the mask of anger as he continued to tighten his finger on the neck of the man, who was slowly turning blue, she rushed next to him, "Arya please let him go!" She begged as she wrapped her hand around his hand,  willing him to loosen his hold, this was not what she had expected when she had one of the maids come rushing to her, "Arya please. " She begged as tears stung in her eyes, sure this man had been disrespectful to her but she didn't want him to die, "Arya please." Her voice trembled as she looked at her husband, a tear rolled down her cheek as fear tangled in her chest making her heart thrum, why wasn't he listening?!

His wife's teary voice had him snapping out of the angry haze that he had fallen his, his hard gaze moved to her, his heart squeezed as he looked at her teary eyes, she was crying, a sharp jolt of pain ran through him as he noticed her cry, he gave out a loud growl of anger as he swung the man in his hand back and threw him across the hallway on the pillar.

She flinched seeing the intensity of his anger, even though it was not directed her, his breathing coming out in harsh pants as agony tangled in his heart seeing her cry, his heart sizzled as he watched her tear trace down her soft creamy cheeks, ...

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She flinched seeing the intensity of his anger, even though it was not directed her, his breathing coming out in harsh pants as agony tangled in his heart seeing her cry, his heart sizzled as he watched her tear trace down her soft creamy cheeks, he caught the tear in his hand before it could fall, gazing at the precious drop, an unexplainable ache spasmed in his chest like it did every time he saw her cry, didn't she understand that he loved her? He hated to see her cry, with his every fiber he loved her, he couldn't help the over protectiveness and possessiveness that washed over him when it came to matters related to her, he loved her and he crave to protect her at every moment, one that threatens her instantly becomes his enemy no matter how small threat he possessed to her, if one didn't have the strength to face the wrath of Arjun they shouldn't mess with her, and if they did than they should be ready to face the consequences, trying to insult Panchaali would have consequences and this man knew that yet he tried to do that, bluntly insulting her when she did nothing to deserve him, his princess might be forgiving, it was her nature to be the kind, sweet woman that she was, she was a complete angel, he on the other hand was no less than a devil, and they had pissed off this blood thirsty over protective monster in him that cared for no one other than his beloved, he thirsted for their blood, to hear their scream and she was the only thing that held him back, that held the monster in him back, the woman he loved, his princess, his angel while he was the devil that had sworn to her protection, he was the beast and she was his heart, his sole reason to live, his beauty, his Panchaali. . .




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