Chapter 38

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"Panchaali no, you're not doing it." Arjun said sternly as he looked at his wife who was playing chess with Govind, she completely ignored him, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she looked at her sakha. "Did you hear something Govind?" She asked, pretending to sound innocent, Krishn's eyes twinkled with joy as he looked at Arjun who huffed, his eyes shining with mirth.

"Must be a fly sakhi." He suggested, trying to sound nonchalant. "Madhav! You too?! You should be explaining to her." Dhananjay said incredulously, "A very insistent and annoying fly." Panchaali stated with fake seriousness, "indeed sakhi." Govind said, making Arjun groan annoyed.

"You both are meanies." He whined making the two chuckle, he pouted looking at Panchaali making her look at him,  she smiled as she moved towards him, "Aw arya. It is my first Karwachout how can I do it?"  She asked a smile on her face, he huffed, "But you are pregnant." He stated, "And?" She asked making him groan, "Govind make her understand!" He said looking at Krishn who raised his hand in the motion of surrender, "Don't pull me in between all this. Lesson number one Paarth don't ever mess with married woman and their customs. They are scary when they are angry." He said faking a shudder pretending to be scared,  Arjun groan and rolled his eyes as Panchaali giggled.

"How am I supposed to win against you two?" He asked groaning, "You can't, no one can defeat team double Krishna." Krishn said amusedly making Panchaali giggle harder, Dhananjay smiled seeing her giggling. His heart lighting up with joy hearing her giggles, a smile on his face. "It's late I'll go and sleep. I'll see you two tomorrow. Good night." Madhav said with a smile before he walked out of the room as Arjun and Panchaali wished him a good night.

"Can we go for a walk arya?" She asked, a smile on her face as she gazed up at him. He cupped her cheek before pressing his lips to her forehead, "Anything you wish love." He whispered against her forehead, her soothing flowery scent making him forget everything else, calmness settling in his heart making him sigh, there was nothing like the feel of completion that one got from being with their beloved. The simple gesture of kissing her forehead made him feel at ease, he couldn't put it in words the simple happiness he got by simply just kissing her forehead or lacing his fingers with hers making him feel a joy that he failed to put in words, simple gestures that meant nothing to others, with his love for Panchaali, they meant the world to him, her simple curve of lips could make his heart light up with joy while her one dear could shatter it into million pieces.

"Arya?" Her sweet baritone had him snapping out of his daze, he blinked a few times as he looked at her, a smile on his face. She gazed up at him, "Let's go." He said as he guided her out to the gardens.

Ulekha stood in the shadows watching the couple take a stroll to the gardens, fury feeling her to the core of her heart as she watched the two smile at each other. She will kill Panchaali at every cost, give her such a painful death that even her guardian angel would be scared, she promised herself as she turned around and marched to Duryodhan's room.

She slammed the door open, Shakuni and Duryodhan looked up from the table where various maps lay. "You guys are wasting your time here while day by day Arjun and Panchaali are growing closer!" She snapped as she glared at the two, "Unlike you, we are  actually doing our work while you run around like a spoiled brat." Shouted Duryodhan, "Work my foot! You both are just wasting time." She snapped fury filling her system as shr glared at the two men, whose jaws set as the nerve in their temple ticked as they glared at her. "If you are in so much hurry why the hell don't you do something!" Gandhar Raj snapped, his eyes blazing with fury, this woman was on the path of destruction and he refused to go down with her, he refused to let her destroy everything that he had worked so hard to keep together, he knew handling alone Arjun was a task in itself, and now Vasudev was here too. It would be idiocy to make any move now, those two together were a force to be reckoned, not someone you mess with. Shakuni was no fool, he knew defeating them was a task on its own,  he knew his strengths and weakness, if he wanted to kill Vasudev and Arjun, he needed to do careful detailed planning, he needed to plan something big, something out of the box, something that was so big and destructive that no one could even think about. Being impulsive like Ulekha would only lead them to death.

Sindh Kumari smiled, menace filling her eyes as she looked at the two. "I knew you two were useless. Hence I have already planned something. Tomorrow's sun rise would not bring joy and happiness, tomorrow with sunrise would begin the Rudr Tandav of Shiv. Death will dance in Hastinapur, families would be given as ahuti in the fire of my hatred, tomorrow's sunrise would come with the biggest destruction of mankind in Aryavart. People will beg for mercy, we'll cry for it, but nothing shall be given, no mercy shall be given to anyone, all shall die tomorrow!" She rambled menacingly, her eyes shining with insanity as she had Shakuni and Duryodhan look at each other, she looked completely insane in the moment, "What have you done?!" Shakuni asked, a feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach, she just laughed like a crazy woman, her cold, emotionless laughter filled the room as she laughed harder before all of sudden she turned serious, her eyes met theirs, all traces of humour gone as they looked at her.

She moved towards them like she was in trance, the two looked at her, terror slithering through them as she moved in their personal space, "death shall reign tomorrow, if you can, go and stop it. Stop the destruction that is about to befall on your people. Everyone will die. Everyone." She promised making their fists clench, they glared at her, their faces darkening in anger. "You are insane." Shouted Duryodhan, who the hell did this woman think she was? She think she could destroy a great kingdom like Hastinapur? Her? A woman, the thought was hilarious to think about, What destruction could a woman ever bring? He smirked arrogantly as he looked her in the eyes, his eyes shining with arrogance as he gazed at her, "You are a woman, a female, a subordinate to man. You all are just meant for Kitchen and bedrooms of a man. What destruction can a woman bring? You'll soil the food? Because that is all that you woman can do in the name of destruction." Taunted making her growl, her eyes lighting with fury as she glared at him, her fists tightened on her sides as she glared at them, "Tomorrow you shall regret all the words that you have spoken. You shall hate each of this words, You shall forever be lost. You all shall be nothing but ashes flying in the air. " she growled glaring at the two men in front of her. . .




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