Chapter 37

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"Govind?" Panchaali called surprised as she walked down the shiv temple, a smile spreading on her face as a feeling of calmness and ecstasy ran through her, while she gradually erased the distance between her and her sakha, who continued to smile at her, his eyes lighting up with joy. He held his arms open, after what felt like forever he had seen her, it had been so long. Seeing her smiling eased his heart as he wrapped his arms around her, "Are you happy sakhi?" Was his first question,he embraced her, her soft blue lotus scent feeling his senses making him forget all about everything else. One of his finest creation, a pure hearted soul that made him feel like a proud father,who had given good manners to his kid.

"I am very happy Govind." She answered his questions once she pulled back, a wide smile bloomed on her face as she looked up at her sakha. "Congratulations on being a mother dear Sakhi, you are lucky to be blessed by nature's most beautiful gift. May happiness always follow your path dear friend." He blessed as he placed his hand on her forehead making her eyes shut as a feeling of utter bliss washed over him, the feel of completeness had her sighing,she opened her eyes, her gaze meeting his mischievous dark ones, "What brings you hear Govind? Not that I am complaining, I am just curious." She asked as she looked up at him, "My Paarth is going to be a father and my Sakhi, a mother. How could Vasudev Krishn miss this opportunity to visit?" He asked making her smile, she looked at him, her eyes lighting up with happiness. "Govind Satya and jiji Rukmini didn't come?" She asked as she looked up at him, making him smile, "They'll be coming soon." He said, "Now are you going to ask me all the questions here or are you going to take me to Hastinapur palace too?" He teased making her cheeks heat up as she looked at him, "I am so sorry Govind it just slipped my mind, come come let's go home." She said with a chuckle as she guided him towards the chariot, the two sat in and soon it moved towards the palace of Hastinapur.

Panchaali smiled once they reached Hastinapur, Krishn got down and held his hand out to get Panchaali down. She smiled, "Pranipat Vasudev." Ulekha greeted as she walked out, a smile on her face as she looked at Krishn who mentally raised a brow, his eyes moved to Panchaali and back to Ulekha, he knew soon his Paarth would be needing his help.

"Pranipat Sindh Kumari." He greeted a smile on his face, Ulekha glared at Panchaali who smiled, oblivious to her intent, "What a pleasant surprise Vasudev." She said with a smile as she looked at them, "of course Sindh Kumari, I have heard that there are great plannings being done for the Diwali festival so I thought I'll give my assistance too." Krishn said, his eyes holding millions of secrets as he looked at her, Ulekha glared, her teeth gritted as she fisted her hands. Did he know what she was planning? She had heard all about the rumours about Vasudev having some special powers, Ulekha smirked, people thought he was god but she knew the truth he was nothing but an actor. Good for nothing man, somehow he had got to know about her plan, there was a spy in between them, it has to be. Otherwise how would he know about her plans, she glared at him, he could do all the things that he wanted but what she had planned even god himself wouldn't be able to stop her.

"Oh Vasudev the plannings are going great, and trust me when I say that plan to go through each one of them at every cost, there is nothing or no one that could stop me from succeeding." She said in her sugary sweet voice, her eyes on the other hand were a different story, they glared at him with malice, another hurdle in her path, she thought as she glared at a very amused Krishn, who gave her a humorous smile, "Celebrating your victory before you achieve it is a foolishness. I suggest that you avoid it. At times we ourselves end up falling in the holes that we have dug for others. What you sow is what you get, it is a simple rule of Karma my dear. So I suggest you make your choices wisely." He said with a smile, he knew very well that she wouldn't listen, a person who is intoxicated by their ego listens to none, he knew but he had to try, he didn't know why but at times he hoped that this misguided souls would listen. He sighed, as he watched her glare intensify, at times a person builds their path of destruction on their own, how do they end up forgetting that if you build a path of thorns for others you wouldn't get the path of rose petals either, Karma spares no one. He smiled, people learned in different ways, and time was a great professor, he taught the rule of Karma to everyone, some understood merely by words and followed the path of dharma while others needed a little strict ways, they have to go through some hard ways and learn the way to dharma, while there are also some who fail to learn after all the attempts and end up getting lost in darkness forever but at the end they all meet and be one in Krishn, he is the ultimate destination, whether you choose dharma or not decides whether your journey will be a easy one or hard one. He smiled, a simple truth that people fail to understand, he didn't know what was so difficult about it. He had made this world with the hopes that love will rule, that unity will be the strength, that this people will leave in peace and harmony, he sighed disappointed.

Looking at his all his children he now often wondered whether his decision was correct. He sighed, evil was trying to overpower the evil, he sighed why do people always forget that sun can be eclipsed only for a while, similarly dharma can never be over powered by adharm.

He smiled at her, "All the best for all your plannings Sindh kumari." He said with a smile, Ulekha glared at him, what was this man so confident about? She decided that she will teach him a lesson, she will make him and his so called sakhi make realise that they were nothing compared to her, she glared at the two, first she had to worry about getting rid of Panchaali now she has to worry about getting rid of this Vasudev Krishn, she glared as she watched the two of them, her hands fisted.

"Madhav?" Arjun's excited voice had the three of them turning, a wide smile appeared on his face as he looked at Krishn. Who grinned with with complete, joy, he moved towards him and wrapped his arms around Krishn, "It's so good to see you Madhav." He whispered as he hugged him closer, the complete calmness and serenity washed over him as he hugged him closer, holding him closer not willing to let go. Krishn chuckled as he hugged him back, "I missed you too Paarth." He chuckled, his arms tightening around his best friend, after what felt like he had met him, "Now I know why jiji Rukmini and Satya say that you guys are like a couple." Panchaali teased as the two pulled back a giggle leaving her mouth, "Sakhi.. " Krishn whined, making her and Paarth chuckle at his antics. . .




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