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Years Later. . .

Arjun's eyes fluttered through the documents ahead of him.

Soft hands wrapped around his eyes, a smile appearing on his face. "Panchaali" He called making her pout, "Arya you caught me again?" She whined playfully a smile on his face, while he turned around, a teasing smirk on his face.

"Paarth won't recognise his Panchaali?" He teased, eyes sparkling with joy while he gazed at his blushing wife, whose cheeks were matching the dark shade of rose.

He chuckled making Panchaali's blush intensify, as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to his chest.

Her soft form fitting against his hard one perfectly like she was meant to be his.

Years had passed now since their marriage, fourteen years to be exact, they had three kids, Shrutkarm, their eldest son and two daughters Pragati and Pragya.

So much had changed yet nothing had.

Everything was different except their love for each other that seemed to grow with each passing moment.

He cupped her cheeks, a sigh of relief passing through his lips.

"After all this year's one would think that I'll get use to this sheer beauty. But the god knows that with each day you still make my breath hitch, I get lost in this dark doe shaped eyes. The scent of your blue lotuses making me lose my control. With each day I have ever loved you more. From the day I saw you under that tree in the forest shining, I knew you were the one for me. The one woman who I would love more than my life, protect and cherish every second of my breath. This fourteen years with you were the best of years of my life. You gave me everything, three loving kids, a best wife, and everything. You have been with me through thick and thin, smiling always beside me. I don't think I can express in words how much lucky I feel to have you. How much I love you Panchaali. "

He whispered, his words laced with honesty as, tears glazed in his eyes. The sheer happiness that he felt made his heart thud in his chest wildly making him gaze at her. A light smile on his face.

Panchaali's eyes stung with tears, as a joyous smile appeared on her lips, her heart thudding loudly in her chest while she gazed up at him.

She wanted to tell him how much she loved him, how much grateful she was to life for blessing her with a life partner like Arjun.

Who loved her like a lover, cared for her like a father, protected her as a brother and understood her as a friend.

Her entire world at the end was he.

He was her reason to smile, her reason to wake up. What words could express the love that she had in her heart for him.

No amount of words could express the love and bond that they shared, it was the most pure and soulful bond.

One that not many could understand, he was so much more than her husband, he was friend, a philosopher, her guide.

What words could she use to express what he was to her? Could any words explain,the way he made her heart thrum in her chest every time she looked at him. The way just the thought of him made her smile, the way she would miss him when she was away from him even for a second.

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